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Evidence #1 Outcome #13

For this outcome, I encouraged students to

reward themselves after completing a task
such as an assignment or an exam. By
encouraging students to look forward to
finishing or complete would use this image to
explain that there are supporting factors
within every student tting a task, they are
more likely to enjoy the process to the
outcome. I hat determine how to be
Evidence #2 Outcome #14

For this outcome, I explained that eating healthy

and clean is very beneficial for me. Maslow's theory
of understanding the motivation for human behavior
is relatable to me because eating healthy allows me
to be a better student and a more effective teacher
Evidence #3 Outcome #15

For this outcome, a piece of evidence that I

used is my time as an element leader at
basic training. I was in charge of seven girls.
As a leader, I wanted to encourage them to
become leaders as well. I wanted them to
better understand the importance of listening
to others and do things for the greater good
of the team.
Evidence #4 Outcome #16

For this outcome, I continued my evidence

from the outcome above. My role as a leader
in the military has progressed over the years
as well. Not only was I leader during basic
training, but at my base in RI, I am still a
leader. I try to change old rules that are in
place but that do not benefit the greater good.
I created airmen meetings to discuss issues
or complaints that they have with the
intention of resolving them.
Evidence #5 Outcome #19

For this outcome, I chose this image

as my evidence because this is the
structure of the air force. Having
these ranks allows us to follow a
structured system. This allows for
the organization to run smoothly
and effectively.
Evidence #6 Outcome #20

For this outcome, I have a photo of my planner that I use on a

daily basis. This planner allows me to be organized and
prepared for the week. I write down all my shifts for work, any
exams that I have, meetings, or zoom calls that I have as well.
Evidence #7 Outcome #21

For this outcome, I chose to use my notes app on my phone. This is

another way that I can organize my responsibilities and tasks that I
need to complete.
Evidence #8 Outcome #22

For this outcome, I chose to use my planner as

evidence. For one of the com projects, I split it up into
smaller sections. For instance, rather than writing
down “COM Project'', I wrote down the steps to finish
the project. I wrote down “Speech, outline, video,
visual aid and then present ''. This allows me to
attack the elephant by little pieces rather than one big
Evidence #9 Outcome #23

For this outcome, I chose to use an image of my

goals as evidence. Setting goals at the beginning of
the year is very important because it motivated me to
work towards them throughout the year. For my
goals, I set one for my academic, personal, financial
and physical goals.
Evidence #10 Outcome #24

For this outcome, I chose to use a picture of a brightspace page of my

assignments. This is how I track my grades for my assignments and
exams. This allows me to keep track and keep myself accountable.

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