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Ba DEPARTMENT OF MINES GEOLOGICA. SURVEY THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTRY AROUND PRETORIA AN EXPLANATION OF SHEETS 2527DA, DB, DC, DD AND 2528CA, CB, CC, CD ‘complied by H, JANSEN. THIS PUBLICATION {5 ALSO AVAILABLE IN AFRIKAANS WITH THE TITLE DIE GEOLOGIE VAN DIE LANDSTREEK RONDOM PRETORIA Price R390 Foreign R490 Post Free THE MAPS EAST AND THE MAPS WEST OF THE 28 LONGITUDE ARE AVAILABLE ONLY IN SEPARATE SETS OF FOUR 1:50 000 SHEETS AT R3 PER SET. EACH SET IS PROVIDED WITH A LEGEND. 1977 DEPARTMENT OF MINES ‘GEOLOGICAL SURVEY THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTRY AROUND PRETORIA [AN EXPLANATION OF SHEETS 2527DA, DB, DC, DD AND 2528CA, CB, CC, CD compiled by 1H. JANSEN, De. ‘COPYRIGHT RESERVED Fea Bona oe Te Grane Pr o DEPARTMENT OF MINES. WP. Vion, A, ey GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Director W. Loan Wyk PR. eed by Former Bey Bietor pees ae 2. Wino, 8.6 ons) Che Gora cy oa mr, av. coxrents ABSTRACT « As LOCATION AND AREA OF REGION se seeeeeeee BL COMMUNICATIONS «+++ Ce PREVIOUS WORK «++ D. PRESENT INVESTIGATION .. 1B, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PHYSTOGRAPHY 5. DRATNAGE « GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS ARCHAEAN COMPLEX «2+ As SWAZILAND SYSTEM BL JAMESTOWN IGNEOUS SUITE sessseeesessesesesereseee Co GRANITE ee DOMINION REE SYSTEM. WITWATERSRAND SYSTEM « TRANSVAAL SYSTEM « A. BLACK REEF SERIES ... 3. DOLOMITE SERIES 2. Decomposition Products end Sinkheles SoieOrigin| eee ceatreusees- FTO ©. PRETORIA SERIES te Timeball HDI Stage ++. 2. Daspoort Stage seeeseseseeeesescseeeecnenenees Pave 12 6 8 ° a BPs 27 33 re xr, wm. WATERBERG SYSTEM KAROO SYSTEM . a TERTIARY AND QUATERNARY DEPOSITS ....eeee+eseseues INTRUSIVE ROCKS OF PRE-TRANSVAAL AGE. DUSHVELD IGNEOUS COMPLEX AND RELATED ROCKS «+++ 3. Magaliesberg Stage - 4, Saelterskop stage Dwi seRrEs CCA SERIES 222-2405 ALLVIUM ose cravat SAND scres PERRICRETE SURFACE LIMESTONE... LAMPROPHYRE AND RELATED ROCKS « DIABASE «4. QUARTZ FELSITE ... FELSITE ‘WE STLL-PHASE OF THE BUSHVELD TaMBOUS COMPLEX... ‘THE BASTC PORTION OF THE BUSHVELD ToMEOUS conpLEx Ae Basel Norite Unit sseseee 2. Pyroxenite Unit s+. 3+ Anorthosite Unit . Ae Norste Unit ceeeeeee 5+ Porphyritic Pyroxenite Unit «. 6. Gabbro unit .. 7+ Forrogebbro unit ... 8, Utrabasic Poguatotds sseeeseeseeee ACID PORTION OF TH BUSHVELD ToNEOUS COMPLEX ... 1. Granophyre « perp Rocks METAMORPHIC ROCKS «+... a 46 46 46 xv. xv. avn. avin. TINFRUSIYE ROCKS OP POST-WATERBERG AGE «+++. + 66 |A. PILANESBERG DYKE SYSTEM 7 B, LRBUNFONTEIN IGNEOUS COMPLEX «+. ” ¢.FRANSPOORT ToNEOUS COMPLEX Bore 7 1D, ROOUEPIAAT TONEOUS COMPLEX +++++-+ 88 1, DERDRPOORT DIATREME . seitaiestit tei doy Mea F. BASIC AND HYBRID ROCKS «+... 86 G. KIMBERLITE -.-2+++ 88 He METAMORPHIC ROCKS 5. ele foal INTRUSIVE ROCKS OF UNCERTAIN AGE «. - 98 [As BASIC, ULTRABASIC AND HYBRID ROCKS sesesereeeses 92 B. SYENITIC AND INTERMEDIATE ROCKS . C.DIABASE AND DOLERITE s+eseseeeeee 3m. INTRUSIVE ROCKS OF POST-KAROO AGE -eeeceeeeeceeseeee 95: [STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY «+--+. eset [As STRUCTURES OF PRE-TRANSVAAL AGE ceseeseeceeeeses 95 1B, STRUCTURES OF POST-TRANSYAAL AGE seesseeereeeere 98 * Granavasl Formations SiG 2. Structures in the Transvaal System cessesess 98 J. Detailed Structures in the Tranavanl System 300 4b, Structures in the Bushveld Igneous Complex . 105 C. STRICTURES OF WATERBERG AND POST-VATERBERG AGE. 106 D, THE PRETORTA—JOWANNESBURG DOME 106 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY «esesesseeeeeeeeeeecseetececncerees 109 DIAWONDS -eeeeeeeeeee 109 (ona aise serene teed 109 PLATINUM-GROUP METALS 110 RBigicomautisests tecsst cha. sarciees gous ashe Soceee Oana FL LEAD, ZINC AND SILVER sessseesereesseseecsersess 112 6. copreR AND SILVER . a3 Ho DISWTHIe sts: sureteodrsseaterens a3 Te MANGANESE -2eeeeseneceeeeeseeeeee a3 3. TRON AND vaNaDrUM 43 K. CHROME see ns APPENDIX 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY «4.043 wpex 18 Fige a 1 Pave 1, SOUTH AFRICAN JADE seseeeeseeees 417 * ites cee 47 m a7 © 18 PB 19 e 119 R u9 5. DIMENSTON STONE... ona Te CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL « 1235 1. UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES «. 126 ecgere se hela 330 ‘LIST oF TLLvStaartons, Pace ‘se fault and inbrication in road cutting on vest side of Raymond Avenue, Naterkloo! Ridge Northern slope of Skanskop, Pretoria « Section through No. i quarry, Cullinan Refractories Tea ss sg0-124 Geological wap of the Fountains Yelley locality « a7 Plates Cross-folding in Pretoria Series in an excavation for “ {THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTRY AROUND PRETORIA anstrace Me ares is bounded by Latitudes 25°30" and,2600" § and longituées 27° 30" and 28°30' F and is approximately 5 U0 km? in area, Tt is densely populated around Pretoria and vell served ty roads and railways. Alti~ tudes usually range between 1 030 are the Wtwatersberg and the Magaliosberg, the Latter attaining an altitude of 1 330 m, The present surface 1s disuected pre-Karoo topography with Superimposed drainage by the Crocodile and Picnears, Rive ‘Tho Archaean Complex consists largely of granitic rocks such as bictite, tonalite, trondjnemite, granodiorite, and gneissic and si ilend System snd the }own Igneous Suite. The Swaziland System is poorly developed and con ‘sists of quartz-sericite schist. Most of the schist, particularly below the Black Reef Series, is sheared granite and possibly younger acid lavas fond sodinents, The Janostown Igneous Suite is largely composed of green Stones but pyroxenitic, gabbroic, dioritic and hybrid rocks alze occurs ‘™s post-granite pre-Transvaal foraations form incomplete successions and occupy relatively suall areas, The Dominion Reef System is represented by felsite and quarts porphyry, the Hospital Hill Series of the Witwaters- rand System by quartzite and siate, ins synclinal structur. Ventersdorp System by argillaceous’ and arenaceous ded coarse clastics. Local occurrences of quartz porphyry under’ the Black Reef Series may belong either to the Dominion Reef of Vantersiorp. Systems ‘Te Transvaal Syston rests unconformably on the Archacan granite and Ventersdorp Syston and contains the entire succession from the Black Reef to the Smelterskop Stage, It is also locally represented in xenolite hic occurrences in the Bushveld Igneous Complexe The Black Reof Séries consists of conglomerate, grit and quartzite fol- Loved by alternating shale and quartzite and locally grades into the over= Lying Dolomite Series whieh ie a thick succession of dolor © and arenaceous sediments and, perticularly near the top, mi= merous chert bands. Large masses of chert breccia accumulated during’ seve- Fal erosion periods. The contact betvoen the Dolomite and Pretoria series is locally characterized by transition beds of alternating quartzite, con Glonerate, shale and chert, The Timeball Mil] Stage commences with an are Gfllaceous succession (shale, siltstone, slate) followed by alternating beds cf shale, quartzite and subgrayvacke, including the magnetic aiart= zite. Te Daspoort Stage 1s subdivided into a lowest aubstage of shale with interbedded oolitic ironstone, calcareous Layers, tilleid and quart= site; the Ongeluk Substage largely of Lava snd pyrociastice; and an upper batage of shale vith interbedded ferruginous and quartzitic Tayer® and 1itie ironstone followed by the main quartzite at the tops The Ha boro stage ie « thick succession of shaly beds with interbedded carbone eous, calcareous, cherty and, more rarely, aggloneratic layers, overlain by the main quartzite at ‘the top, Te bedr of the Selterskep, Stage are as ‘a rule invaded and transformed into metamorphic rocks by the Bushveld To. feous Complex and post-Waterberg intrusions. They are characterized by ra- Pid alternation of shaloy siltetone, quarteite and aubgraywacke, locally With thin bands of Limestone, dolomite and lavs ‘The Vaterberg Syston occupies @ broad ayncline and consists Largely of quertzitic sandstone and grit with conglomerate, breccia andy more rarely, shaly bands. The patchy distribution of the Karoo Syston is mainly deter- Mined by pre-Karco depressions and the beds are in general poorly exposed. ‘The Dvyka Series contiats of tillite, conglomerate and sandstone and the Ecce Series of sandstone, grit, conglomerate and shale, locally vith coal Seams. Surface deposits include alluvium, gravel, sand, scree, ferricrete fand surface Limestone. ‘The intrusive rocks in the area display @ great variety in age, origin and composition, Dyker of pre-Tranavasl age in the Archacan granite are Coaposed of lanprophyre, diabage and quartz feisite, The Bushveld Tgneous Complex of post-iransvaal age occupies the northern and north=western por= tions of the area. Its onplaconent vas preceded by the extrusion of fel~ site on the uppermost beds of the Saelterskop Stage and by the intrusion of numerous silla of Giabase and related rocks in the Pretoria Series. In the western portion of the area the sill# contain noritic, pyroxenitic and peridoritic aifrerenti ates. ‘Te basic portion of the complex vas omplaced before the acid portion. ‘the tayered basic and ultrabasie rocks are chronologically subdivided into basal norite, pyroxenite, anorthosite, norite, porphyritic pyroxenitey Gabbro and Zerrogebbro unite, Delts of mostly setanorphosed sediments of he Suelterskep Stage intervene in the Layered sequence near the floor and Between the basse and