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V Model
Advantages and
Disadvantages |
What is V-Model?
When and How To
Use It?Merits and
January 7, 2022 by Prasanna

V Model Advantages and Disadvantages:

SDLC is the acronym used for the software
development lifecycle. It is a framework
development that organizations apply to the
systematic and cost-effective production of
high-quality software.

Both large-scale and small-scale software

organizations utilize the SDLC method to build
reliable and effective software. These
organizations follow development standards
that range from quick to lean methods to a
waterfall and similar others.

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The software development lifecycle supplies all

organizations with a systematic, step-by-step
strategy to generate successful software from
assembling the primary requirements for a fresh
and original product.

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The SDLC consists of various models, one of

which is the mention-worthy V Model.

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The V Model is a kind of SDLC model where the

process performs sequentially in a V shape. It is
also known as the VeriIcation and Validation
model or V Model. It is based on the association
of a trial phase for each analogous development

In simpler words, the V Model is developed

during the development of each movement
which is directly associated with the trial phase.
The following phase starts simply after the
completion of the last phase for every
development activity; there is a speciIc testing
activity corresponding to the phase prior.

What is Meant by V Model?

One of the notable beneIts of the waterfall
STLC model was the defects found later by
engineers at the end of the software
development cycle.

It grew highly challenging and expensive to Ix

the defects since engineers found them at a
very later stage. Hence, a new development
model was introduced to overcome this
problem. This development model was termed
the “V Model.”

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V model presently is one of the most extensively

used software development processes. The
foundation of the V model has conIrmed the
implementation of testing right from the
fundamental phase of the development of
software. V model is also known as a
veriIcation and validation model.

To follow the V model, users should Irst

understand what the role of veriIcation and
validation is in software development.


VeriIcation is an inactive analysis method. In

this method, testing is carried out without
administering the code- for instance, inspection,
reviews, and walk-through.


Validation is a dynamic analysis method where

testing is carried out by administering the code-
for instance, including subjects like functional
and non-functional testing systems can be
categorized under validation.

The V Model consists of various phases for

different stages.

In this particular article, the topics

corresponding to V Model are discussed
explicitly below.

The Advantages of V Model

The Disadvantages of V Model
A Comparison Table for the advantages
and disadvantages of V Model
FAQS on the Pros and Cons of V Model

Advantages of V Model
1. Uncomplicated Use: The framework of
the V model is highly uncomplicated. The
environment is quite user-friendly and
provides a solid base for or software
development for small-scale developers.
The design environment is relatively
straightforward and Inds candid used in
the software development industry.
2. Time saver: V model is simple to use,
and trial activities such as designing,
planning, and development take place
before coding the software, which saves a
turn-off time for busy developers who are
heaped with work about the day. The
chance of success due to quick designing
and a well-integrated system is also the
cost for higher success rates.
3. Proactive error-tracking: The V Model
environment consists of a proactive error
tracking method that helps engineers Ix
bugs and other system errors and build
the software in less time than the available
time frame.
4. No downward data Eow: The V Model
design framework is highly sophisticated
and hence has no loopholes. It does not
allow unidirectional or downward data
Wow during the development process of
the said software.
5. Straightforward design: The design of
the V Model is quite simple. The
developers of the V model work to make
this model straightforward to understand;
hence they have made the architecture
simple yet highly eYcient.

Disadvantages of V Model
1. Highly rigid: The V Model is highly rigid.
It is formed for the ease of development of
highly complicated software. The V Model
is relatively rigid in the case of utilization.
The structure may seem simple, but the
execution and methods are pretty
complex compared to other design
environments or models.
2. Limited Eexibility: The V model is not
very Wexible. It isn’t elementary and takes
time for new developers to get used to it.
The architecture is easy to follow, but it
has limited Wexibility in terms of design. It
is overall not suitable for use in the
process of development of object-oriented
projects. The model design does not
support highly complex calculations either
hence it is very inadequate for use.
3. No prototype guidance: The V Model
software is developed during the
implementation phase, so no initial
prototypes of the software are produced.
Due to the lack of prototype guidance, it is
unsuitable for use to develop complicated
or professional software that requires a
precise, solid, and sound execution design.
4. Mass updating: The process of software
development is fraught with trouble and
errors. Engineers try their utmost to
develop a model to build the best software
that suits every requirement. To make sure
the developed model is at its Inest, there
are many trial and error stages involved.
The worst drawback about the V Model is
its update feature. Unlike most highly
professional software, the V Model uses
massive updates of both the test
documents and requirement documents if
something goes wrong midway.
5. Risky: The management of the total
environment is volatile and risky. It is not
suitable for use to build object-oriented
software due to its uncertainties in the

A Comparison Table for

Advantages And
Disadvantages of V Model

Advantages Disadvantages

The use of the V

Model is The V model is very

straightforward rigid and hard to

and easy for the execute compared to

development of other software.


The V Model
The design has limited
architecture helps
Wexibility in terms of its
to save a lot of
execution.  It is overall
time compared to
not suitable to use for
the general
building object-oriented
process of

The V Model software

The V Model
is developed during the
provides a
phase of
proactive error
implementation, so no
tracking feature for
initial prototypes of the
software are produced.

In the environment Both test documents

of the V Model, and requirement

there is no problem documents require to

with the downward be updated if there is

data Wow. any fault in the system.

The V Model is

straightforward to

use, and the The management of

architecture is the V model is pretty

candid, which is a risky and unstable.

plus point in its


FAQ’s on Pros and Cons of V

Question 1.
What are the requirements for the software
development of the V Model?

The requirements for the software in the
analysis phase are accumulated by analyzing
the requirements of the. This particular phase
has to do with what the development system
has to perform. Generally, the users who will be
using the software are interviewed, and an
oYcial document is generated accordingly.

Question 2.
What is the architecture design of the V Model
Software developer?

The design of the computer architecture can be
referred to you as a professional design. The
foundation is selecting the architecture that can
realize all the major components of various
models and their functionality. It also includes
details about architecture diagrams, interface
relationships, database tables, etc.

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Question 3.
What is the primary disadvantage of the V

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The major disadvantage of the V Model is its
rigidity and most limited Wexibility. If any
changes occur midway, then developers must
update the test documents and also
requirement documents.

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