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Wellness in the Media

The article "Art in the Moment: Evaluating a Therapeutic Wellness Program for People

with Dementia and their Care Partners" discusses the use of art as a form of healing to patients

who have dementia. In the article, patients with dementia were exposed to different arts, and

their reactions to the art were evaluated. Evaluation of their responses was done by assessing

their moods, open-ended phone interviews, evaluation of interaction and expression, and

observing how they engage with others and their relationship with the art (Livingston et. al.,

2016). The experiment was done in "Art in the Moment" found that art aroused mood in the

participants and caregivers involved. Art also resulted in a positive change in the communication

and interaction between the caregiver and the one who was receiving the care. On the same, there

was an increase in personal validation and the sort of meaningful socialization that occurred. The

use of art also resulted in less isolation of the marginalized population and increased

participation of the caregivers and the care receivers in social non-clinical activities (Livingston

et. al., 2016).

The use of art has a very significant role in the wellness of an individual. Art brings

beauty and a sense of humanity into one's environment. Historically, the use of art for a person's

wellness has evolved with a large segment of the population having a change of culture,

increasing the use of art in their environments. Beautification and a humane feeling of where one

stays help reduce stress and anxiety feelings in a person, improving a person's general happiness

and better productivity in the activities he or she is involved in (Onesti, 2017). The use of art in

the social context when used within a group of people fosters and builds a social relationship

among the group, resulting in one feeling part of a community. A good relationship among

individuals promotes an individual's mental health, contributing positively to a person's wellness,


allowing for the existence of a smooth life. In conclusion, art as humanity should be incorporated

in promoting the mental health of a person.


Livingston, L., Fiterman Persin, G., & Del Signore, D. (2016). Art in the moment: evaluating a

therapeutic wellness program for people with dementia and their care partners. Journal of

Museum Education, 41(2), 100-109.

Onesti, A. (2017). Built environment, creativity, social art: The recovery of public space as

engine of human development. Region: the journal of ERSA, 4(3), 87-118.

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