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Contextual Information


Big Idea: Grade: Date: 3/22 10:25-11: Lesson: 3

Classification Fifth 08

Resource Link:

Lesson Structure: Integrated Differentiation for ESOL Accommodations. Check all that
Whole Group Content: English Language apply to your classroom:
Science Learners: Flexible environment
Integrated with… Flexible scheduling
Flexible seating
Bilingual assistance
Approved dictionary/glossary
Reading text aloud

Standard: (BEST/ FL Sci./ NGSS/ FL SS)

SC.5.L.14.2: Compare and contrast the function of organs and other physical structures of plants and
animals, including humans, for example: some animals have skeletons for support -- some with internal
skeletons others with exoskeletons -- while some plants have stems for support.
SC.5.L.17.1: Compare and contrast adaptations displayed by animals and plants that enable them to survive in
different environments such as life cycles variations, animal behaviors and physical characteristics.
SC.5.L.15.1: Describe how, when the environment changes, differences between individuals allow some plants and
animals to survive and reproduce while others die or move to new locations.

Learning Trajectory:
Previous Standard: Write code and full text:
SC.5.L.14.1: Identify the organs in the human body and describe their functions, including the skin, brain, heart,
lungs, stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas, muscles and skeleton, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, and sensory
Next Standard: Write code and full text:

Diagnostic Data: This section is required for all ELA and Math Lesson Plans. ESOL proficiency data (WIDA or
IPT) is required on ALL lesson plans. Examples of diagnostic data include Lexile levels, Unit Assessments,
I-Ready, etc.
Copy of Hutchi Class Data

Lesson Planning

Instructional objectives(s) & Learning Target: Clear objectives written in the form of student learning.
- I am learning about the way that plants are classified and how they reproduce.
By the end of the lesson, the students will…
Learning Target:
- Create notecards based on our new unit

Vocabulary: (define in kid friendly Instructional Materials:

terms) K-2 use beginner for K-2 & Select your materials and technology. Then, include a copy of print or
Intermediate for 3-5 Kids.Wordsmyth teacher made material and/or hyperlink to any digital materials in the
Adaptation space provided.
Classify Teacher selected read aloud: Title: Benchmark book:
Characteristic Paper, pencil, markers, crayons
Teacher created materials
Teacher-made sample of activity/project
Teacher-made sample of activity/project
Invertebrate Teacher-made sample of activity/project
Vertebrate ipad/computer
Pistil Graphic organizer: None _______
Stamen Assessment: _____
Science supplies (list)
Organs of the human body worksheet
Spore Human body powerpoint

Introduction/Building Background: 1 min.

1. Greeting:
a. New unit!
b. You all did very well on your science test on Friday
2. Hook: How will you introduce the lesson, assess, or activate prior knowledge & motivate
students to learn?
a. Our new unit is going to be about the human body
3. Prior Knowledge: Connect this lesson to previous learning.
a. Build knowledge on human body

Instructional Steps (allotted time): Pacing

1. Introduce:
a. You all did so well last unit so I wanted to keep up all the great work and continue our
strategies to study terms
b. There are a lot of terms, definitions and classification for plants and animals
c. I wanted to take today to teach a study strategy that works really well for me
2. Show:
a. For this unit I have created flashcards to help with all of these moving pieces
b. Front of the card has the term
c. Back of the card has definition and picture
3. Explain:
a. You all have a stack of notecards, a packet and you need out glue and scissors
b. I am going to assign you all partners and this is going to be your study buddy
c. When you all break out into groups you will
i. first write the definition on the front of the card
ii. On the back write the name of the organ
d. Also make sure to write your initials on the card so if you lose it, we will be able to
find its owner
4. Monitor progress
a. Roam around the room
b. Monitor student progress
5. Todays focus:
a. Write definitions on the back of the notecards
6. Come back together
a. How to study with flashcards
i. Person 1 asks the question
ii. Person 2 gives the response
1. If answer is correct set the card aside
2. If they are incorrect, review and put back in the pile

Differentiation Process/How . Zach, Oz, Demi, Madison, Brayden

- Preselected partners based on VST and accommodations
- 1-5 words written on notecard: Demi, Brayden, Uly, Paulina, Alondra
- Based on
- Uly: Behavior, struggle to stay on task
- Alondra, Paulina: ESOL
- Demi, Brayden: ESE
- 2 answer blanks for students to fill out: Zach, Oz, Madison
- Based on: ESE

HOT question (and expected answer):

1. Questions in the flashcards

Assessment: Formative assessment name Assorted Assessments . Describe if needed

1. Student flashcards

Lesson Closure: Teacher talk. Restate the main take-aways from the lesson. 1 min.
Great job today friends, we are going to continue the classification and plants, there is a lot to dive
into so we will continue to break this down

Post Teaching Reflections

Lesson Adjustment: What have you learned about students’ understanding of the content based on the formative
assessment? If proficiency was not demonstrated, what next steps (reteaching) are required? Include evidence.

Reflection on Teaching: Analyze and evaluate your lesson delivery and class management.
Response to Feedback: BLOCK 2 ONLY
To be completed after post-observation meeting: Review and consider provided feedback. Describe how you will implement next
steps going forward. Explain how these next steps will impact students’ learning experiences.

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