acid portions of the complex. Assimilation of the Floor has 1ed to the formation of hybrid and wiguatitic rocks vhich are Atscciated with the Dasal norite unit, North of Pretoria the pyroxenitey Gnorthosite, norite and porphyritie pyroxenite unite, including chronitite bands and the Nerensky Reef (peguatite sub-unit of the porphyritic py- Foxenite unit) are not developed, North-east of Pretoria the basal norite, Gebbro and Zerrogabiro unite terminate against the Saclterskop beds. The Gebbro unit contains noritie and Locally anorthositic and pyroxenttic rock hear the base, In the ferrogabbro unit magnetitite bands, trectolite and anorthositie frocks occur and, at the top, locally also intermediate rocks such se ferrodiorite and syonito. Pipes of ultrabasic pegnatoids, harzburgite, dunit roxenite and magnetite are intrusive in the Layered basic and ultral rock: ‘The younger portion of the complex consists of aranophyre and graniti me latter is mibdivided into coarse-grained and mediun-grained varieties, Metamorphic rocks within the complet and in the metanorphic aureole south of it are andalusite or chiastolite slate, cordierite hornfelsy dif- Zerent types of cale-silicate hornfels, feldspathised quartzite and Mep- tite, Intrusions of post-Faterberg age consist of numerous dykes which partly hatang th tha dyke svarm radiating from the Pilanesbera, and sevoral com plexes of predominantly alkaline rocks in the north-eastern portion of the areay nanely the Locwfontein and Franspoort complexes and the Roodeplaat Conplex or volcanos Other intrusions are transgressive sill of basic and hybrid rocks, the Derdepoort diatrene and mall Kiaberlite pipes. The dy- je with gabbrotdal varieties and syenitic rocks, Se, syenite, yr tinguaite, and lanprophyric varieties. They are partly composite, The alkaline complexes contain a great variety of rocks Fanping from syenodiorite, syenite and usptekite to undersaturated rocks such as foyaite, urtite and jacupirangite. The effusive rocks are trachy- Gndesite, trachyte, felsite, breccia or agglomerate and tusfaceous rock Breceia and cartonatite are’ the chief constituents of the Derdepoort dl treme. ‘The Basic and hybrid rocks are partly granophyric and grade into pocudofelsitey which i# considered to be a product of conconttant diffo~ entiation of the basic magna snd assimilation of quartett The ages of the following suites have not deen definitely established: intrusive bodies or pipes of pyroxenitic, gabbroid and hybrid racks in the Archaoan granite, sills of ayenitic to intersediate rocks mainly in the Dolomite Series; and sone doleritic dykes. A fey dykes and sills of dole ‘The main structural features are the southern portion of the Transvas? basin, which has been invaded by the Bushveld Igneous Complex, ond a, done Like Structure with « core of Archaean granite in the south: The Letter probably originated a2 s dome during and after the enplacensnt of the Bushveld Igneous Complex. Finally, Jarge-scale faulting tock place in the vicinity of Pretorie amd to the south-east. Oblique tear faults and Locel overthrusts were formed by shearing couples, Faulting hes not affected the dyken of the Pilanesberg dyke system. Several mineral dozosits have been exploited, for instance gold and iron at the old Wasikraal Mino, lead st the old Edendale Mine, coal at the old Rogerston Colliery, mall copper, silver and mercury north-east of Pretoris, talc deposits on Hennoparivier 48) JQ, and South African jade on Buftelstontein 465 JQ and Turtfontein 462 Jac se present the clay deposits on Olifantsfonteiny Boekenhoutaklooférist 206 J® and other localities are exploited for the manufacture of ceramics and brick: Mineral deposits of potential economic valve in the area are the venedfun bearing titensferous magnet itite bande, the chromitite bands, and possibly tho platinifercus Nerensky Reef in the Bushveld Igneous Complexe ‘The water-bearing properties of the formations differ considerably. Good aquifers are the Dolomite Series, quartzite and some shale bands in the Preteria Series, the Archasan granite, and the norite and granite of ‘the Bushveld Igneous Complex vhen deaply weathered and Jointed. High yields are obtained from springs in the Dolomite Series, which are. gene Fully of tne fracture type and occasionally aiss of the’ contact OF barrier types ummonucrToN. ‘A, LOCATION AND AREA OP REGION ‘The 8 shogts (252708, DB, DC, DD and 2528CA, cB, Cc, CB) are bounded by Latitudes 25°30" and 26%" § aya longitudes 27°30" and’ 28°30" E and covers fan area approximately 5 440 kn®. It includes portions of the folleving Gistricts: Pretoria, Brits, Rustenburg, Krugersdorp, Kempton Park, Cullinan fand Bronkhorstspruit. The centrel portion is densely populated, containing the fast-growing capital and the town of Verwoerdburg. The rest is lest nd industrial centre in the north-west. commun tcarr0ns To road network is continuously expanding as a result of the rapid growth of Pretoria and industrial development. Pretoria is also e railway Centre from which several Lines leed to the Northern, Western and Eastern ‘Transvaal and the Witwatersrand. . PREVIOUS WoRE ‘the present map is a revised edition of Shect Now 1 which was published in 1929) with the explanation entitled: "Tho geology of the country sur= Elunding Pretoria” by Mu Kynaston, revised by LJ. Xeige and B-V. Lonbaard. ‘The map and explanation are out of print and since their publication date on the geological and economic aspects have accumulated to such an extent Ghat a Pevioed edition is more than Justified, Several others also contri- buted to the previous edition, notably Ask, i Toit, PeA. Wagner and S.J. D. PRESENT INVESTIGATION ime rovieton of the area started in 1940. The folloving monbers of coolgaieal Survey neve taken part in this progrenme: LeWait. Blom (1952, $553); Fad~ Coortze (1949, 1952, 1963) Re Cooke (1956); C.P. Foure (395455 Bad, Loubser (1956); 26.8. Morgan (1949); K.6. Seager (3960); Wore Smith (1996)4 Asks Snyman (4954); RePAH. Tefchmann (1962); BIN: Temperdey (1972, 3973) and HaNe Visser (1952, 1952). Cortain portions of the area have been investigated in sore detail, ainly in connection with mineral deposits, foundation problems and under~ Ground water resources. In particular the dolomite area south of Pretoria fas been the subject of detailed investigations, including detailed map- Ding, geophysical surveys and drilling programmes, The results of thes Special investigations are incorporated in part in the text and acconpeny- ing saps. The contributors are Listed in Table 1. out by Hy Jansen, atsisted by ‘The compilation of the data was carr G. Sohifeno and MD. du Pl Subject Contributors Dolonite area (dolomite and | D-R. Pike, Ry J. Kleyweat, sinkhole investigation) Hi Janseny BL Sekirsky, 1 Stretton, P. Roux, W, Rech, Gs Schifanoy 1 tore city of Pretoria and area fo the south (detail. Yeys, alto of excavation emperiey and stat?, Pike and staff, 0 Plessis yon Backstrtm, Magni Engineering and foundation Pike, ReJ- Kleyweot, problens (see alzo dolomite | A; van Schallayk, P. Roux, area) Elk. Magni ‘Area around Pelindaba Jee Eneling LiBs Kent, SIRI Vooter, T-E. Dicker Underground water K.P. Bennetts, We Simpson, DID. van Reonen Clay investigation Mognetite in Bushverd gatbro | F.J. Coortze, F.8.J. de Jager Table 1 (conta) Subject Contributors Derdepoort dintrene Wed. Vervoord Tale deposits Since the publicaticn of the 9f Geological Survey. They also have bean incorporated in part. in the text and accompanying tap.” In the text reference ia frequently made to publications of these contributors, ynich are also Listed in the bibliogra- phy. “Most publications by menbers of Geological Survey have appeared in the Annals, Bulletins ad Memoirs of Geological Survay and im the Transactions of the Geclogicel Society of Gouth Africa. Less accessible, however, are tho results of special investigations of portions of the ares which ae compiled in theses by students of the Pretoria University. Te ubjects of the nore inportant contributions since 192) are a Jarentown Igneous Suite = Manarike 1963 Arehaoan granite = Witlense 1933; amscusser 1971 Witwatersrand and Veate Honariks 1963, dorp syet Button 1970 ‘Trenevanl Syston = Coortee 1961 Van Biljon 1949; Le R. c£iitere peptce te eanise! 7 1953) Visser 19695 Button 1969 Halt’ 19525 Lombeara 1934; Boshort ene 19391 Nel "1940; Kuschke” 19505 Per =] Steyn 1955; Willense 1959; Coertze a7 Yawuvfontein and Franepoort —_aseng 1952 Roodepiant volcano = Lonbaard 1929; Venter 1999 Basie and hybrid rocks of post-Waterterg Feegei they 22 Derdepoort distrene = Verwoerd 1967 Pretoria dyke and otter eee vere = We R ciiiters 1953 Fee taseadevaritetinithe = Schveigart 1965 Chrome, tron and vanediun Sehyelinus and Millemse 19435 Geposivs of the Bushveld” ~4 Lonbeard. 1956) Cousine ang Poringa Toneous Complex 1964; ‘Coertae 1971, ‘sand = “WeintJon and Net 1967 + Simpson’ 1955; Bennetts 1965. Hy ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Acknowledgements are due to the following contributors: Dr. BV. Lom rd and Mr. C.P. In Grange, Cullinan Refractories Ltd for their velua- ble contribution én the clay deposits of Olifantefonteiny Dr. J. Ferguson, University of the Witwatersrand, for « detailed petro~ craphical description of a lanprophyre on The Willovs 340 JR; the managenent of Falconbridge Explorations Lta for making available the xemults of « drilling programe on the Merensky Reef west of Brite, inclu ing assay values; the Geological Departzent of Angio-Transvaai Consolidated Investment company Ltd for the Feaults of a drilling programme south-east of Pretoria; Dre JiR. Molver and Drs C+Rs Anhacusser, University of the Vitwe rend, for valuable suggestions in connection vith several problens dea Ling’with the Archaean granite, the Witwatersrand Systen and structures displayed by the Latter. 