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Name:______________________________ Date:__________________
Grade and Section:___________________ Score:_________________

Pre Test
Multiple Choice
Direction: Read the questions carefully and select the letter of the correct answer.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. This refers to close connections between people, formed by emotional bonds, and
interactions. This is known as ______________.
A. Personal Relationship C. Mutual Benefit
B. Personal Bias D. Mutual Understanding
2. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Family C. Enemy
B. Friendship D. Partnership
3. The following are the most common relationship problems EXCEPT __________.
A. Affairs/ Infidelity/ Cheating C. Lack of communication
B. Prolonged period of stress D. Thoughtfulness of the partner
4. In a healthy relationship, both partners:
I. Are treated with kindness and respect
II. Are honest with each other
III. Like to spend time together
IV. Take an interest in things that are important to each other
A. I and II are correct C. All are correct
B. I, II, and III are correct D. Only I is correct
5. Ms. Bea Alonzo doesn’t know how to avoid date pressure. If you are one of her
friends, what can you suggest to help her?
A. Say “NO” and mean “NO” if that’s how you feel.
B. It’s ok to hang out on a date so as not to be rejected by friends
C. Hang out with friends who also believe that it’s OK to not be ready for dating
D. Go out with a group of friends rather than only your date
6. In creating a long-lasting relationship, the following serves as your basis EXCEPT:
A. You must love yourself first
B. You must nurture the relationship for it to thrive
C. You need not to express yourself openly to your partner
D. Your relationship will be challenged by change
7. The following are statements showing the signs of a healthy relationship EXCEPT:
A. You can express your opinion without fear or dread.
B. You and your partner can make decisions together and fairly.
C. Each person takes responsibility for their own actions.
D. Your partner tries to control how you spend time and who you hang out with.
8. Which of the following is NOT an element of a healthy relationship?
A. Negotiation is required for a relationship to last
B. Lack of communication about important matters
C. Partnering is a choice
D. Creating love is a process
9. How will you nurture your relationships?
A. Practice gratitude, learn to forgive, connect with your family
B. Neglect your partners concern
C. Love your partner as long as he/she satisfies your needs
D. Be patient but not all the time
10. Patience is essential to a healthy relationship. There are times when others will
respond to us in a way that is disappointing. When this occurs, what will you do?
I. Give the other person space
II. Communicate your disappointment
III. Be willing to give the person some time to reflect
IV. Leave the person
A. I,II, and III are correct C. Only item III is applicable
B. I and II are correct D. II and III are correct
11. A type of relationship which tends to be less intimate, with lesser self disclosure
involved, but may still be exclusive, and may demand certain levels of loyalty.
A. Personal Relationship C. Family Relationship
B. Social Relationship D. Relationship with siblings
12. The following are the things that you can get when you are involved in community
activities EXCEPT:
A. You can come in contact with like-minded people
B. You can understand yourself better
C. Inferiority and shyness
D. Skills and competencies
13. Getting involved with community organizations and activities gives you the following:
I. It will encourage you to see the world in different ways
II. You can come into contact with like-minded peers and positive adult role models
III. It puts your own family into possible threat
IV. Gives you a lot of responsibilities and stress
A. I and II items are correct C. I, II, and III are correct
B. Item I is correct D. Item IV is only correct
14. Community activity is part of ____________. It’s about doing things in our
community because we want to or feel we should, rather than because we have to by
A. Civic Responsibility C. Political Responsibility
B. Economic Responsibility D. Personal Responsibility
15. You can take social responsibility and be active in your community by:
I. Joining a Youth Club, a scouting group or a local environmental or clean up group
II. Helping a primary school play, or coordinating or coaching junior sport
III. Being part of a youth advisory group through the local council
IV. Staying at home and taking no care outside your community
A. I and II items are correct C. I, II, and III are correct
B. Item I is correct D. Item IV is only correct
Activity 2: I Know The Signs Of A Healthy Relationship

Directions: Put a heart shape before each statement that you think is a sign of a
healthy relationship; put an X mark on each statement that you think is a sign of an
unhealthy relationship.
______1. Mutual respect is present in every relationship.
______2. Partners should place trust in each other
______3. Each partner should speak honestly and openly
______4. Your partner uses force to get his or her way
______5. One partner tries to control aspects of the other’s life
______6. Express your anger in a healthy way such as deep breath, counting, or talking
it out.
______7. Each partner should take time to understand what the other might be feeling
______8. Your partner makes all the decisions
______9. Your partner tries to keep secrets and information from you.
______10.Your partner makes fun of your opinions and interests

Processing Questions:
1. What were your thoughts and feelings while answering the activity?
2. What did you discover about yourself after doing the activity?
3. With previous activities, how would you describe your relationship with your
parents? Siblings? Possible or current romantic relationship? Friends?
4. If your relationship is not doing very well, what can you do about it?

Activity 5: “My Relationship Artwork!”

On a piece of long bond paper, sketch, draw, or design a poster which shows one’s
basic rights in a relationship.

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