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General Physics 1 Page 1 of 16

Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision



Welcome STEM Grade 12 students! We have another

concepts to discuss. Be excited and enjoy because this
is what ball game players utilized to win their games!


This module will guide you to acquire knowledge and understanding of Center of mass, Momentum, Impulse,
Impulse-momentum relation, Law of conservation of momentum, Collisions, Center of Mass, Impulse,
Momentum, and Collision Problems.

This module will give you insights on the importance of balancing forces like hanging objects; floating in
water; objects float in water when their weight is balanced by the up-thrust from the water; standing on the
ground to refrain us from sliding; the importance of momentum in sports; good collision in billiard games; and
many other uses of center of mass, momentum, impulse and collisions in our life activities.


At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Differentiate center of mass and geometric center
2. Relate the motion of center of mass of a system to the momentum and net external force acting on the
3. Relate the momentum, impulse, force, and time of contact in a system
4. Compare and contrast elastic and inelastic collisions
5. Apply the concept of restitution coefficient in collisions
6. Solve problems involving center of mass, impulse, and momentum
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Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision



Before you proceed to the main lesson, test yourself in this activity.

Let us be familiar with the center of mass. Make hypothesis by placing a RED mark in each picture
where the center of mass is located.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

The center of mass of the human body depends on the gender and the position of the

Thank GOD for the concept of center of mass and center

of gravity. We can maintain equilibrium and improve the
way we live in a tremendous ways!

You may now proceed to the main lesson.
General Physics 1 Page 3 of 16
Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision



Based on the preliminary activities, what did you notice about it?
You may now proceed to the lesson.

4.1 Let us differentiate center of mass and geometric center

Center of Mass


The terms "center of mass" and "center of gravity" are used synonymously in a uniform gravity field to
represent the unique point in an object or system which can be used to describe the system's response to
external forces and torques.

In mathematics and physics, the centroid or geometric center of a plane figure is the arithmetic mean
position of all the points in the figure. Informally, it is the point at which a cutout of the shape could be perfectly
balanced on the tip of a pin.



The concept of the center of mass of an object is the average point of the mass of the object. Center of
Gravity: The point on an object where all of its weight can be considered to act. These are the same points
for an object in a constant gravitational field. In one plane, that is like the balancing of a seesaw about a pivot
point with respect to the torques produced.
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Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision


If you are making measurements from the center of mass point for a two-mass system then the center of
mass condition can be expressed as

where r1 and r2 locate the masses. The center of mass lies on the line connecting the two masses.
Sample problem
1. A 1. 0 m long dumbbell has a 10 kg mass on the left and a 5.0 kg mass on the right. Find the center of
mass (the position of center of gravity).
m1 = 10kg m2 = 5.0kg (0m)(10km) + (1.0m)(5.0km) / (10kg + 5.0kg) = 0.33 m
2. Two point masses 3 kg and 5 kg are at 4 m and 8 m from the origin on X-axis. Locate the position of center
of mass of the two point masses (a) from the origin and (b) from 3 kg mass.


(b) To find the center of mass from 3 kg mass:

The origin is shifted to 3 kg mass along x-axis. The position of 3 kg point mass is zero (x 1 = 0) and the position
of 5 kg point mass is 4 m from the shifted origin (x 2 = 4 m).

4.2 Relate the motion of center of mass of a system to the momentum and net external force acting
on the system

The motion of the center of mass is only determined by the external forces. Forces exerted by one
part of the system on other parts of the system are called internal forces.
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Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision

According to Newton's third law, the sum of all internal forces cancel out (for each interaction there are two
forces acting on two parts: they are equal in magnitude but pointing in an opposite direction and cancel if
we take the vector sum of all internal forces).

The center of mass of a system of particles acts like a particle of mass M, and reacts like a particle when the system is exposed to
/lecturenotes/Chapter09/Chapter9.html external forces. They also show that when the net external force acting
on the system is zero, the velocity of the center of mass will be
Sample problem.
A child of mass m is standing at the left end of a thin and uniform slab of wood of length L and mass M. The
slab lies on a horizontal and frictionless icy surface of a lake. Starting from rest, the child walks towards the
right end of the slab. How far and in what direction did the center of mass of the child-slab system move when
the child has reached the right end of the slab?

The center of mass does not move while the child is walking along the
slab. It remains where it was when the child was at the left end of the

The time interval of interest is the one it takes the child to walk along the slab from one end to the other. It
starts at the instant ti when the child is at the left end of the slab ready to move towards the right end. At this
instant both the slab and the child are at rest. The interval ends at the instant tf when the child has reached
the right end of the slab and stops walking relative to the slab.

