Speaking - Assessment - 2 - Talk Show

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Format: A presenter and two/three guest speakers.
Preparation: In the breakout room, participants will select who will act as
the presenter and two guest speakers. They will also choose one of the
topics from below to discuss as a talk show topic. Participants will spend
20 minutes in the breakout room for the preparation.
Procedure: The presenter will welcome the two/three guest speakers to
the program (give a name of the program), he/she will inform the
audience the purpose of the program. Then, he/she will ask one of the
speakers to start sharing his/her ideas on the chosen topic from the
options. After that, the presenter will ask the other speaker to share his/her
ideas about the topic. Having got the speakers’ views on the topic, the
presenter will give his/her final thoughts on the topic, thank the speakers for
sharing their views and then close the program. The talk show will last for 7
- 8 minutes.
Timing: At the beginning, the Presenter will talk for 1 minute – he/she will
welcome the audience, introduce the speakers with the audience, inform
the purpose of the show. She/he then ask question/s about the topic to the
first guest. The fist guest speaker will then start answering the question/s,
and he/she will talk for at least one and a half minutes (maximum two
and a half minutes). Then the Presenter will ask question/s to the other
guest speaker. The second speaker will then start answering the question,
and he/she will talk for at least one and a half minutes (maximum two
and a half minutes). Finally, the Presenter will give his/her views on the
topic, give thanks to the speakers and the audience and end the program
(one and a half minutes).
A. Relationship between poverty and corruption. Questions could be:
Does poverty lead to corruption? Does corrpution cause
poverty/increase poverty in a country? Or any other questions
related to the topic.
B. Relationship between education and economics. Questions could
be: Does a better education lead to a better economic situation?
Does a better economic situation lead to better education? Or any
other questions related to the topic.

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