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Student Worksheet

Week 3 Class 2
Step 1. Explore web-page vocabulary

Did you know? URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. This is the web address or
location of your website.

refresh Home ñbutton URL

bookmark tab Back button
Step 2. Before you Read
You are going to read a text about the importance of websites for small business.

A Vocabulary: Pronunciation
Look at the words in pink. Transcribe these words, and try to pronounce them. Use this

How do you pronounce them? Classify them into the following table.

/ʤ/ /y/

Step 3. Reading
Now read the text. Pay attention to the words that contain the two sounds you just learnt.
While you read, decide if the following statements are True or False.

Statement True False

Websites can have a negative impact on your brand.
CTA helps your customers know what to do.
Neat call to action increases the conversion rate.
80% of websites do not have call to action.
Only 35% of people trust online reviews.
A website is one of the most important parts of your business. You can use it to tell
your story and to promote all your products and services. Also, it helps you create
connections between you and current or future customers or clients. Yet, statistics say
that almost a third of small businesses maintain their website themselves, and often small
business owners have problems with managing and maintaining their website.

This often has a negative impact on their brand. Some small businesses even lose
customers. You only get one chance to make a first impression and your website will
either attract potential customers or reject them.

Here are 3 biggest problems with websites:

1. No call to action
A call to action, or CTA as they are often referred to, are images, buttons or a line of text
that prompts your website visitors to provoke an immediate response. For example, a
button that says ‘Add to basket’, ‘Start free trial’ or ‘Call now’. 

Not having a CTA is often a side effect of bad web design. Without a CTA your customers
won’t know what to do or where they should go. If you are not providing your customers
and visitors with a reason for visiting or an easy way to contact you, they’ll just go to a
Did you know:

 Reducing clutter around your call to action increases conversion rate

by 232% (Source)
 70% of small business websites lack a Call to Action on their
homepage (Source)

How to fix:
Check your site to make sure you have calls to action. Website visitors expect to see CTA
and it makes them feel like you know what you want from them.

2. No credibility
Many small businesses are unknown and to make sure that visitors trust your services,
they need to be able to see credibility elements on your website. The best of which is a
testimonial from a happy customer or client.

Online credibility is essential to the success of your business. Clever use and placement of
testimonials can help you promote your business.

Did you know:

 85% of people trust online reviews written by other consumers as much as
they trust recommendations from personal contacts (Source)
 Positive reviews make 73% of consumers trust a local business more
How to fix:
If you don’t already have reviews or testimonials on your website, it is a good idea to start
adding them. Contact your existing customers or clients and ask for feedback on a product
or service they enjoyed. Their positive feedback will add to the improve your business.

Step 4. Listening
You are going to listen to a recording where a consultant talks about the effectiveness of

Recording 1
Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the words you hear.

1. They need to understand what a website can ______________- what it's good at, and
what it's not so good at.

2. They need to ________________a list of tasks that they want their site to produce.

3. They need to build a site that can _______________the necessary tasks, looking from
the different viewpoints of a number of different users.

4. They must make sure that the website is easy to use, and it doesn't ______________-.
over time.

Recording 2

Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps.

The Otis elevator or lift company has a very interesting website because it actually helps
people decide _______ (1) lifts they want, _______ (2) they should be, and what capacity
they need to be. So it's using the
______________________(3) strengths of the Web to actually help people
_______________________________________ (4).
Recording 3
What should business websites NOT try to do? Which of the sentences are true?

Statement True False

Television commercials and print media don't have an advantage over

business websites.

If the message you want to communicate is complicated, use a website.

Television is much better than websites at getting across short


The print media aren't very good at displaying high-quality images.

It's more difficult to make an image look beautiful on a computer

screen than in a quality magazine.

This activity was retrieved from the book Market Leader 3rd edition by Pearson.

Do you agree with what the consultants says? Given the

advantages in technology today, are things different?
Use the expressions from the box below to express your opinion and discuss.

Expressing agreement Expressing disagreement

I agree. I disagree.
I see your point I am not sure I can agree.
Totally agree! I have to disagree with you
on that.
Expression opinion Asking for opinions
I think that… What do you think?
It seems to me that… Do you agree?

Step 5. Pre-Task
In this part, you should prepare 3 questions about webpage design and effectiveness. In
your questions, integrate what you read about in the text, and what you heard in the
recording. Your task is to explore what your partner thinks.
To create your questions, write:
1. Evidence from the reading or listening
2. A direct question Evidence from the text or the listening

Example: According to the text, the webpage is the most important part of the business.
Do you agree and why?

Now you!
Questions for your partner
1 Evidence from the text or listening:


What do you think of websites?

2 Evidence from the text or listening:

If you had the opportunity to make a website,
what would you do?
3 Evidence from the text or listening:


What do you like to do or watch on the different


No nos alcanzo el tiempo para contestar mis preguntas


Step 6. Task: Interviews

You will have 10 minutes to interview your partner and to let him/her interview you.
Consulting Flat Illustration made by Storyset:

Step 7. Wrap up
My partner and I agreed on…

My partner and I disagreed on…

I think that…

My partner thinks that…

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