4.3 Relate the momentum, impulse, force, and time of contact in a system

Momentum is a commonly used term in sports. When a sports announcer says that a team has the
momentum they mean that the team is really on the move and is going to be hard to stop. To stop such an
object, it is necessary to apply a force against its motion for a given period of time. The more momentum that
an object has, the harder that it is to stop.
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Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision

Momentum can be defined as "mass in motion." All objects have mass; so if an object is moving, then it
has momentum - it has its mass in motion. Momentum depends upon the variables mass and velocity. In
terms of an equation, the momentum of an object is equal to the mass of the object times the velocity of the
Momentum = mass • velocity

Impulse-Momentum Relation
In physics, the quantity Force • time is known as impulse. And since the quantity m•v is the momentum,
the quantity m•Δv must be the change in momentum. The equation really says that the
Impulse = Change in momentum

Law of conservation of momentum

Consider a collision between two objects - object 1 and object 2. For such a collision, the forces acting
between the two objects are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction (Newton's third law). This statement
can be expressed in equation form as follows.

The forces act between the two objects for a given amount of time. In some cases, the time is long; in other
cases the time is short. Regardless of how long the time is, it can be said that the time that the force acts
upon object 1 is equal to the time that the force acts upon object 2.

Since the forces between the two objects are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, and since the
times for which these forces act are equal in magnitude, it follows that the impulses experienced by the two
objects are also equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. As an equation, this can be stated as

But the impulse experienced by an object is equal to the change in momentum of that object (the impulse-
momentum change theorem). Thus, since each object experiences equal and opposite impulses, it follows
logically that they must also experience equal and opposite momentum changes. As an equation, this can
be stated as

The above equation is one statement of the law of momentum conservation. In a collision, the momentum change
of object 1 is equal to and opposite of the momentum change of object 2. That is, the momentum lost by object 1 is
equal to the momentum gained by object 2. In most collisions between two objects, one object slows down and loses
momentum while the other object speeds up and gains momentum

Sample problems in momentum and impulse

1. Calculate the momentum of a 1500 kg car with a velocity of 22m/s.
p = mv = 1500 x 22 = 33,000kg.m/s
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Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision

2. What is the momentum of a child and wagon if the total mass of the
child and wagon is 30 kg and the velocity is 1.5 m/s?
p = mv = 30 x 1.5 = 45 kg.m/s

3. A school bus traveling at 11 m/s has a momentum of 15,000 kg.m/s.

What is the mass of the bus?
m = p/v = 15,000 kg.m/s = 1363.63 kg
11 m/s
4. A bowling ball of 30 kg, generates 200 kg.m/s units of momentum. What
is the velocity of the bowling ball?
v = p/m = (200 kgm/s) (30 kg) = 6.67 m/s
5. A 20 kg mass is sitting on a frictionless surface. An unknown constant force pushes the mass for 2
seconds until the mass reaches a velocity of 2 m/s.
a) What is the initial momentum of the mass?
b) What is the final momentum of the mass?
c) What was the force acting on the mass?
d) What was the impulse acting on the mass?
a) What is the initial momentum?
Momentum is mass times velocity. Since the mass is at rest, the initial velocity is 0 m/s.
momentum = m⋅v = (50 kg)⋅(0 m/s) = 0 kg⋅m/s
b) What is the final momentum?
After the force is finished acting on the mass, the velocity is 3 m/s.
momentum = m⋅v = (50 kg)⋅(3 m/s) = 150 kg⋅m/s
c) What was the force acting on the mass?
mv – mv0 = Ft
From parts a and b, we know mv0 = 0 kg⋅m/s and mv = 150 kg⋅m/s.
150 kg⋅m/s – 0 kg⋅m/s = Ft
150 kg⋅m/s = Ft
Since the force was in effect over 2 seconds, t = 2 s.
150 kg⋅m/s = F ⋅ 2s
F = (15 kg⋅m/s) / 2 s
F = 75 kg⋅m/s2
Unit Fact: kg⋅m/s2 can be denoted by the derived SI unit Newton (symbol N)
F = 75 N
d) What was the impulse acting on the mass?
The impulse is the force multiplied by the time passed. It is also equal to the change in momentum
over the same time period.
Ft = 75 N ⋅ 2 s
Ft = 150 Ns or 150 kg⋅m/s
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The impulse was 150 kg⋅m/s.

4.4 Compare and contrast elastic and inelastic collisions

In a collision, an object experiences a force for a specific amount of time that results in a change in
momentum. The result of the force acting for the given amount of time is that the object's mass either speeds
up or slows down (or changes direction).

The impulse experienced by the object equals the change in momentum

of the object. In equation form, F • t = m • Δ v.

In an elastic collision, total kinetic energy and the total momentum

before and after the collision are the same. In an inelastic collision,
some of the energy gets converted into other forms of energy such as
sound energy or thermal energy. The forces featured by an inelastic
Source: http://hyperphysics.phy-
collision are non-conservative in nature.