1. PHYsrosRAPite ‘Me following text As in part » summary of the geomorphological fea tures of the area described by Kynaston (192), p- 7-10) to which some new fata on drainage and vegetation have been added. A. TOPOGRAPHY. ‘the most elevated portion of the area is situated along its southern boundarye The country Giaplays a gradual regional slope to the northy the Continufty of which te locally brokea by Mills and ridges of resistant focks auch az the chert bends in the upper Dolomite Series and the quart~ tite bands of the Pretoria Series, Prominent quartzite ridges are the Ma- Daliesberg and Mtwetersbero. ‘Me highest portions of the Archaean granite attain a height of 1 6lo above soerievel and the Hagaliesberg 1830 =, whereas the lovest portion Of the area around the Crocedile River north of Brits is approximately 1'030\m above sea-level. Me southern portion of the area approaches the Highveld in its chax racteristios, and forms undulating to hilly country. The western, central land eastern portions Largely Zall in the Xiddleveld and are also called Spankeveld". This is characterized by roughly paraltel hills, ridges and cscarpments with Longitudinal valleys between. The northern portion forms part of the Bushveld, which in this ares is occupied by couparatively flat Uo undulating country, the monotony of which is relieved by ridges of Granoghyre and gabbre, The "Pyramid" line of hills increases in height Shove the surrounding flats rom east to vest, ieee from 120 0 at Don Ac Cord to 300 m at Kareepoorthers. In the eastern portions the topography is loss differentiated and there is avery gradual change {rom one type to another. In the northeeastern portion lowedipping resistant Waterberg sediments form a plateau-lik Tandecape with steep valleys Leading to wide flat sand-covered depressions. ‘he present topography 1s partly s fossil pre-Karoo one. The Latter Gisplays approximately the same direction and degrec of slope as the pre~ Sent topography, which im reflected oy the average aitituaes above a level of erosion remants of the Karoo Systen. Apart from local irregulari- tice in the pre-Karoo topography, in particular in dolomite areas. and ground resistant quartzite ridges, the pre-Karco land surface may have ap- Proached a peneplain. Although it has boon dissected during and after de~ hudation of the uplifted Karoo beds, its original outline 1s nore or Less preserved near or on the even crest Iines of the Magaliesberg and Vitwa fersberg and also in areas Between the ridges, which have not been affec~ ted by erosion by back-eutting longitudinal streans. On lartebeesthoek 502 JQ, for instance, there is only 15 = difference in altitude between the crost of the Mtvatersberg and the vatershed between two Longitudinal stroans, which i# on Ongeluk lava. The possible existence of a pre-KaFo« Valley or depression im indicated by a belt of interaittent occurrenct Karoo beds striking from Olifentsfontein to Tegerpoort 371 JR. By DRAINAGE AIL the main streans flow to the north in conformity with the general slope. They are tho Crocodil Jukskei, Hennops, Apies and Pionaare Rivers and their tributaries, the main stresne and some of their tributaries are frequently undeflected in their courses by prominent rié- gee and locally they have incised st ‘or Valleys in the resistant Deda at right angles or oblique to the strike has evidently been predetermined by the prior to denidstiony in other words, th Karoo. structure Resequent tributaries heve incised the dip. alope: fon the northern side of the ridges, and the steeper slopes to escerpnents the southern side, Some of theso streams have cut across the crest Line nd smaller catchsent areas have been formed on the other side, The erorie— ia in evidently not caused by the supply of water ‘and lowering of their base levels, Amore advanced stage ie’ displayed by the Skeerpoort River and the upper course of the Magalies River, which during the process of back cutting have reached the dolomite. Sources of underground vater in the dolomite were tapped, vhich increased the erosional pover of the streams and their tributaries, Stream capture may also have played a role; for instance the former course of the Magalies River probably more or lens coincided with the Svartepeuit, wher nay have boon originally a tribu~ tary, which cut backward on Zookoshook 509 JQ and Doorsbosch 508 JQ until AU captured the upper course of the Svartaprait north of Magalieaburg. Rejuvenation of the entire stream pattern and a general lowering of the main base levels probably took place during uplift of the continent in Inte post-Karoo tives. The formation of local base levels in rather excep tional, but well illustrated by the Hennops River. The gradient of the latter ‘between Wierda Bridge and the upper chert zone in the dolomite is 11277 and between the chert zone and the Crocodile River 1:181. The ora Giente of the Swartbooiaprust and Ristapruit, hovever, decrease downstreas: ine normal vey. vecerarrox In the central and southern portions of the area large tracts are consists of gress and trees, the latter growing mainly in valleys and on Fldges. Snail deciduous and’ evergreen yroups of aloes are typi~ ‘cal of dolomit ‘and sulkerbos (Prat nica) wainly on oF along the quarteite ridges of the Pretoria fandatone pistons of the Vaterverg System, the follow ing species are present! auikerbon (Protes abyssinica), witeering (Burkes aiticana), deropruim (Pas “Soepel(Hisusops zeyneri) end Tocaily, 3 eollsy boekenkout i@ wag-tn-bietjie. (Acacia ‘affra). The kareeboon (Rhus), soetdoring (Acacia karroa) end Acacta ara- en aro found in the longitudinal valleys, mainly on sweeter soils de~ rived from basic rocks, Lavay and argiltaccous sediments. In the Bushveld the black soil or "turf is partly covered by the Kars boom (iihus!y cxetua (Euphorbia) and different specien of A Meng the feck oF hy naga seaverg the fontoving mpecten are presents wild fi (Ficus ap.) wild olive (Olee sp.), klepersol (Cussonta 2p.), narocla Gelerocarys catiea), noepel (Minusops seyhert) and the different. typ characteristic of quartzite ridges mentioned above cumMATE ‘Te anmtal rainfall decreases slightly from east to west. Around Pre= toria 4t varies Detween 625 and 750 mm and in the vestern portion of the farea between 500 and 625 mn. Most of the rainfalls eccur during thunder= Storms betvoon Novenber end March. At Pretoria the average maximum toupérature varies detyeti 23,2 %¢ and 52,0 °°C ant the average minimum tespereturd between =2,1 °C and 12,1 °C. III. GBOLOGICAL FORMATIONS he geological formations represented in the area are Listed in Table ‘TABLE 2 Aulwvivn, gravel, sandy Tertiary ‘nd quaternary. Sere, fervicrete, surface Deposits Limestone Grit, sandstone, conglone ste) haley clayy and coal Boca Series «+ Karoo Syston ‘Tiiiite, congionerato, Sandstone, shele Dexka Beriee gsssanscéesatess Quertzitic sandstone vith Enterbeaded grit, conglone Meterners ylstroom Swaershoek System Serie ateiees tee Shale, horagels, quartzite (partly feldspathic), sub- smeiterseap Stage .. sravracke, graywacke with Tayers of Limestone, dolo- nite and lava. (trachy= andesite) querteite hornfels with carbo- naceols, calcareous, cherty Gnd agglomeratic Layers quartzite Magaliesbers tranavant | Pretoria | Mega System) Serie ‘Anyadaloidal.andesi- ‘oplomerate, turf, Shale vien interbed oolitie, carsous ayes quartzite Daspoort Stage ‘Transvaal Gonta) Ventersdory System System Dosinton Reet Syston Complex. Post-Karoe Uneertain Pretors (conta) Series Black Reef Series «. Hospital Hi11 Series « Jonestown Igneous Suite +. Svanitana System « Rimeball HLL Igneous Rocks Quarteite, suboraswacks, Congioserate, quarteite, Dolomite, chert, chert Shale, quartsste, grit, Quartsite slternating with shale, Quartzite, congloserste, Grit, arkose shale, quartaite, | congiouerate, boulder Slate alternating with quartzite, contorted Bed, Specklea Bea, Water Tover slate Grange Grove quartzite Poisite, quarts porphyry Granite, granite-seiss, Including biotite-tonalite fana trondjhenite, gneiss, igmatite, sionseitic gneiesy Granodiorite Auphinerite, serpentinite, Cale sense, hornbiendite, pyroxenite, gabbre, derita, hybrid rocks Quarte-sericite senist, guarte-chlorie schist Dolerite Syenite, quarts diorite, Diabase, dolerite Syenite, foyaite, tingvai- Plianesberg Dyke, te, bostonite, gauteite, System sert807" granophyr ic gradiorite, Granopnyr le gabbro, Tamprephyre ‘Teachyandeaite, phonolit syenodiorite, syenite, Umptekite, syenite pegsa- Leeuvfontein Toneous tite, foyaite, urtitey By Complex ‘17 roxenite, jacupirangite, syenite porphyry, syeno~ Glorite porphyry, sonchi- quite Trachyandesite, foyaite, Erantpoort Taneous || gyencdiorite, camptonite, Complex. SJotite, monchiquite Dinbase Ture with interbedded shale. Roodeplast Igneous | _ Trachyte, felsite, breccia, Complex ayenite, yeni te porphyry, foyaite, foyaite porphyry, Lamprophyre, nonchiquite Braceia, carbonstite, alno- Derdepoort Diatreme s+++ a , Ps ile Lamprophyre, ayenite Diabaso, oranophyric quarts norite, gabbre and diorite Pacudofelsite Basic and Hybrid Uitrabasie Rocke Kimberite Hornfe1s, cale-siticate horngela, metamorphic Limestone, metasometic rocks Metamorphic Rocks « ea sleer en Granite, granophyre of complex