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Republic of the Philippines


Castilla Campus
Mayon, Castilla, Sorsogon
E-mail Add.:

February 10, 2023

Dear _____________________,

We, the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSA), major in Animal Science, are conducting our
SORSOGON” to assess the training capacity and needs of swine and poultry farmers in the municipality
of Pilar.
We would like to request to take some of your time to give us your honest answers to the
following questions that will serve as our basis in providing services that is adaptable and suitable to the
Furthermore, rest assured that any data that you will provide are confidential and will only be
used for the purpose of TRAINING NEEDS ASSESSMENT.
Thank you very much.

Note: Data to be gathered from January 2022 up to present

I. Personal Information Respondent No.


Name: ________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Age: ____________ Sex (M/F): __________

II. Livestock Inventory

a. Years in swine and/or poultry raising __________
b. Reason for engaging in swine and/or poultry raising
o Major source of income
o Additional source of income
o Source of food (meat, eggs, milk, etc.)
o Hobby
o Others ___________________________________________________________

c. Type of livestock being raised

o Swine
o Poultry – Broiler
o Poultry – Layer
o Poultry – Native chicken
o Poultry – Duck (Mallard, itik)
o Poultry – Duck (Muscovy, pato/bibe)
o Poultry – Turkey
o Poultry - Goose
o Poultry – Quail

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Respondent No. ______

III. Technical Capacity

a. Where did you learn to raise swine and/or poultry?
o Academe (as part of the course)
o Trainings and seminars
o Through livestock technicians
o Through family and/or friends
o Internet/Social media
o Reading materials (Books, pamphlets, brochures)
o Others ________________________________________________________________

b. Are you a member of an organization, related to agriculture or livestock raising? If yes, what is
the name of the organization, what position do you hold, and how long are you a member?
o YES __________________________________________________________________
o NO

c. What particular topic on swine or poultry raising are you most familiar with? Rate your
knowledge/skill level in each topic by putting a check mark () on the respective column.

Topic Knowledge/Skill Level*

Beginner Average Expert
Animal health management
Breeds and breeding
Feed formulation
Feeding management
Organic and sustainable raising of livestock
Meat processing

*Beginner - know the basic concepts and principles of the topic.

*Average - able to explain the technicalities or scientific background of the topic.
*Expert - with in-depth understanding and analysis of the topic

IV. Problems & Challenges

a. Please rank the following challenges commonly encountered by swine and poultry raisers (1 =
top problem; 10 = least problem)
_____ Availability and source of stock animals
_____ Accessibility to medicines, supplements, and other biologicals
_____ Capital
_____ Access to livestock program by government agencies
_____ Alternative source of feed resources
_____ Disease management
_____ Biosecurity, sanitation, and disinfection
_____ Cost-benefit of production (Production cost vs Net Income)
_____ Marketing
_____ Consultation with experts
_____ Others: __________________________________________________________

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Respondent No. ______

b. How do you handle/manage the problems/challenges in your livestock raising? Please rank your
answer (1 = your priority person/agency to consult, 6 = least priority)
_____ Consultation with faculty or extensionist
_____ Consultation with veterinarian
_____ Consultation with technician
_____ Consultation with Agricultural Supply Store personnel
_____ Consultation with Municipal/City Agriculturist Office
_____ Consultation with Municipal/City Veterinary Office
_____ Online search
_____ Others: ____________________________________________________

V. Training Needs Assessment

a. Are you willing to attend to trainings and seminars? If YES, proceed to b and VI questions. If NO,
state the reason why and proceed to VII.
o NO ____________________________________________________________________

b. Put a check on the topics for trainings and seminars that you would like to attend to learn new
knowledge and/improve your skills as swine and poultry raisers.

Topics Remarks/Specific topics

Animal health management – Swine
Animal health management - Poultry
Breeds and breeding – Swine
Breeds and breeding - Poultry
Feed formulation - Swine
Feed formulation - Poultry
Feeding management - Swine
Feeding management - Poultry
Organic and sustainable raising of swine
Organic and sustainable raising of poultry
Meat processing
Organizational development
Capacity building of farmer-extensionists

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Respondent No. ______

VI. Method of Delivery (for Trainings and Seminars)

a. What mode of delivery do you prefer in attending trainings & seminars?

o Face-to-Face
 Preferred day
o Weekdays ______________________
o Weekend _______________________
o Any day

 Time preference
o Morning
o Afternoon
o Whole day
o Can accommodate two to three days training/workshop

 Venue
o Within the barangay
o Within the municipality
o Within the province

o Online
 Platform preference
o Zoom
o Google Meet
o Facebook live
o Others ___________________________________________________

VII. Other Interventions

Aside from trainings and seminars, what other services can we, the Sorsogon State University-
Castilla Campus, extend to you as swine and poultry raisers? Please rank your answer (1 = most
needed; 6 = least needed)

_____ Online consultation

_____ Farmers visitation
_____ Deworming of animals
_____ Empowerment of Farmers’ Organizations
_____ Networking and linkaging to other agencies
_____ Proposal-making for future projects
_____ Others: _________________________________________________________________

I do hereby signify to the correctness of the data presented in this survey questionnaire.
I also give my CONSENT TO USE THE DATA that I have provided for the purpose of the above mentioned

_____________________________________ _______________________
Signature over Printed Name of Respondent Date

Signature over Printed Name of Interviewer

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