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Biology Multiple Choice Questions Topic: Teeth/Digestion

Items 1to 3 refers to the structure of a tooth

1. The type of tooth shown above can be found in all of the following animals EXCEPT
A) Rabbit
B) human
C) Lion
D) Snake

Answer: A

Rabbits do not have canine teeth; instead, they have incisors, which are suited for their feeding
habits (herbivores).

2. The layer of the tooth which is considered to be beneath the hardest part is
A) I

Answer: A

The hardest part of the tooth is call the Enamel. The layer beneath the enamel is call Dentin.

3. The part that contains blood vessels and nerves is

A) I

Answer: D

Blood vessels and nerve endings are found in the part called the Pulp Cavity.
Biology Multiple Choice Questions Topic: Teeth/Digestion

4. John noticed that his gums were becoming inflamed and that plaque was starting to build up
in between his cusps. To prevent this from happening, john could have done all of the
following EXCEPT
A) Regular brushing of teeth after meals
B) Consuming foods containing calcium, phosphorus and vitamins
C) Including refined sugar in diet
D) Visit dentist regularly

Answer: C
When refined sugars are consume, the product may be stuck between the cusps on the teeth.
Bacteria tend to feed on these sugars, and as they feed, they penetrate through the layers of the
teeth causing cavities.

5. Digestion begins in the mouth. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?

A) The tongue aids in digestion of food
B) The saliva contains enzymes which breaks down some starches to sugar
C) Teeth aids by increasing the surface area of the food through mastication
D) The tongue keeps the food in place while it is being chewed
Answer: A
The tongue does not aid with digestion or the breakdown of food, however, the tongue keeps the
food in place while it is being chewed and aids in swallowing.

6. The process whereby food travels down the oesophagus is

A) Digestion
B) Peristalsis
C) Absorption
D) Mastication

Answer: Peristalsis

Peristalsis is the contraction and relaxation of longitudinal and circular muscles that aids in the
movement of food in the digestive tract.
Biology Multiple Choice Questions Topic: Teeth/Digestion

Item 5 to 7 refers to the digestive system

7. The part which breaks down protein by using digestive juices and acids is
A) I

Answer: B

Pepsin is an enzyme found in the stomach that helps to breakdown protein molecules.

8. Absorption of excess water take place in the part labeled

A) I

Answer: C

The large intestine aids in absorption of water and minerals that has not been digested as food
and get rid of unwanted products.

9. The function of the part labelled II is to

A) Break down proteins to amino acids
B) Breaks down starch into glucose
C) Breaks down fat into fatty acids
D) None of the above

Answer: A

The stomach contains pepsin, which helps to break down protein into amino acids.
Biology Multiple Choice Questions Topic: Teeth/Digestion

10. Our throat divides into two separate tubes: the windpipe and the gullet. What prevents food
from entering the windpipe?
A) uvula
B) tongue
C) trachea
D) epiglottis

Answer: D

The function of the epiglottis is to close the laryngeal inlet during swallowing to prevent the
passage of food and liquids into the lungs.

11. Which statement about digestion is TRUE?

A) Food is absorbed in the gullet
B) Food is mixed in the small intestine
C) Water is absorbed in the colon
D) Undigested food is stored in the anus

Answer: C

The colon/ large intestine is responsible for absorption of excess water from undigested

12. When enzymes are placed in high temperature, they are unable to function. This because an
increase in temperature
A) Increases the rate of enzyme reaction
B) Converts complex sugars to simple sugars
C) Destroys food material
D) Denatures the protein of enzymes
Answer: D
High temperatures disrupt the shape of the active site, which will reduce its activity or prevent it
from working.
13. An enzyme is referred to being a catalyst because it
A) Decreases the rate of a chemical reaction but remains unchanged at the end of the
B) Increases the rate of a chemical reaction but remains unchanged at the end of the
C) Increases the rate of a chemical reaction
D) Decreases the rate of a chemical reaction
Biology Multiple Choice Questions Topic: Teeth/Digestion

Answer: B
The enzyme will return to its original state at the completion of the reaction.

14. All of the following are sections of the small intestine except
A) Jejunum
B) Duodenum
C) Ileum
D) Colon
Answer: D
The colon or large intestine is not a part of the small intestine, since it has a different function.