Elastic collision Perfectly Inelastic Collision Inelastic Collision


A perfectly inelastic collision occurs when the maximum amount of kinetic energy of a system is lost. In
a perfectly inelastic collision, i.e., a zero coefficient of restitution, the colliding particles stick together. In
such a collision, kinetic energy is lost by bonding the two bodies together.

4.5. Apply the concept of restitution coefficient in collisions

The coefficient of restitution is defined as the ratio of the final velocity to the initial velocity between two
objects after their collision. Another way of saying this is that the coefficient of restitution is the ratio of the
velocity components along the normal plane of contact after and before the collision.
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Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision

4.6. Solve problems involving center of mass, impulse, and momentum

Sample problems
Express your understanding of the concept of momentum by answering the following questions.
1. Determine the momentum of a ...
A. 60-kg halfback moving eastward at 9 m/s.
B. 1000-kg car moving northward at 20 m/s.
C. 40-kg freshman moving southward at 2 m/s.
A. p = m*v = 60 kg*9 m/s
p = 540 kg•m/s, east
B. p = m*v = 1000 kg*20 m/s
p = 20 000 kg•m/s, north
C. p = m*v = 40 kg*2 m/s
p = 80 kg•m/s, south
2. Jennifer, who has a mass of 50.0 kg, is riding at 35.0 m/s in her red sports car when she must suddenly
slam on the brakes to avoid hitting a deer crossing the road. She strikes the air bag, that brings her body to
a stop in 0.500 s. What average force does the seat belt exert on her?
F = (mass * velocity change)/time
F = (50 * 35) / 0.500
F = 3500 N

3. A bicycle has a momentum of 24 kg•m/s. What momentum would the bicycle have if it had …
a. twice the mass and was moving at the same speed?
b. the same mass and was moving with twice the speed?
c. one-half the mass and was moving with twice the speed?
d. the same mass and was moving with one-half the speed?
e. three times the mass and was moving with one-half the speed?
f. three times the mass and was moving with twice the speed?
a. 48 kg•m/s
b. 48 kg•m/s
c. 24 kg•m/s
d. 12 kg•m/s
e. 36 kg•m/s
f. 144 kg•m/s
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Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision

4. A 10 kg mass traveling 2 m/s meets and collides elastically with a 2 kg mass traveling 4 m/s in the
opposite direction. Find the final velocities of both objects.
Plug the known values:

VAf = 0 m/s

The final velocity of the larger mass is zero. The collision completely stopped this mass.
Now for VBf

Plug in our known values

VBf = 6 m/s

The second, smaller mass shoots off to the right (positive sign on the answer) at 6 m/s while the first, larger
mass is stopped dead in space by the elastic collision.
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Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision

We had just finished the discussion on center of mass, momentum,

impulse and collision. Let’s move on to the next higher level of activity/ies
or exercise/s that demonstrate your potential skills/knowledge of what
you have learned.


Name: ______________________________ Grade & Section: __________________
This matching type questions were provided to help you recall and apply the concepts learned on
center of mass, momentum, impulse and collision.

Match Column A with Column B


1. Ratio between the change In the final velocity A. kg m/s
and the change in the initial velocity.
2. If p=mv, what is the momentum of a 10 kg B. energy
bowling ball with a velocity of 4 m/s?
3. Center of gravity and center of mass tend to C. Center of gravity
often be used interchangeably since they are
often at the _______ location.
4. In an ___________, some of the energy gets D. perfectly elastic collision
converted into other forms of energy such as
sound energy or thermal energy.
5. Amount of force you apply for a certain E. coefficient of restitution
amount of time to cause a change in
6. As the ball bounces, it keeps losing ______ F. 40 kgm/s
and becomes less and less ‘bouncy’.
7. The forces featured by an inelastic G. inelastic collision
collision are ____________ in nature.
8. SI unit for momentum. H. non-conservative
9. The point where the weight of body acts as a I. impulse
10. Does not happen in real-world settings, the J. same
coefficient of restitution would be precisely 1.00.
K. joule
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Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision


Name: ______________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

Write TRUE if the statement is true, and write FALSE, if the statement is false.

_______ 1. Geometric center of a plane figure is the arithmetic mean position of all the points in the figure.
_______ 2. Geometric center is also called the center of gravity.
_______ 3. The velocity of the system's center of mass does not change, as long as the system is
_______ 4. The system moves as if all the mass is concentrated at a single point.
_______ 5. The center of mass itself rotates; instead it will make a parabolic path, as if it
was a point particle.
_______ 6. The center of gravity (CG) of an object is the point at which weight is evenly dispersed
and all sides are in balance.
_______ 7. A human's center of gravity can change as he takes on different positions, but in many other
objects, it's a fixed location.
_______ 8. The center of mass of an object is calculated by taking the sum of its moments divided by the
overall weight of the object.
_______ 9. The moment of the center of gravity is the product of the weight and its location as measured
from a set point called the origin.
_______ 10. The center of gravity is used to determine the stability of objects when they are tilted.

