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1) One of the key objectives of a system of criminal sentencing and punishment is to
increase public safety by reducing re-offending. Some offences may be incapacitated
for a period by imprisoning them, or by supervising them closely. 5 factors help our
judges decide on an appropriate penalty, does a punishment rehabilitation,
deterrence, denunciation, and community protection
2) Citizen have had to decide whether offenders such as first-degree murder should be
killed in a gas chamber, imprisoned for life or rehabilitation, and given a second
chance in society
3) This is known as general deterrence because it is aimed at deterring the within
community from community similar offences (because they see the service
consequences of committing the crime). Sanctions can also act as a specific
deterrence. This is when they discourage that offender from committing the same
offence again
4) DPP vs AK
a- Murder
b- The court found that AK has a real problem with controlling his feelings and that
he was all too ready to resort to serious acts of violence to deal with situations in
which he became involved

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