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First and Unique MBA in Sfax

SINCE 2013

Learners Today... Leaders Tomorrow

Ag l’Etat
Inscription en ligne:
Master of
Evening and Weekend Courses

• If you’re looking for a solid business and management • Gain a strong global knowledge in all areas
qualification to move you forward in the business world, of Business Administration
the ISB’s MBA has you covered.
• It doesn’t matter if you haven’t studied business before
or you don’t have relevant experience. • Improve and develop your soft skills in order
We start from the basics and build your business knowledge to enhance the entrepreneurial spirit
through the course, and help you put it into action.
• The ISB Master of Business Administration (MBA) is designed to:
- Build your business acumen, • B e m o r e r e a d y f o r t h e p r o f e s s i o n a l l i f e
- Enhance your decision-making and communication skills,
- Further your career as a manager and leader in your chosen field.
• The courses provide critical core knowledge, essential for • A great opportunity to have an access to a larger
a comprehensive understanding of the business environment. business network
• You will finish your course career-ready. Armed with
management skills and knowledge of the forces shaping
the global business environment, you’ll be prepared to step up • Qualify for a higher salary compared to the salary
and take on key roles in business. of an employee with a regular Master’s degree.
P r o g r a m

S e m e s t r e 1 S e m e s t r e 2 S e m e s t r e 3 S e m e s t r e 4
• Contemporary • Managerial Accounting • Supply Chain Management • Methodology Seminars
•Economics • Financial Market • International Negociation • Internship
• Applied Statistics • Corporate governance Te c h n i q u e s
• Strategic Management • Financial Accounting • Project Management
• Stress Management
• Management Controlling • Management by Objectives
• Business Law
•Business English • Results Based Management
• T e a m w o r k
• Corporate Communication • Audit
• Organizational Information Systems
• Conflict Management • Management Packages • Problem Solving Management
• Financial Management and Dashboard • International Marketing
•M a r k e t i n g • Behavioral Skills Development • Quality Management
• Business Branding • Leadership and Human • Business Strategy Games
and Social Media Ressources Management • P r o f e s s i o n a l S e m i n a r s
Route M’harza Nos Partenaires Universitaires:
Admission Requirements

km 1.5 - 3003 Sfax-
• Applicants must have successfully
+216 74 248 222
completed an undergraduate degree or
higher in any discipline. +216 7 4 2 4 8 111
• No work experience required
• Duration: 2 years

Admission Process

01 Apply online

02 Admission Test

03 Interview isb_sfax

C o m m i t t e e ’s
04 Final Decision +216 58 344 994

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