Finally, let us summarize the lesson of what we had discussed today.


This generalization was intended to summarize the discussions made with

the concepts of center of mass, momentum, impulse and collision. It is
composed of multiple choice questions where you will choose the letter that
will give you the correct answer.

Name: ______________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

General Physics 1 Page 13 of 16
Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision

_______ 1. Occur when one object strikes another.

A. momentum
B. impulse
C. collision
D. pull of gravity

_______ 2. In inelastic collisions, _______ is conserved

A. collision
B. impulse
C. momentum
D. pull of gravity

_______ 3.: In this kind of collision, momentum is conserved and kinetic energy is also conserved.
A. Inelastic collision
B. elastic collision
C. perfectly elastic collision
D. perfectly inelastic collision

_______ 4. In a collision, there is a force on both objects that causes an __________ of both objects.
A. impulse
B. momentum
C. distance
D. acceleration

_______ 5. For collisions between equal ________ objects, each object experiences the
same acceleration.
A. mass
B. weight
C. gravity
D. distance

_______ 6. Can be defined as "mass in motion."

A. momentum
B. collision
C. impulse
D. conservation

_______ 7. Refers to the quantity of motion that an object has.

A. acceleration
B. impulse
C. collision
D. momentum
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Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision

_______ 8. A sports team that is on the move has the __________ .

A. acceleration
B. momentum
C. collision
D. impulse

_______ 9. The SI unit of impulse is

A. N⋅s
B. kg⋅m/s
C. kg⋅m/s2
D. joule

_______ 10. The SI unit of momentum is

A. joule
B. N⋅s
C. kg⋅m/s2
D. kg⋅m/s

You have come to an end of Module 7.
OOPS! Don’t forget that you have still an assignment to do.
Here it is….


Name: ______________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

The aim of this assignment was for recall and practice. You are tasked to choose the letter
that will give you the correct answer. Solutions to these problems should be included in
your weekly Portfolio.
(This assignment will be submitted on ________________.)
1. A particle has a mass of 10 kg and a velocity of 5 m/s. What is the momentum of the particle?
A. 50 kg·m/s
B. 50 kg·m/s-1
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Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision

C. 50 kg⋅m/s2
D. N s

2. An impulse of 20 kg·m/s acts on the particle mass of 10 kg, in the same direction as the velocity of 5 m/s.
What is the final velocity of the particle?
A. 5 m/s
B. 7 m/s
C. 9 m/s2
D. 10 m/s2

3. An inelastic collision occurs in one dimension, in which a 10 kg block traveling at 5 m/s collides with a 5
kg block traveling at 3 m/s in the same direction, and they stick together. What are the velocities of the
blocks immediately after the collision?
A. 4.00 m/s
B. 4.00 m/s2
C. 4.33 m/s
D. 4.33 m/s2

4. A 10 kg mass traveling 2 m/s meets and collides elastically with a 4 kg mass traveling 4 m/s in the
opposite direction. Find the final velocity of the first object..
A. 2.00 m/s
B. 3.00 m/s2
C. 4.33 m/s
D. 5.33 m/s2

5. A 10 kg mass traveling 2 m/s meets and collides elastically with a 4 kg mass traveling 4 m/s in the
opposite direction. Find the final velocity of the second object..
A. 3.14 m/s
B. 4.14 m/s
C. 5.14 m/s2
D. 6.14 m/s2

6. Find the momentum of a 50 kg man moving at the rate of 4 m/s.

A. 100 kgm/s
B. 150 kgm/s
C. 200 kgm/s
D. 250 kgm/s

7. What is the velocity of a 10 kg object with a momentum of a 100 kgm/s?

A. 10 m/s
B. 15 m/s
C. 20 m/s
D. 25 m/s
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Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collision

8. A hockey player applies an average force of 70.0 N to a 0.25 kg hockey puck for a time of 0.10 seconds.
Determine the impulse experienced by the hockey puck.
A. 5 N*s
B. 7 N*s
C. 9 N*s
D. 10 N*s

9. If a 5-kg object experiences a 10-N force for a duration of 0.10-second, then what is the momentum
change of the object?
A. 2.0 kg m/s2
B. 2.0 kg m/s
C. 1.0 kg m/s2
D. 1.0 kg m/s

10. A bullet is accelerated down the barrel of a gun by hot gases produced in the combustion of gun
powder. What is the average force exerted on a 0.0300-kg bullet to accelerate it to a speed of 600 m/s in a
time of 2.00 ms (milliseconds)?
A. 6 N
B. 7 N
C. 8 N
D. 9 N

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