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Mata Ujian : Bahasa Inggris

Program Studi : Akuntansi, Managemen, Perpajakan
Jenjang Program : S1
Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 01 Desember 2022
Waktu : Pukul 10.20 – 12.00 WIB
Sifat Ujian : Tutup Buku
Petunjuk : Kerjakan sesuai urutan soal, tidak dapat diacak!
Dosen Pengasuh : Sahat Taruli Siahaan, S.Pd., M.A. (grup AA5) / Donna Pasaribu, M.Pd. (AA1,
AA3)/ Yessica E. Sinabariba, S.Pd., M.Pd. (AA4, MA2)/ Susanti Girsang,
M.Pd. (MA6, PA1)
Dosen Penguji : Sahat Taruli Siahaan, S.Pd., M.A. / Donna Pasaribu, M.Pd./
Yessica E. Sinabariba, S.Pd., M.Pd./ Susanti Girsang, M.Pd.

Terjemahkanlah semua kata/ frase berikut ini. (skor: 25)

1. a. are asking
b. are warning
c. are insisting
d. are unpushing
e. are suggesting

2. a. to gather
b. to catch
c. to collect
d. to use
e. to remove

3. a. alert
b. mark
c. repay attention
d. post
e. register

4. a. to mention
b. to account
c. to point
d. to manage
e. to express

5. a. to decide
b. to set
c. to establish
d. to confirm
e. to determine

6. a. assists
b. supports
c. sustains
d. helps
e. affords

7. a. submitted
b. advised
c. put
d. indicated
e. proved

8. a. to change
b. to trade
c. to realter
d. to reshift
e. to maintain

9. a. are looking forward to
b. are expecting
c. are seeing for
d. are hunting
e. are searching for

10. a. is moving
b. is varying
c. is working
d. is rechanging
e. is retransferring

11. a. added
b. answered
c. posted
d. meant
e. discussed

The Ants & the Grasshopper

One bright day in late autumn a family of Ants were bustling about in the warm sunshine, drying out the
grain they had stored up during the summer, when a starving Grasshopper, his fiddle under his arm, came up
and humbly begged for a bite to eat.

"What!" cried the Ants in surprise, "haven't you stored anything away for the winter? What in the world
were you doing all last summer?"

"I didn't have time to store up any food," whined the Grasshopper; "I was so busy making music that before I
knew it the summer was gone."

The Ants shrugged their shoulders in disgust.

"Making music, were you?" they cried. "Very well; now dance!" And they turned their backs on the
Grasshopper and went on with their work.

Topik materi grammar Chapter 5 Competition in Business

12. Based on the moral story above, then make 3 sentences that expresses comparative and superlative of
adjectives about the figure/manner/attitude the ants and the grasshopper. (Berdasarkan cerita moral di atas,
kemudian buatlah 3 kalimat yang mengungkapkan kata sifat komparatif dan superlatif mengenai sikap
semut dan belalang itu.) (skor: 25)
a. comparative between the ants and the grasshopper:____________________________________________.
b. superlative about the ants: _______________________________________________________________.
c. superlative about the grasshopper:_________________________________________________________.

Topik materi grammar Chapter 7 Negotiation
13. Based on the moral lesson in the moral story above, then make 4 sentences that expresses your wishes /
your preferred expresses for the ants and the grasshopper (general preferred expresses & specific preferred
expresses.) (Berdasarkan pesan moral pada cerita moral tersebut di atas, kemudian buatlah 4 kalimat yang
mengungkapkan harapan Anda/ ungkapan pilihan Anda untuk semut dan belalang itu (mencakup ungkapan
pilihan umum & ungkapan pilihan khusus) (skor: 25)
a. expressing general preferences about the ants:________________________________________________.
b. expressing general preferences about the grasshopper: _________________________________________.
c. expressing specific preferences about the ants:_______________________________________________.
e. expressing specific preferences about the grasshopper: ________________________________________.

Topik materi grammar Chapter 6 Business Planning

14. Based on the moral lesson in the moral story above, then make 2 futuring sentences that expresses your
future willingness/ wishes (Berdasarkan pesan moral pada cerita moral tersebut di atas, kemudian buatlah
2 kalimat tensis Future yang mengungkapkan keinginan/ harapan mendatang Anda (skor: 25)
a. Future simple sentence about the ants: _____________________________________________________.
b. Future simple sentence about the grasshopper: _______________________________________________.

-----Selamat Ujian -----

Ajarkanlah kepadaku kebijaksanaan dan pengetahuan yang baik, sebab aku percaya kepada perintah-perintahMu (Mazmur 119:66)

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