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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level



(b) Q1 = ¼ (n + 1) th term = ¼ x 24 = 6 th term

Q1 = 50

Q2 = 2/1 (n + 1) th term = ½ (24) = 12 th term Correct vales

Q1 = 50
Q2 = 66 B2
Q3 = 78

Q2 = 66

Q3 = ¾ (n + 1) th term = ¾ (24) = 18 th term

Q1 Q2 Q3

Correct box and B2


(c) (i) The stem and leaf diagram gives a visual impression of
the data or it keeps the details of the original data. B1[1]

The box and whisker plot gives the immediate
impression of the shape of the distribution. B1[1]
13. (a) (i) E1 and E2 are independent if the happening of E 1 does not
affect happening of E2 B1[1]
(ii) E1 and E2 are mutually – exclusive if they cannot take
place at the same time. B1[1]
(b) let A, B and C represent each of the categories.

(i) P(all will choose different categories).

= P (ABC or ACB or BAC or CAB or CBA or BCA) M1

= 6 x (1/3)3 M1

= 2/ 9 A1[3]


(ii) required prob =

1 – [P(all choose the same category + all choose different


then P(choosing the same category = P(AAA + BBB +


= (1/3)3 + ( 1/3)3 + (1/ 3)3

= 1/ 9 A1

required prob. = 1 – (1/ 9 + 2/ 9) M1

= 2/ 9 A1

1. (i) f2(x) = x + 2; f3(x) = x + 3 B2[2]

(ii) suppose true for n = k i.e. f k(x) = x + k B1

correct method for fk-1(x) M1

Obtain correctly fk+1(x) = x + k + 1 A1

State true for n = 1 B1

Complete argument correctly A1


2. (i) ∫0 (1 x2 – 1 x2 cos2x) dx use double angle formula M1

(2 2 )

1 x3 ‫׀‬x0 –[1 x2 sin 2x ∫0 – [ 1 x sin2x dx] attempt intergration by M1

6 [4 2 ] parts correct statement A1

л3 – [1 x2 cos2x ∫0 – [ 1 cos2x dx] Repeat use of integration by M1

6 [4 4 ] parts

л3 - л + 1 sin 2x∫ 0 use correct limits correctly A1

6 4 8

л3 - л obtain answer A1
6 4 [6]
(ii) 2 ∫( 1 - 1 )dx express in partial fractions M1
5 ( x – 3 x +2) correct partial fractions A1
/5 [lm(x – 3) – lm(x + 2)] correct integrals A1
/5 (In5 – In2 – In10 +In 7) using correct limits correctly M1
/5 In(7/4) AG obtain given answer correctly A1
3. (a) Express general point on line in terms of single variable

(2 3)( k ) = (8k -15) (k, 2 k -5) B1

(1 -1)(2k – 5) (5 - k )
Pre multiply for image M1
obtain image vector (8k -15; 5 – k)A1

x’ = 8k -15

y’ = 5 – k

y’ = 5 – kx’ = -8y’ + 25 correct method for new equation e.g.

eliminating k M1

x + 8y = 25 correct new equation in x and y A1

(1 0 0)
(b) (0 1 0) completely correct B3
(0 0 1)

(2 0 1) (x) (9)
(4 -1 2) (y) = (8) express equations in matrix form M1
(3 1 1) (z) (4)

(x) (-3 1 1)(9)

(y) = (2 -1 0)(8) pre multiply by inverse M1
(z) (7 -2 -2)(4)

(x) (-15)
Obtain(y) = ( 10 ) A1[6]
(z) (39 )
4. (a) Identify boundary values B1

Attempt to find equations for each segment M1

Obtain f(x) = -2x + 1 A1

Obtain f(x) = 3 A1

Obtain f(x) = 2x – 1 A1

Correct shape B1

(-1, 3); (2,3) labeled B1B1


(b) (i) y ≥ 1 + In3 B1

(ii) Expressing x in terms of y M1

obtain f-1(x) = 1/5(e x-1 – 3) A1

state domain x ≥ 1 + In3 B1

state range y ≥ 0 B1

(-4 + 2λ)
5. (i) AP = ( 5 + 3λ) B1
(-5 + λ )

for using AP(3) = O to form equation in λ M1

Obtain λ = -1/7 A1
AP= /7 ( 32) A1
Use correct formula to get
DeMoivre M1
correct terms A1

obtains cos 5θ = 1/ 16 (cos5θ + 5cos3θ + 10cosθ) A1


(c) f(2 + 3i) = (2 + 3i)3 – 3(s + 3i)2 + 9(2 + 3i) + 13

correct substitution for M1
remainder theorem
attempt to expand M1
obtain 0 correctly A1

state another root is (2 – 3i)

(conjugate) B1
completely correct method M1
for 3rd root A1

7. (i) resolve and get Tsin30º = P M1

Tcos30º = 2g M1

Obtains T = 2g = 4g A1
Cos 30 √3

P = ½ T = 2g/√3 A11

(ii) The rope is light


The rope is inextensible B1 [1]

8. (a)

(b) Average speed = 120 x 2 M1


= 10 ms-1 A1 [2]

9. (a) 4mgsin30º - T = 4ma B1

T-mg = ms B1

Mg = 5ms method to Eliminate T M1

A = g/5 A1
(b) Substitute n to get T M1

Obtain answer T = 6g/ 5 A1 [2]


10. (a) For either

vtcos60º = 15

½ = vtsin60 – ½ gt2 B1

1 = 30 √3 – gt2 correct equation in t only M1

t = √30√3 – 1
= 2.27922238 correct value of t A1

v = 13.1624 correct value of V A1 [4]

(b) x = Vcos60 = 6.581192 B1

Y = Vsin60 – 9.81 (2.27922)

= 10.96 B1

obtain tan-1 ( -10.96 ) = -58.θº M1


Direction is 59º below the horizontal A1 [4]



11. (i) let Y represent the number of tosses required before the game
decided then

Y – Geo (P)

E(Y) = 1 = 1 = 4 M1A1
p ¼ [2]
(ii) P(A wins on his 1st turn) = ¼ B1

P(A wins on his 2nd turn) = (¾)2 x ¼ B1

P(A wins on his 3rd turn) = (¾)4 x ¼

Then P(A wins the game)

= ¼ + (¾)2 x ¼ + (¾)4 x ¼ + M1

= ¼ M1
1 – (¾)2

= 4/ 7 A1 [5]

12. (a)
stem leaf
4 2 4 6 7 8
5 0 2 6 8
6 3 6 6 7
7 0 2 2 6 8
8 2 5 7
9 3 3


6/7 means 6 7
B1 [2]

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