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1. rewrite the definition of degrees of comparison in your book ( tulis Kembali pengertian
degree of comparison dibuku catatan ).

2. After you have finished taking notes, do the exercise and your books collected

( setelah selesai mencatat, kerjakan latihan nya, dan di kumpulkan ).

Kinds of degree comparison

Task 1

Fill in the blank with the correct form of Comparative and Superlative Degree of

1. An ant is …………………… (small) than a grasshopper.

2. Donny is the …………………… (big) student in his class.

3. The little girl looks ……………….. (happy) today than yesterday.

4. No one is ………………… (strong) than my father.

5. Traditional market sells …………………. (cheap) fruits and vegetables in

my city.

Task 2
Choose the correct adjective and make comparisons
Ex : I want to get a job ……………………… than before.

(good – bad )

Answer : I want to get a job better than before

1. The mountain is .........................than the hill.


2.Milk is ........................than carbonated beverage.


3. I am ..................than my younger sister.


4. An SUV car is ….. than sport car.

5. Brad Pitt is .......................than Mr.Bean.

6. Indonesian area is ......................than Japan.


7. Mount Everest is ....................than the Merapi.


8. The Citarum river is .....................than The Nile.


9. Cotton is .......................than stone.


10. Tokyo is ….. than Jakarta.


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