Week 3 Work Ingles

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Week 3 - Assignment - Frequency

Marxia Lenina Vasquez Pintado Anyelo Gianbranco Linares Carmen

Phiero Sánchez Sánchez

L: Hi Piero, How are you? I haven’t seen you for a long time.
P: Good afternoon Leni! I’m happy, I'm happy I got 20 in my chemistry exam.
P: And you?
L: I’m tired, a little stressed by classes but it is a controllable.
P: What do you think if we go out today in the afternoon to distract ourselves?
L: oh yes, that’s a good idea.
L: Just Anyelo spoke to me and told me that his class ends in 5 minutes.
Latter 5 minutes:
A: Hi guys. What’s up? What’s the plan?
L: Hi Anye. We are planning to go out but we don't know where.
A: And that miracle who want to leave?
P: Well, Leni told me that she's stressed and the plan is to distract us.
L: How about we go to the beach at 4:30 to watch the sunset?
P: For me it is fine, though it's cold.
A: Yes, but another day because at 4:30 I can’t, I have a soccer game.
A: What do you think if we spend it for Saturday at noon?
L: It's fine for me, I'm free on Saturday.
P: I won't be able to, on Saturdays because I start work at 12.
L: Then tell me your schedules so I can coordinate well.
A: I go to play soccer twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
P: I work every weekends from 12 to 6 p.m.
L: So, how about if we go out Friday afternoon?
P: Okay, I'm free from 3 p.m.
A: Sounds good to me, I get off at 4 p.m.
L: Perfect, then we meet for Friday at 5 p.m.
L: Now where do you suggest to go?
P: I suggest going to the movies, Thor just came out.
A: I was just thinking about going to the movies too.
L: I think it's great.
L: See you Friday at 5 p.m at the cinema.
P: Okey, see you Friday.
A: Good bye guys!

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