Post-Transvasl Dunite, serpentinite, eee Urtrabacte || harsburgite, olivine gabbro, necun Compicx | saate portion) Omens” Siadlege petnatiie, of complex Forrogabbro vith magnet itite sitic’ and pyroxenitic fer- Fopabbro, tnorthosite, fer~ rodiorite, syenite Ferrogappro, unit capbro Gabbro, norite, hyperite, one shortnaaite, pyrozenite Porphyritic Porphyritie pyroxenite, pyronenite, .. pepnatitic. pyroxenite whe Tierenaky Rees) torite Bere unit _ dmortnesite MOrthosite, aorthositic Post-Transvaal | Basic portion| unit sh aakesyy eee Ray pos eatsoty a Chronitite same peous Complex ) complex aa Pyroxenite || Pyroxentte (bronzitt te) foouted fence unit ‘°° with chromitite seams, Marginal norite sub-onit: asa forites Quarts norite b= norite sssees niet quarts noite, y= brid and signatitic rocks sti-phase Diabase, norite, pyroxe of complex nite, harsburgite Andatusite e1at fornfeis, cale-ailseat hornfeisy feldspathizes Metanorphic rocks « (Pretoria Series) Lamprophyre, aiabase, Pre-traney. quarts felsite. Most of these formation® are indicated on the accompanying geological war complied by following certain rules which, however, have not yn strictly adhered to, In areas where outcrops are scarce and Dverburden docs tot attain considerable thickness, only one for~ Mation is indieated Af ite continuity underneath the overburden has been proved by the existing outcrops and (or) borehole data. This method mainly Blusorne the areas neruntod by the Archaean aranite and the basic and acid folks of the Bushveld Tgneeu® Complex: In other cases, for instance in the horth-castern portion of he area, where scattered outcrops belong to dif ferent formations, the outcrops and the overburden are indicated separat Ty, so that tho map i# actusily an outcrop map. This method is preferred, in'perticular where irregular intrusive contacts predominate. Occurrences of the Karoo Systen indicated on the map do not alvays crop ‘ous for instance those on the sir-fields south of Pretoria and vicinity. je of the occurences are well established in outline by gravity Similarly, the position of the Morensky Reef and the Band of anorthosite in which it occurs were detersined mainly from data cbiained fron prospecting sits and boreholes, The positions of some dykes Shi siiis, in particular tie Pretoria dyke, were largely established by Rijnetic surveys, borehole data and excavations. A separate sysbol has been introduced on the map indicating the aubouterops of the efl1# and In contrast with the old map and maps of adjoining sreas published more recently, the Dolomite Series 12 subdivided into dolomite and cherty the Latter including chert breccia and overburden partly composed of chore fragments and deconposition products of dolonite, This subdivision 12 sentially a 1ithologic and not a stratigraphic one and has b {in connection with the investigation of sinkholes and subei dolonite belt south of Pretoria has been investigated in fang the boundaries betwoon dolomite and chert or overburden frequently. established with the aid of gravity and borehole data. in the western por tion of the area, hovever, tho subdivision i# mainly based on surface data and, accordingly, the doundaries nay need revision Locally should addition thal ‘borehole and’ gravity data become available. ubdivision of a formation is not attempted, for ‘the Janestown Tgncous Suite, although the most westerly oceur= Fences are subdivided Lithologically’ by one author. (On the map no distizction in colour and (or) symbols iz made between similar types of intrusive rocks of different agey in part even of uncer= tain age. This applies in particular to diabasie and doleritic recks which were intruded during several periods, i.e, from post-Archacen to post~ TV. ARCHABAN COMPLEX ‘The Archacan Complex occupios the central portion of the dowe-like structure between Pretoria and Johamesburg. It consists Largely of Ae- chacan granite with rennants of pre-granitic rocks, ices greenstonee, and inor quartzasericite seni st, The Latter da correlated with the Swasiland System and the former vith the Jamestown Ignesus Suit As SHAZTLAXD SYSTEM A belt of sehistoss rocks along the contact Detwean the granite and the Black Reef Series war correlated with the pre-granitic rocks, (kyneston 192, pe 12) and indiceted an "quartz schiste; Swaziland. System (7)" on Shoat 1/1929). However, 1ater investigations have shown wither that th ed aranite (iendrike 1961, p. 23-29) ory according to 1971, ps 4), sheared felsite of pre-Tranavanl age. On. the maps these rocks are shown az shear zones in granites Locally, the schistase rocks contain lenticular bodies of granite ar- ranged parallel to the schistosity. In the area near the confluence of the Crocodile and Jukskoi Rivers they are silver gray in colour and composed of rounded or elongated quartz grains set in a soft sericitic matrix with foyrmaline.crystals. Tho planes of schistosity dip to the south at between 15° and 40°, To the west the quartz-serseite schist is composed of quarts, Grains and lentieutar aggregates of quarts vith undulose extinction set in fa matrix of serieite with a few reanants of feldspar and biotite. Heavy mineral concentrates of the sheared granite and nornal granite are identi Cal and almost entirely composed of idlonorghic aircons (Hendriks 1961s ps 28, 29). Tho vory simple composition of the concentrates and the Large Ahounts of idionorphic tircons preclude a sedimentary origin of the shea Nost of the occurrences of quarts-sortcite schist in the area are, therefore, not of Swaziland age and the existence of achiet of Swariiand age in the granite done between Pretoria and Johannesburg has recently. bbeon questioned (Anhaeuaser, personsl comsuntestion). However, the di tribution of scattered outcrops ana plouahed-up rubble of schist on Doorn ‘je 386 JR, Diepaloct 368 JR, Kropjeslaagte 385 JR and Witpoort 406 JR Fetner points to xonolithic occurrences of schists of Swaziland age than fo schittose-sheared granite along shear zones. Only a very detailed, linly petrological, investigation of there occurrences say lead to nore Getinite conclusions. available data indicate thet the schist in these oc~ 1 quarts grains set in a matrix of sericite Whereas round to elongate quartz graine in schist equated with sheared Granite mainly in the belt below the Black Roe! Series average 1,5 mm Gianeter (Villemse 1933, p+ 4). In the sheared granite varietien tourne~ Lines feldeper and biotite are locally present (Hendriks 1961, p- 2h, 25). By JAMESTOWN IGNEOUS SUTTE Greenstones or basic to ultrabaic sic to intermediate and hybria rocks o Granite are described here under the name "Jamestoyn Tgneous Suite" The Goncept "anentovn Igneous Suite” hee recently been criticised or even sban~ fioned” (Viljoen and Viljoen 1970), but research on pre-granitic rocks in ‘the type aren and other areas is still in progress and several proble dare not yet solved, In the Pretoria area, for instance, no evidence h Jet boon found of the existence of extrusive beaie or ultrabasic rocks Upnnesusses 1971, pr_3)y, in contrast with the Barberton area, where ‘rocks occur'in the Onverwacht Series and grade laterally along anorphic rocks and revgranitie age in the. Arche granitic rocks are indeed greenstones, the Tepresented, nor does st inply any stratigraphic or time relatsonship. Pending future investigations the ane Mianastovn Igneous Suite” is, therefore, retained and defined sei late aze suite of intrusive and extrusive rocks of prevgranitic, viz. ‘Sraziland to post-Swariland, age. In the area south of Pretoria the "greenstone rennants" are mainly al~ tered layered differentiated ultra ‘originally composed of dunitie, hergburgitic, pyroxenitie and, to or extent, gebbroia Plutonic rocks (Anhaousser” 1971, p. 4). they may represent parts of the Primitive crust or the lowermost formation of a former greenstone belt oF Delta, now removed by erosion (Anhacusser 1972, ps 3)- Contacts with the Archasan granite are locally exposed, for instance on Rietfontein 532 JQ, where greenstone resnante are surrounded by migmatitic rocks and intruded by dykes and veins of granitic material. the rocks of the Japestown Igneous Suite are repr: ‘perpentinite, tale schist, pyroxenite, gebbro, dierite, Rornblenaite and hybrid rocks. ‘the amphibolitic rocks are schistose, gneissie, gramulitic or m tn texture and grade inte diaritic rocks. They consist of hornblende, pl Oloclase (andesine), quartz, biotite, epidote and titanite (Hendriks 1961, pr 10-14), Mornblende’{s poikiloblastically intergrown with quartz an titanite and frequently altered to epidote and biotite, whereas the feldepars are somewhat ted with coarse-grained anphibolit. River on Zvartkop 525 JQ is composed of single, o agar ofy enya tals of amphibole set in a groundaass of serpentine, A hornblendite in the save aFoa conteing large hornblende crystals of irregular shape and ve sb ‘ensll hornblende crystal which are interstitial to and enclosed by the Large crystals, The rock also carries minor anounts of epidote, quarts and The dloritic rocks on 2vartkop 525 JQ grade to the west into banded rocks and to the north-east into amphibole schist (Hendriks 1961, p. 5)- On the south-oast thoy are locally bounded by a zone of coarse amphivoiive and on the north by tale serpentine rocks. Quartz dorite 1s composed of amphibole, andesine and subordinate amounts of quartz, titanite, epidate and zoisite, Anphibole and feldspar froquontly contain munorous’drop-1ike Inclusions of quarts and titanite orains. In the banded and oneisaic va