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Name (Optional): Sex:

Age: Academic Strand:

Strongly Agree Sometimes Disagree Strongly

Agree (4) (3) (2) Disagree
(5) (1)
1. I don’t wake up while
2. I feel vigorous after
3. My sleep hours are
4. My fatigue is relieved
after sleep.
5. I feel refreshed after
6. I am satisfied with
my sleep.
7. I have clear head
after sleep.
8. I am good at
managing the
responsibilities of daily
9. When I look at the
story of my life, I am
pleased with how
things have turned so
10. I have confidence in
my own opinions, even
if they are different
from the way most
other people think.
11. I judge myself by
what I think is
important, not by the
values of what others
think is important.
12. For me, life has
been continuous
process of learning,
changing, and growth.
13. I like most parts of
my personality.
14. I think it is
important to have new
experiences that
challenge how I think
about myself and the

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