Name: Nasywaa Kamiilah NRP: 2022110007 Ilmu Jurnalistik

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Name: Nasywaa Kamiilah

Nrp: 2022110007

Ilmu Jurnalistik

Reading Technique and Compound Sentence Exercise

A. Answer the questions below about Core Principle in the Globalization of International
Relation and decide whether it is using skimming or scanning technique. ( Jawablah
pertanyaan dibawah ini tentang Core Principle in the Globalization of International Relation
dan tentukan Teknik membaca yang digunakan untuk mencari jawaban)

1. What is the main idea of the 2nd paragraph?

The main idea of the second paragraph is IR revolves around one key problem (

2. What do IR scholar use in trying to explain the field of IR?

IR scholar use many theories, concepts, and in trying to describe and explain the field of IR

3. What is paragraph 4 about?

Paragraph 4 explain about colective goods are easier to provide in small groups than in large
one (Skimming/Scanning)

4. What is one example of collective interest that some countries have?

He example is, every country has an interest in stopping global warming, a goal that can be
achieved only by many countries acting together
( Skimming/Scanning)

5. Who can advance their own short-term interests by seizing territory militarily,
cheating on trade agreements, and refusing to contribute to international efforts
such as peacekeeping or vaccination campaigns?
Individual nations can advance their own short-term

6. Where are collective goods are easier to provide?

In general, collevtive goods are easier to provide in small groups than in large ones.

7. What is the topic of paragraph 5?

Topic in paragraph 5 is,the collective goods problem occurs in all groups and
societies, but it is particularly acute in international affairs
B. Combine these sentences into compound sentences using coordinate conjunction
and, or, but, depending on the relations between the sentences/clauses; additional,
optional or oppositional.

1. -The field of international relations (IR) concerns the relationships among the
world’s governments.
-These relationships cannot be understood in isolation.
Compound: The field of international relations (IR) concerns the relationships
among the world’s governments and these relationships cannot be understood in

2. -The government will build many water dams to ensure farmers get enough water
for their farm.
-The country will suffer from food shortages.
Compound: The government will build many water dams to ensure farmers get
enough water for their farm and the country will not suffer from food shortages

3. -Small scale economic business is very much supported in this country.

-They will be given soft loan to improve their business.
Compound: Small scale economic business is very much supported in this country
and they will be given soft loan to improve their business.

4. -The local government and their officials have come to the city exhibition.
-They couldn’t enter the exhibition building because of the heavy flood around it.
Compound: The local government and their officials have come to the city exhibition
but they couldn’t enter the exhibition building because of the heavy flood around it.

5. Small businesses can choose between having a cash loan or free rented business
place from the government.
They can’t have both.
Compound: Small businesses can choose between having a cash loan or free rented
business place from the government but they can’t have both.

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