Hletics, layers rich in aaphibole, feldspar or zoisite alternate. A cheiti~ Gal analysie of a Wine-grained foliated aioritel on Zearekop 525 J@ (Ane haeusser 1971, Table 7) shows a much higher Cad content. (8,918) than a hybrid granite’ (3,928) and lower Nag) and K,0 contents (respectively 2, 24% ‘and 1,208) than in the hybrid granite (respectively 3)17¥ and yl9%)» the origin of the dioritic rocks ia dealt with at the end of this chapters In greenstone remnants on Rietfontoin 532 J, Doornrandje 386 Ry Nooitgedacht 53% JQ and Moetgedacht 535 JQ amphibolite is associated with pyroxenitic, gabbroia and hybrid rocks. The pyroxenitic rocks are compomed of rhombic Pyroxene, seal amounts of clinopyroxene, secondary amphivole, Dartly serieltized plagioclase and locally olivine grains, which are en Closed in plagioclase, On Retfontein 532 JQ a pyroxenitic body i sur~ Founded by a zone of feldspathic pyroxenite or pyroxenitic norite and gab- bro and locally also by miguetitte rocks, In the massive gabbroid rocks foliation or schistosity 18 not developed. In sone types of pyroxenite, the pyroxene is urelitized ana (or) partly transformed into amphibole, whereas in a completely altered pyroxenite the pyroxono is entirely transformed into fibrous aggregates The other constituents are altered feldspar, chicrit amounts of quarts. Anong the hybrid rocks several types can be distinguished. A low degree of hybridization {s indicated by mall anounts of quartz and micropegma- tite in some pyroxenites. A higher degree of hybridization is displayed by f pyroxenitic rock on Doornrandje 386 JR, whieh is composed of pyroxene, Secondary amphibole, small anounts of plagioclase and considerable axounts Of micropegmatite. Other hybrid types are granophyric aabase and grancphy- Fic gabbre or diorite, ‘The former is ophitic in texture and the constit- uonts are andosine-lebraderite, clinopyroxene, nicrocline, corroded quartz, icropegnatite, secondary amphibole and sericite. Granophyric Giorite is composed of pyroxene, sericitized plagloclare, slero auartz, secondary amphibole, epidote, zoisite and chlorite The basic to ultrabasie bodies on Rietfontein 532 JQ, with varying strikes, are probably rements of en anticlinal or synelinal structure, whereas the tvo castorn occurrences of basic to ultrabasic rocks on Doorn Kanaje 86 JR are aligned in an E-¥ directions Each ody seatures approxi nately 800 = in Length and 100 m or more in vidth, The chief constituent Fock is anphibolite vhich is composed of slender hornblende needies set tn {© groundasse of serpentine, tale, chlorite and ore. A porphyritie variety on the southern margin of the sost westerly occurrence consists of plagio~ Clase phenocrysts altered to epidote and set ina groundness of feldspary amphibole, opidote, chlorite, calcite and ore, In a serpentinite exposed on the northern margin of the sane occurrence, olivine fa largely altered to serpentine and magnetite. ‘The other constituents are fresh shoubic and bonoelinie pyroxene Differentiation of the original intrusive body probably took place as ry follows! an ultrabasic fraction at the base now represented by serpenti- Rite, a baste frection subsequently transformed into amphibolite, and an [ntefmcdiate phase at the top, which is nov composed of the porphyritic, nore acid type of amphibolite Mtden occurrences of similar types of intrusive bodies may underlie a sit of red soll on Knopjesiaagte 985 JR. Serpentinite and tale achist are developed mainly in the ares west of the Crocodile River, Serpentinite 1s composed of serpentine, olivine, Thoabie and sonociinte pyroxene and chlorite in varying proportions, OLi~ Wine is largely altered to serpentine, but the Letter 1s also an altera- Ton product of pyrorencs Alteration of thie type produces iron oxi: which are arranged in a pattern parallel to the cleavage of the original on the map sce Hondrike (1961) distinguishes the following types! tele schiety tale-serpentine rocks, serpentinite derived fron haraburgite, end serpentinite derived from pyroxenite. The serpenti~ Rites are mainly’ distributed in @ zone on Driefontein 179 1Q which strikes MWESE and Largely occupies an ares south of the southorn boundary of sheet 25270c. The northern portion, which fallz in the map, is occupied by serpen- Unite derived from pyrexenite, It Le a bluish gray rock veathering with a pitted browim surface and locally it contains greentsh serpentine and Seine of chrysotiles The chief constituents are antigorite vhich occasion Rally ieplays parallel orientation, and remnants of pyroxene (Hendriks 961, ps 15). The other variety of serpentinite crops out south of the southern bouncery of the map. It is a greenish rock wosthering grayish to Brown and largely composed of serpentinized olivine (Hendriks 1961, pe 1. ‘The talo-rerpentine rocks are mainly present in a zone striking from tne northern gortion of Zvartkop 525 JQ to the north-east anong amphibo~ Lftte ond dioritie rocks, ‘They are a a rule sassive in texture and com posed of antigorite needles, tale, chlorite and ore in varying proportions Wondriks "196, pe 18). Te ore forms cloudy aggregates in tale, grains in serpentine ahd streaks slong the cleavage planes of the original mine Fala. Accordig to Hendriks (1961, pz 19) the tale-serpentine rocks are derived from emphibolitic rocks Temnants of which have been found in the former, but they aay alae be transformed wltrabaste rocks alternating with szpnaborit ‘Transformation of the greenstone belts by granitic complex character. Partial or complete Gave Tise to gneissic tonalite, and metamorphic, netas tite, Hence, As of @ very Ses of greenstone have been tr: Gn intermediate phase in this process ie represented by hybrid rockt, which are associated vith some occurrences of greenstone, Yoreover, scattered Gceurrences of hybrid rocks within the granitic rocks and not associated With grocnstone are mainly confined to # belt striking trom Zevenronvein Yor JR to Randjesfontein 405 JR, ‘These rocks aro partly dioritic in conpo- sition. A hybrid origin has also been postulated for the dioritic rocks en Beartkop 525 1@ (Willemse 1933, p. 12; Auhacusser 1971). Some types of Banded gnoisslc or disritic rocks daplay 1it-par-1it injection by granitic veins and the doritic rocks are frequently brecciated and intruded by Granitie material (Hendrix 1971, ps 9)~ However, the transitional fea lures between the dioritic rocks And aaphibolite, the general absence of orthectase and nicrocline in the @loritic rocks, and their chemical conpo- Sition indicate that ost of the dioritic rocks are not hybrid, but rather Gn orfoinal intermediate phase of the Jamestown Igneous Suite, Although Fo Usey nave boon Iukeuded by mumerous aplltie and pepmatitic veins at seve Fal localities, their transformation iz in geieral of a low degrees Such @ Case fv descrived by Mendriks (1961, p+ 1h), the hormblende in a schist intruded by a pognatite voin having beon replaced by microcline, plagio- clase and quarts up to 2,5 cm from the contact with the veins On the other hand, the diorite may be'a product of hybridization of basic rocks during an earlier granitic phase (Anhacusser, personal cotiminication), Pending further investigations the aioritic rocks are incorporated into the James town Igneous Suite on the scesnpanying nape A general outline of the distribution of the diferent types of green stone nay be obtained by Linking their scattered qccurrences and those. of the hybrid rocks, The original wtrabasie rocks represented by serpenti- nite and tale schist sem to form an interrupted belt of which the strike Svings around from NE to WMV on Driefontein 179 XQ, The original basic to intermediate rocks reprasonted by amphibolite, Glorite and some hybrid rocks form the inner belt, in vhich alzo schists ef the Swaziland Syston nay be present. ‘Te Archaean granite is in general grayish white in colour, fino to mex ‘dium evenly grained and hypidionorphic granular in testure, The constitu ents are quartz, microcliney albite (often sericitizea) and small mounts Of biotite, muscovite, ehlorite and occasional iy epidote, The quarte con font varies between 204 and J6X by volume, whereas soda and potash fele~ spars (nainly albite and microcline) average about equal snouts, Ortho- Clase and hornblende are comparatively rare. Porphyriticy Gneissic, mignatitic and pegatitic variets: Me granite is locally intersscted by dykes and veined by pegmatite. Small dykes up to 30 cm in widen are exposed in the Swartbocispruit in ‘the northern portion of Knopjesiaegte 385 JRy They are composed of micro- cline, albite, quartz, sericite and epidote aiid almost entirely devoid of forromegnesian minerals. Larger and more persistent dykes of quartz fel= site and Lanprophyre whose pre-Transvaal age has been proved, may alse Fopresont late granitic phases (see Chapter 41I A, C)e ‘The structural features of the granite are partly contemporancous in origin, for instance foliation and mignatitic textures, whereas shear- Zones with quarts veining are Largely of post~Transvaal age (see Chapter XVII B). Foliation is rendered conspiouous by melanocratic and leucocratic bands, ayers or schlieren, respectively rich in biotite and feldspare Ae avrule the dip of foliation planeg increases from north of the granite frea to the south, from 20° to 60°, The foliation is frequently parallel fo foliation or schistosity ateplayed in pre-granitic rocks (achiste and greonstonos). Hovever, o a regional scale the foliation, though varying Considerably, shows a'predominant WW-ESE trend, which is not