15. The vitamin which is produced by the skin as well as obtained from food is
A) Vitamin A
B) Vitamin B
C) Vitamin C
D) Vitamin D
Answer: D
When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight it induces the synthesis of vitamin

16. Which part of the alimentary canal does the breakdown of nutrients end?
A) Stomach
B) Ilium
C) Duodenum
D) Rectum
Answer: B
Breakdown of complex nutrients to simpler molecules for absorption ends in the ilium, which is
the last part of the small intestine.
17. When an individual partakes in strenuous activities the muscles in the body produces lactic
acid by the process of
A) Anaerobic respiration
B) Aerobic respiration
C) Excretion
D) Digestion
Biology Multiple Choice Questions Topic: Teeth/Digestion

Answer: A
Anaerobic respiration takes place in muscles during strenuous exercises. Glucose is not
completely broken down, so less energy is release.

18. Which of the following graphs BEST represents the effect of pH on the activity of the
enzyme, salivary amylase, in the digestive process?

Answer: A
The activity of the enzyme rises sharply near the optimum pH and falls just as sharply as that pH
is exceeded.

19. All of the following are functions of the colon EXCEPT

A) Brief storage of undigested food
B) Absorption of water into the body
C) Absorption of mineral salts into the body
D) Absorption of digested food mineral into the body
Answer: D
Biology Multiple Choice Questions Topic: Teeth/Digestion

Digestion ends in the ilium of the small intestine, not the colon.
20. Proteins break down into amino acids, which are an essential nutritional component of our
diet because they
A) Provide most of our energy needs
B) Are used in building and repairing body cells and tissues
C) Act as catalysts for metabolic reaction in the body
D) Are a good storage form of energy
Answer: B
Proteins are essential to build and repair muscle cells and tissues

21. Undigested food is eliminated from our body through the process of
A) Excretion
B) Deamination
C) Assimilation
D) Egestion
Answer: D
Egestion is the process of getting rid of undigested materials whereas excretion is the process of
getting rid of metabolic waste.

22. A dental cavity is formed when bacteria starts to feed on food material stuck on the tooth.
What is the correct sequence for this formation?
I. Abscess
II. Dentine decay
III. Enamel decay
IV. Plaque formation
Answer: C
Bacteria, which is present in plaque, produce acids that destroys the tooth layer by layer until a
cavity is form.

23. The enzyme that is responsible for breaking down lactose is

A) Lipase
B) Pepsin
Biology Multiple Choice Questions Topic: Teeth/Digestion

C) Amylase
D) Lactase
Answer: D
Lactase breaks down lactose in order for the body to absorb it.

24. A 50- year old male is advice by his doctor to pay special attention to the amount of salt
present in his diet. He will probably have a high chance of developing
A) Obesity
B) Hyperglycemia
C) Hypertension
D) Cardiovascular disease
Answer: C
When too much salt is consumed, which contains sodium; the body holds or retains more water.
This may cause blood pressure to rise as the extra water puts stress on the heart and blood

25. Which of the following graphs show the effect of temperature on an enzyme controlled
Biology Multiple Choice Questions Topic: Teeth/Digestion

Answer: D
The activity of the enzyme is small below 20°C, rises steadily to a maximum near 50°C, then
falls steadily.

26. Where in the cycle below would glucagon be released?

Answer: A
Glucagon is released when glucose levels drop causing the liver to break down glycogen to

Item 27 refers to the following graph which shows the levels of the pH in the alimentary canal

27. Which point in the graph MOST likely indicates the presence of hydrochloric acid in the
alimentary canal?
A) I
Answer: B
Biology Multiple Choice Questions Topic: Teeth/Digestion

The lower the pH of a substance, the more acidic it is. The stomach is an organ that is known to
have a pH between 1 to 2, meaning it is very acidic.
28. All of the following are properties of enzymes EXCEPT
A) They are required in large amounts
B) All enzymes are proteins
C) Each enzyme is specific for the type of chemical reaction it speeds up
D) They work best at a particular temperature
Answer: A
Enzymes are required in small amounts, enough to lower the activation energy of the reaction,
so not much is needed to start the reaction.

29. Which part of the villus absorbs fatty acids from the digestion of gats?
A) Capillary network
B) Epithelium
C) Lacteal
D) Arteriole
Answer: C
The lacteal is a lymphatic vessel of the villi that absorbs digested fats.

30. Which of the following would MOST likely occur if enzymes were NOT present in living
A) Slow rate of reaction
B) High rate of reaction
C) Reaction requiring higher temperatures
D) No reaction
Answer: A
Enzymes are organic catalysts, which aids in the speeding up of a chemical reaction in living

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