always pa allel to tho major trenis displayed by greenstone belt: Joints in granite ala> vary in direction and dip, but the most connon strikes or joint planes are AW and NE, thus frequently almost parallel to ost dykes and voins. Sone joint planes strike paraliel to the foliation Planes with a siightiy steeper ap. In a first comprehensive study of the Archasan granite south of Preto- ria by Willonse (1933) sost of the characteristics sentioned above are Gescribod in more deteii, Recently a more detailed investigation by An hacusser (1971) which is based on field, petrological, chesicel and geo- chesical data, has 1ed to a subdivision of the granite. Several types are Gistinguished, some of which are grouped in assemblages or zones. They are 16 only partly developed in the present area, the oranodforitic types occur ‘The northern portion of the granite done consists largely of gnetssic and mignatitic rocks. Gnolssic biotite tonalite or trondjnetite is exposed mainly in the north-western portion of the dome. It contains large ancunts Of biotite, quarts and soda plagioclase, lesser amounts of fotassium feld- Spar, muscovite, ephene, apstite and occasionally hornblende, chlorite. and opalescent quartz, The more homogeneous nebulitic phases cortsin leas bio= tite and more quarts and feldspar (oligoclase-albite, orthoclase, sicro- cling, perthite), The migastites or mignatitic gneiszes ass rule contain Snail inclusions of amphibolite and lesa frequently of utrebasie rocks. Targer-sized xenoliths of these and hybrid rocks alse occur locally. ‘The mignatitic gneisses interfingor with broad zones of smphibolite and ultrabasie rocks in the western portion of the dose. As @ rule the gneissic rocks display pronounced foliation, which is 1o- cally Gistorted by folding and also metamorphic segregation inte Leucocrs- tle and metncratic bands (Anhacusser 1971, pe 13, 24)» The fohiation frequently changes in strike but averages WN, fae, betveen N 50° W and NGO", Dips aro in general subvertical. Less common are nebuliticy honogencous and porphyritic granitic types. Pegmatites are well developed and consist in general of quartz, feldspar and locally muscovite, Anhacusser (1971, Part 2, Table 1) gives 4 new chemical analyses of gnoissic quartz-rich tonalite or trondjhemite in the eres ‘ese gneissic and miguatitic rocks are associated vith granodioritic rocks in a broad arcuate sone in the central portion of the dane, ices flong the southern boundary of the area, This zone ie transitional be- tween gnelssic and aignatitic rocks on the north and honogereous and (or) porphyritic diorite on the south, Jes Limits, though arbitrery, are mainly Getinea by goonorphological features; i.e, they enclose all occurrences of granodiorite in tors. These tors or Yoastie keppies" locally form groupe {n gently convex sloping country, which Am Largely underlain by gnelsaic and mignatitic rocks and other types. The rocks exposed in tors vary in Texture and composition from fine-grained homogeneous, with or without phenocrysts, to medium to coarse-grained oranitic types and even mignati~ fic and onelesic types The granodioritic rocks vary in volumetric compo sition as follows: quarts 15-2)%; total feldspar 5in76% microcline 42. 53% biotite and sphene 6-208. They are richer in feldspar, biotite and sphene than the surrounding granitic rocks (Anhacusser 191, p. 14). Among the new chemical analyses one is of @ grancdiorite on ¥itkoppen 19% IQ Immodiately south of the southern boundary of the map (Ashaeusser 19715 Table 4) A chonlcal analysis of the granite near Halsvay House (Willemse 1933, p. 10), of which the exact locality is unknown iz, in fact, of @ pranodioritic rocks ‘The origin of the granitic rocks is attributed to 3 phases (Anhaousser 1970, ps 31)- During the first phase intrusion of granitic raterial and partial or complete assimiletion of predominantly basic to ultrabasic, Focks Led to the formation of tonalitic and associated rocks, During ‘the second phasey metamorphic, metasomatic and palingenctic processea gave rise to mignatites and gneisses, The third phase is characterized by the Formation of granodioritic rocks during vhich selective processes of rheo- sorphien, anateris, granitizetion and metasonaticn played a role. The dis tribution of xenoliths of amphibolite and serpentinite in the granitic rocks indicates that the earliest crustal material vas largely composed of Daste ana itrapasic rocks of Swazizana ager Subsequent gramtizatzon and 7 related processes, though widespread, were incomplete and numerous resis. fant relic reneined, either intact or in various stages of metanorphisn (innaoutaer “1971, ps 31+ During the third phe and homogenization of the ol- der granitic rocks, granitophile el ded, in particular K, Si, Mi and rare elemento, for instance Rb, ‘This is reflected by the asyametri- Gal distribution of granodiorite and conforsing results of trend analy! SE Nass sO) R/Na, Roy Sr and Sr/Rb surfaces and gama-radiation surface ‘ine, “finally; of the gravity pattern (nhacuaser 1971, p. 2h-30). The ine {luk of granitophite elenents may have led to embryonic doming and sub quently to erosion of the granitic and metamorphic rocks and deposition of the basal Witwatersrand beds (Auhacusser 19715 p. 32) Age determinations on the granite yield a figure of 3 200 65 My (ALI~ opp 1961) but these determinations were probebly carried out on grano- Gioritic types (Anhaeusser 1971, pe 32), in which case the tonalitic gneisses aay be older. £ the granite intrusion(s) in the pre-granitic Jeablish due to the Lack of continuous outcrops An (Willense 1933, Be by sr 1971), an’ oversio~ me size and shape rocks is aifticult to intraformstional intrusion of a laccolithie, sha 15) day according to recent investigations (Anhaeu! piisieation. DOMINION REEF SYSTEM ‘the Dominion Root Systen is probably represented by felsite or quarts porphyry on Rictfontein 522 J@ and the northern portion of Driefontein 179 Ta, weet of Swerthop and Mildersdrift, The sheared acid volcanic rocks oem Gat inva narrow sone which strikes N-S and forms Intermittent outcrops Mong the western 1inb of syncline of Witwatersrand beds, Small occurren Gee are also exposed along the oastern Linb of the synclines ‘he feleite or quarts porphyry was incorporated by Hendriks into th basal beds of the Vonteraderp System, which occupies a broad shallow syn Cline west of Svartkop (1961, pr 63, Gh). However, It most Likely represents Sipre-Witwatersrand formation for the folloving reason 1, Although Hendriks (1961, p+ 67) assunes a faulted contact vith the Witwatersrand beds, vize an upthrust or overthrust, the felsite underlii Orange Grove quartzite at several Localities, and along the eastern 1inb Of the synciine of Witwatersrand beds where’ Less faulting took placs 2 The contact between felsite and beds of shaly quartzite of the Venter Garp System is obscured, but strikes in the two formations are not confor~ fenble (Hendriks 1961, p- 640. 3, A Ventersdorp age of the folaite implies a post-Ventersdorp, preatrat Yael age of the sain phase of deforaation in the area, which does not con Torn with structural dats on adjoining areas (see Chapter XVIT A). therefore, are a Swaziland, Hoodies, or Dom hninion Reef age of the feleite or quartz porphyry. Againat the two former Giternatives several objections may be raised. Acid voleante rocks are fot represented in occurrences of the Seaziland Systen in the granite be tveon Pretoria snd Johannesburg, which contains schists and basic to ule UTabasic rocks (Janestovn igneous Suite), The Noodies System, in the type area and in the nearest occurrence to Svartkop, 1c Vanlrana, south of Balfour, is a predominantly arenaccous succession, Tho beds of quartzite fant aisle overlying the feltite are arratatad with the Witwatersrand Sya- Gn, ana not with the Noodice System, mainly because the marker in the Hospital Mil1 Series are fully developed. The remaining alternatives Fy the most acceptable correlation is, therefore, with the Dominion Reef System. In the Klerksdorp—Ventersdorp area anygdaloidal andy more fre quently, porphyritic seid lavas underife Orange Grove quartzite and local~ Ty also Water Tover slate where the former 1s missing (Wel 1935, pe 39- 42). On the western limb of the Svertkop syncline the felsite is! in con- tact with Orange Grove quartzite, but locally also with beds higher up in the succession, including the Water Tower slate. A possible unconforaity hhas been obliterated by subsequent faulting. Petrographic data on the felsite or quarts porphyry are given by Hon- ariks (1961, ps 64). Ie consists largely of quartz phenocrysts up to 1 am In dlanoter set in a fine-grained matrix of quartz and sericite. The Guently deformed due to shearing. An occurrence of quarts porphyry under the Black Reef Series on Doorn randje 386 JR may bo correlates with the Doainion Reof Syston or the Yon fersdorp Syaton ory Less likely, with a volcanic basal somber of the Black Reef Serien. Contacts with the Slack Reef Series and Archaean granite are not exposed, but according to its distribution and texture the rock is, ost probably of extrusive origin. In thin sections and even in some hand [pecimens a pronounced Gpers, duarts and chalcedony(?). Spherulites and spherulitic aggrega fare developed in the groindmans and apherulitic zones around phenocrysts. ‘The phenocrysts consist of angular quartz, occasionally in clusters, or- thoclase and microperthite. ‘The groundaa: spar and aggregates of sericite and biotite. ‘the matrix and feldspar phenocrysts are strongly sericitized but there 1s Little or no evidence of shearing. Vi. WITWATERSRAND SYSTEM The occurrence of the Hospital HiIl Series on 2vartkop 525 JQ, Rictfom tein 522 J@ ond Tvaofontein 523 JQ is the most northerly outlier of the Lover Witwatersrand Division outside the sain Witwaterarend basin. The con stituent rocks form a synclingl structure which has pli: faulting. The beds are locally sheared and brecciated. The succ thicknesses of the beds are, according to Hendriks (1961, P. 63), Hospital Hi11 quartzite and interbedded shale Shale vith markers Orange Grove quartz! pprex. 260 9 prox. 260m prox. 100 m= Total eee ‘The thicknesses of the markers are as follows: contorted Bed . Speckled Bea Ripple-narked quartzite s.s.c. ‘The thickness of the lover portion of the series, i.c. trom the base of the Orange Grove quarteite to the bare of the Hospital Mill quartzite, 1= approxinately 350'm, the corresponding thickness on the Rand being 1 000 = ‘The Orange Grove quartzite 1s rather coarse grained at the base, be- coning finer grained tovards the top. The quartzite 1s interbedded with 2 browniah to grayish, locally schistoze, slate, The lover quartrite con tains several layers of conglomerate and grit which start 4,5 to 6 m fr the base. The Lover conaloserate measures approximately 15 Gm in thickness 9 and te compooud vf pebbice of black and waite vein quarts sot in a sandy to gritty matrix, The earring approximately 43 em in thickness, contains small pebbl increasing in size to- wards the top te 5 om in dianeter, Iigher up in the succession there are ‘eversl thin congloneratic and gritty layers. ‘the midale and upper quartzite bands, measuring respectively 14 m and Age in thickness, are yellowish to white medium-prained rocks. ‘the state of the Hospital Hill Series is greenish in colour, weathering brown to reddish, and {8 often forruginous, A highly ferruginots band near the base is correlated with the Water Tower slate of the Rand and locally Conteins magnetite crystals and secondary chert, On weathering it displays 8 typloal box structur ‘the other markers, nanely the Ripple-narked Quertzite, the Speckled Bod and the Contorted Bel, are Locally well developed but at most localities, in particular in the western portion of the syncline, they are either faulted out or not expos: ‘he Rippleswarked Quartzite {9 9 yellowish white glassy rock comp. of snail rounded quartz grains surrounded by secondary quarts ine chiori- Gle'or ferruginous matrix, The overlying slate ie reddish in colour. The Speckled ed ia exposed omy over a short distance on Zvartkop 525 JQ north of the Bloubapkepruft and 1s 4 coarse-grained feldspathic quartzite The Contorted Bed consists of alternating whitish and dark biuish to black Gherty and magnetite-bearing layers vhich are strongly contorted, folded he predominantly shaly succession is followed by up to four bands of quartzite interbedded with shale or slate, ‘The thicknesses of the quart Hite and slate bands are listed by Hendriks (1961, p. 37, Table 3)« The Querteite is fine to wediun-grained, wAitioh to greenish’in colour and fro Guentty displays crose-hedding and locally sage structures The wpper quart ite band 1s coarser grained and locally contains gritty to conglomeratic ‘me greenish colour of the quarteite, according to Hendriks (1961) pe 38), is caused by the presence of detrital chromite grains and a chrome Deating micas With these minerals auall prismatic crystals of a chron fox rows tourmaline are associated, In heavy mineral fractions the following Minerals are present! zircon, chromite, rutile, titanite, tourmaline, 1i- Gonite after pyrite, magnetite, hematite and rhombic amphibole, The Hospi {ar Wit quartzite, ‘though microscopically very similar to the Orenge Grove guarteite, may be Metinguished from it by an increase in clongation and Zoning of the #ircons (1961, pe 62) Me alate or shale Bands are largely greenish in colour, vhereas the upper shale in the core of the syneline ie grayish bluey voathering brown. The state band under the upper quartaite contains scattered peubles of greenish quartzits Me distribution and economic potentialities of the Witwatersrand Sys tom under the cover of Transvaal and Karoo beds have boon investigated by drilling progranme carried out by Angle-Transvaal Consolidated Tnvest~ Sent Cospany Ltd betwoon 1960 and 1964. In several boreholes south-east of Pretoria, on K1ipkop 396 JR, Zvavel~ poort 373 JR and Mitkoppies 393 JR, the Archacan granite has been’ intersec: fed imediataly below the Black Ref Series. Rocks of the Witwatersrand and Venteradorp Systens are, therefore, not preserved in this areas However) farther to the south-east on Kroppiosfontein 549 JR, a thin succession of een intersected Between the’ Black Reef Series and ‘the granite. According to Button (1970, ps 16) these beds betong to the Hospital Hit Series. The lovermost 3m 1s quartzitic and feldspathic with gritty layers, scattered pebbles and a basal conglomerate measuring up te 50 em in thickness. The approxinate position of the contact between the grenite and the Mivatersrand beds {2 indicated on a suboutorop nap Of Spro-Transvaal geology” (Button 1970; fg, 6s ‘The formations interbected in borehole HN. 1 on Knoppii fontein 549 JR Boca Series Kereo Systen O37 m Pretoria Series Ratt ai = 493,71 Dolomite Series apes 1 499,85 0 Black Reet Series = 1 509,90 0 Noepital Will Series ‘System = 1579,73 0 Archaoan granite 1579573 = 1 593,87 VII. vENTERSDoRP sxsTEM The occurrence of the Ventersdorp System on Kromérasi 520 JQ and Rict~ fontoin 522 JQ is largely composed of coarse clastic sediments. Contacts with older formations are in part faulted ones and largely obscured. ew Sording to borehole data the Venteradorp beds are directly underlain by granite in the contral portion of the occurrence. To the west, the NNW to W Striking Ventersdorp beds are unconformably overlain by the Black Reef Series, which strikes Si. ‘The felsite, vhich was incorporated into the basal portion of the sys- ten by Hendriks (1961, p- 63, 6h), 42 now correlated with the Doninion Reer Syste ‘The succession commences with 4 sheared shaly sandatone with scattered rounded quartzite pebbles up to 60 cm in diameter snd 1s followed by & Congionerate zones (lendrike 1961, p. 64). The first zono changes consi- Gorabiy in Ifthology, ive. to the south if consists of poorly sorted uertzite pebbles set in a sheared, shaly of quarteitic matrix, vhereas to the north-west the pebbles decrease in size and the matrix. becowes nore auartzitic. Finally, quartaite ond grit predominate with ecattered quart Bite pobb ‘The first conglomerate zone in followed by a purple sandy shale which herate zone ix Iithologically rather similar to the first and ie overlain by a boulder conglomerate which consists of mimerous rounded to. footly rounded boulders up to 1,20 = in dlaneter and composed of quartzite and Grit, The boulders are set in a matrix of shoared midatone. The toulder Songionerate is fo1loved by the third conglomerate zone and another bovl~ tes In the overlying fourth conglomerate zone the Zones. They are ‘The origin of the boulder conglomerate i# explained by Kynaston (1929, 13) Se follove: tho general appearance of the quartzite and shale Fragments in the boulder beds, az well as the character of the setriz, it strongly suggestive of their derivation from the adjacent older Witwaters= and rocks, which consist mainly of quartaites and red and green shale It ls probable, therefore, that the aaterial of the Ventersdorp beds vi Gerived from the disintegration and erosion of the older series, #0 thet a we may regard them ax constituting « kind of shore deposit, formed against the westward sloping Vitwatersrand beds on 2vartkop". According to Hendriks (1961, ps 69) the abnormal association of shaly material and boulders is difficult to explain. Tho possibility of turbidie Uy currents 1s not excluded although graded beds between boulders and mud Stone are not developed. However, @ pronounced pre-Venteradorp relief may Rave boon the primary cause of the formetion of the coarse clastic sediments, Similar sediments fre described by Nel (1935, p+ 81-05) in the Klerksdorp—Ventersdorp ar They occur Largely in the Upper portions of the succession and locally Tramagress the lover: subdivisions of the Witwatersrand Syston. Bridence of a pronounced pre-Ventersdorp relief ia also given by Nel (1933, p. 106). $715" suggested that the coarse clastic sedinents are partly revorked Steee depasite and hench oravela faraed under steep erosion clits, Brosion Gf alternating quaresitic and ahaly Witwatersrand bods and (or) transgres~ Stons and regressions may account for the association of fine clastic ma fertet (mudstone) and coarse clastic material (boulders) in one b ‘The beds of clastic sedinenta may belong to tho upper portion of the Venteradorp System. the absence of a thick succossion of lava flows is ex plained by Brock and Pretorive (1961, p- 578-582), the lavas being confined in general to. grabons. VIII, TRANSVAAL SYSTEN A comparative stratigraphy of the Transvaal System for the type areay ison the Pretoria area, the South-Western Transvaal and the Eastern Trans voal is given by Coertze (1961). The total thickness of the system, excl ing numerous Glabese shoeta, ia calculated for the three areas, namely 5'tzo m for the Pretoria area, 3 600 m for tho South-Vostern Transvaal and 6 100 m for the Eeatern Transvaal, excluding the Dullstroom volcanics. For the subdivisions In the Pretoria srea the figures are as follovs: Black Reet Series 15 m Dolomite Series 1 400 m Pretoria Series 3 700 m Comparative stratigraphic and sedimentological data on the Transvaal System, in particular the Pretoria Series, by Visser (1969) are illustra ted by numerous text figures, ive profiles across the Transvaal basin, Stratigraphicel columns of certain subdivisions, and isopach, 1ithofacies na palcocurrent maps, which will be referred to oceasfonally in the fol- Towing text, New concepts on the evolution of the basin and « proposed nex stratigraphic subdivision of the systen (Visser 1963) and other strati~ Graphic subdivisions (Button 1969) are not incorporated in the following Goat) because no finality has yet Deen reached by the South African Commit~ tee for Stratigraphy. AL DLACK REEF SERIES the Ventersdorp. Systen, Its total thickm Celitiony ieee 7-0 m on Tveefontein 52) JQ 1 = on Brakfontein 399 Jy Gnd probably it does not exceed 21 = anywhere in the areas ‘The following succession {2 the most common: basa1 conglomerate folloved ‘On Nooiplases 955 JR three respectively 108 en, os Shale veeeereeeeeeee 1,0 Quartaite, fi: Fipple marks 4s Shale, not exposed «+ 6,0 Quartalte cesseeeeeeeseeeeeee 10 Share 0,075, 0,05 0,025 0,075, 0,125, Conglomerate vith 0,025, Quartzite, gritty and feldspathic sere 40 Conglomerate, white to bluish ses. 0,019 Arwose, grit ena quarteste siren Total see 35 = approx. To the west, on Tweefontein 523 JQ, the succession is as follows: rapLe 4 i COE ee 240 Quartzite with quartz pebbres 146 Quartzite, mediun-grained, feldspathic... 2,0 Basal congtouerate «. ‘Te basal conglomerate is co post of which are small although sone attain 15 om in diameter. They are arranged vith their longer axes parallel to the se Ana fold Spathic matrix. The basal conglomerate is not persistent; on Tweefonteln 585 JQ it is locally mot developed and west of the road from Johannesbarg to ilartboospoort Dam on Doornrandje 306 JR, shale overlies granite i= rectly, #0 that both basal congloserate and lover quartzite are not de= Yeloped. On Zvartkop 356 JR, near the Pretorie—Krugersdorp road where it crosses the Rietspruit, the basal congloncrate is also absent but 2 ke to the south-west on Olievenhoutbosch 389 JR It measures 20-30 em in thick ‘The lower quartaite i2 gritty and feldspathic with sparsely distribut well-rounded quertz pasbles up to 2,5 em in dianeter. The bedding ia even and Fipple marke are rare: Ventioatar and Me lover shale is gray, red and black in coloury cally with ripple marks. The quartzite layers sees to the quartzite iz sine grained and poorly cemented, ‘The uppor quartaite is coarse grained but seldom feldspathic or pebbiy. Ripple marks with a wave-Length slightly more than 5 cm indicate that the 2 ‘The upper shale is a8 a rule black and carbonaceous, At one Locality only, on Ollevenhoutbosch 389 JR, @ band of interbedde} brown ripple Barkha and cross-bedded quartzite was encountered, Currents from the east re indlested, scarce, Hovevar, in the south-eastern portion of the arca end the adjacont ites between Bapafontein and Leslie, the series haz bem studied in detally Rainy in borehole cores and the results are plotted 11 several. diaorans (vtton 1969, ‘Zigures 3, 5, 13m and 1Jb), Tt appears that the seriex n= creases in thickness to the east, attaining a maximum 9f approximately 30 north-east of Dapsfontein. These data are also discussed later in rela Sion to the structure of the area. Gentle warping of tae depositional Floor was superimposed by a north-west trending channel. DOLOMITE SERIES A, Lithotosy: ‘The Dolomite Series is composed of dolomite and dotonitic 1ime- stone with interbedded chert, shale and quartzite, The dolomite ts « blue= ‘greyish rock; pink and white varieties are Les= common, whereas near the bare a predominant brownish colour 42 due to a slightly nigher mangenezs contents inetuding three 41964) shows that in the insoluble residue of Specimens treated with HCl; free quarts, a little fine-zrsined carbon and fone clay minerals are prosent. There are also bands of oolitic dolomite and stylolites. The development of the Iatter 12 consitered to have taken place while the rock was still plastics ‘me contact between dolomite and the undertying shale of the Black Reef Series {2 usually obscured by brownish soll, However, in the western por= tion of the area the contact 1 sharp, but on Viakfontein 494 JQ a thin transitéona1 zone is developed. The Biack Root quartzite is folloved by @ Golonite Layer 30 om thick end sandy at the base, a bend of ferruginous ‘approximately 30 om thick and, finally, by dolomite, vith a por sistent shale band 16-30 m fron base and measuring 16-30 m in'thickness. ‘The shale bands weather easily and are difficult to trace in the feta. In the lover half of the succession they aro well bedded and blacky ves thering eray and whitey whereas in the upper portion of the succession Son exceed 1,2 m in thickness and are often of @ lenticular shapes On Viexptests 354 aR a layer near the middle of the succession is arenaceous in {ts lover portion end forms an outerop of dark friable sandstone with Arregutar patehes of purer sandstone. On Kromdreat 520 JQ layer of grit occurs In the lover portion of the succession. Thin beds of shale, quart Zite and conglomerate are exposed east of Pinedene Staion (Kynaston 192), p- 15)e Lenticular layers of partly siliei fied =h oped nesr the base of large masses of chert south-wes: ‘Me dolomite is almost devoid of chert bands near the base, but higher up bluish to black chert bands appear snd become more numerous. Around Olifentefontein four major tones of chert layers are distinguishable. Tn each gone the basal Iayers are more persistent than the upper omer. In the lower portion of the succession primary bluish chert predosi~ nates, measuring 2,5 cm to 30 ca in thickness, whereas thick deposits of 2b aecondary chert ond chert breccia are characteristic of the top. The for- ation of secondary chert mey also cause an increase in thickness of pri ary chert. Solid primary chert frequently occurs in the central portion Of a layer whereas secondary chert in contect with the dolomite is full Of cavities, Piasures in dolomite are sometimes olso filled vith chert, for instance north of Tembien. Oolitic and pisolitie chert bends are not Common ond they probably originated by replacement of oolitie and plsoli- tie dolomite. Rennants of dolomite in chert vary in size from 6 fey con= {inetren to hundreds of metres: Secondary chert may else replace shale 2 Decomposition Products and Sinkholes Ihe solubility in rainwater and other slightly acidic vatere of the naghesian and calojum carbonates, which ere the major constituents of the folomite, has resulted in several cycles of large-scele kerstic activity in Steas vhore this rock hax been exposed to the elesents or to circulating Groundwater. Thera were typical periods of Karst formation prior to the deposition of the Pretoria Series, prior to and efter deposition of the Koroo System, and during Recent time. The residual debris comprises angular fragments of chert in all sizes, arity sendy silty clay and manganiferous earth (wad) in highly variable Proportions. itis wavally free of dolomite remnante, and occupies Fiesures and cavities in the am yet anleached dolomitic bedrock or forms sn overburden t0 ity occasionally thicker than 60 m but seldom exceeding 50 mand often very much hinners Mach drilling has deen done both in the overburden end in the dolomitic bedrock for the investigation of future townships and construction sites. ‘The overburden has been shown to be an essentially elUvial end unconsolidated Accumfationy. waually pereus to st least some degree and often increasing in poroaity Jovnwards az openings and interleading conduits vhich are highly permeable to water or air are encountered. Tho degros of compaction In'thio'eeteriel is highest st the ground surface, and the ability of the Anderiying material ta support that above i¢ by arching iz delicetely related to the moisture condition at vhich eguilibrius was originally Aiehineds, Collapses of the overburden in the Pretoria ares can invariably he correlated vith saturation by water and consequent feilure of the soil structure in shear and tension. Drilling has also proved the karstic bedrock surface to bo highly ‘uneven in places, The contrast in gensity between the bedrock and the over Tying residue (2485 and 2,35 g/en” respectively) enables the thickness of the overburden £0 be reliable estimated from Bouguer anomaly surveys of the Garthls gravity supported by a minimum of control drilling. ‘The formation of recent sinkholes and subsidences is in most casna due to interference with the natural surface dreinage. The highost incidence if in recently-daveloped areas where there is « comparatively thin Overburdens Sinkholes are less likely to form in areas where the over= Durden execeds 30m in thickness. Areas in which the dolomite has been intruded by sills near the present ground surface aro slze comparatively fafe becouse the sills seal off interlesding firsures and cavitiesy thereby confining groundwater circulation, and also act structurally ap reinforcing medi ‘The investigations referred to above also led to the discovery of nll Dosing £ sedinanta belonging to the Karoo Systen and the Pretoria Series. Their structure suggests that they occupy eld sinkholes and Subsidences vhich originated during previous cycles. Outliers of Timeball Hil shela in the dolonite, in oarticular on Monumeat Perk Extension No. 2, 25

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