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Republic of the Philippines


Municipality of KAPATAGAN

Barangay Taguitic


FY 2023-2025

March 30, 2023


Foreword 3

Acronyms 4

Definition of Terms 5

Introduction 8

Situation Analysis/Causality Analysis of CICL 10/16

Theory of Change on the CBJIP 20

Results Framework on the CBJIP 2023-2025 24

Work and Financial Plan 2023-2025 27

Barangay Resolution Endorsing the CBJIP


The Comprehensive Barangay Juvenile Intervention Program serves as a tool

to all government agencies, and NGO’s in the formulation and implementation
of their respective juvenile intervention programs and policies relating to
juvenile justice and welfare.

I commend the Barangay Project Management Team for working hard and
putting a lot of efforts, time, and devotion in developing this document. I would
like to thank the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children for their support
to the BPMT particularly in providing data and information to complete the

I would like to enjoin all the Barangay Officials, all the service providers, NGOs
and FBOs based in this Barangay, as well as the children and youth groups to
be guided by this document in planning your programs targeting children in this

Let us all work together to ensure that all CICL will fulfil their rights as children.


Punong Barangay


ALS Alternative Learning System

BCPC Barangay Council for the Protection of Children
BJMP Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
BPA Bahay Pag-asa
BUCOR Bureau of Corrections
CAR Children At-Risk
CICL Children in Conflict with the Law
C/MSWDO City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer
DANA Dependent, Abandoned, Neglected and Abused
DARNA Dependent, Abandoned, Repeat Offender, Neglected and Abused
DSWD Department of Social Welfare and Development
CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child
HUC Highly Urbanized City
IRA Internal Revenue Allotment
IRR Implementing Rules and Regulations
IRS Incident Reporting System
IOC Investigator-on-Case
JJWA Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act
JJWC Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council
LCE Local Chief Executive
LCPC Local Council for the Protection of Children
LGU Local Government Unit
LSWDO Local Social Welfare and Development Officer
MACR Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility
MDT Multi-Disciplinary Team
OSY Out-of-School Youth
PNP Philippine National Police
RJJWC Regional Juvenile Justice and Welfare Committee
RRCY Regional Rehabilitation Center for the Youth
WCPD Women and Children Protection Desk

Advocacy - is a strategy which aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and
social systems and institutions of government at different levels or of any institution for that
matter. Done usually by a group of “advocates”, it includes many activities such as
conducting research, issuing press releases, organizing press conferences, media
campaigns, and public speaking, or lobbying with legislators or policy makers.

Awareness-raising - is a process of providing information to individuals, groups or

communities designed to increase the level of knowledge of the target on specific topics of
interest usually associated with behavioral change or adoption of new desirable practices,
such as breastfeeding, proper nutrition, hand washing, etc.

Capacity Building - is the process of equipping individuals or groups with the knowledge,
information, skills, and attitudes that enable them to perform specific tasks effectively and
efficiently towards the attainment of specific objectives or desired results. Much more than
training, capacity building can be done through coaching, mentoring, on the job training,
apprenticeship, field exposure, exchange visits, reading, on line studies, etc.

Caregiver - refers to a paid or unpaid person who provides care and protection to a child and
is expected to pay attention to the needs of the child in the house. Caregiver may be the
mother, father, older sibling, grandmother, nanny, housemaid, or any relative.

Case Management - a method of providing services whereby a professional social worker

assesses the needs of the client and the client’s family, when appropriate, and arranges,
coordinates, monitors, evaluates and advocates for a package of multiple services to meet
the specific client’s complex needs.

Child - refers to a person under the age of eighteen (18) years.

Child Abuse - includes any threatening or violent interaction of physical, psychological or

sexual nature that may cause physical or psychological harm to the child. This includes
neglect and withholding essential aid, medical care and education. Sexual, mental and
physical abuses are forms of physical violence. The other forms of child abuse other than
physical violence include bullying or peer violence, cyber violence, dating violence, forced
consummated sex, and collective violence.

Under Republic Act 7610 or the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation
and Discrimination Act, child abuse is defined as “the maltreatment, whether habitual or not,
of the child which includes any of the following:

1. Psychological and physical abuse, neglect, cruelty, sexual abuse and emotional
2. Any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth
and dignity of a child as a human being;
3. Unreasonable deprivation of his basic needs for survival, such as food and shelter; or
4. Failure to immediately give medical treatment to an injured child resulting in serious
impairment of his growth and development or in his permanent incapacity or death.

Children at Risk – refers to children who are vulnerable or at-risk to behave in a way that
can harm themselves or others, or vulnerable and at-risk of being pushed and exploited to
come into conflict with the law because of personal, family and social circumstances, such
as, but not limited to, the following:

a. abused by any person through sexual, physical, psychological, mental, economic
or any other means, and the parents or guardian refuse, are unwilling, or unable to
provide protection for the child
b. exploited sexually or economically;
c. abandoned or neglected, and after diligent search and inquiry, the
d. parents or guardians cannot be found;
e. come from a dysfunctional or broken family or are without a parent or guardian;
f. out of school;
g. a street child;
h. a member of a gang;
i. live in a community with a high level of criminality or drug abuse; and/or
j. live in situations of armed conflict.

Child in Conflict with the Law - refers to a child who is alleged as, accused of, or adjudged
as, having committed an offense under Philippine laws.

Child Protection - protection of children from abuse, exploitation and violence based mainly
on the special protection provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child particularly
Articles 19-23 and 32-40.

Child Protection Policy - is a statement of commitment to safeguard children from harm,

and that which makes clear to all what is required in relation to the protection of children. It
helps create a safe and positive environment for children and show that the organization is
taking its duty and responsibility of care seriously.

Child Participation - refers to children taking part in a process or playing a role in a process
at their level in accordance to their evolving capacities, children thinking for themselves,
children expressing their views effectively, and children acting in a positive way with other
people, among others. It also refers to involving children in decision-making on matters
which affect their lives, the lives of the community and the larger society in which they live.

Diversion - refers to an alternative, child-appropriate process of determining the

responsibility and treatment of a child in conflict with the law on the basis of his/her social,
cultural, economic, psychological and educational background without resorting to formal
court proceedings.

Intervention - refers to a series of activities which are designed to address issues that cause
children to commit an offense. It may take the form of individualized treatment such as
counselling, skills training, alternative learning, education, rehabilitation or reintegration to

Juvenile Justice and Welfare System - refers to a system of dealing with children in conflict
with the law which provides child-appropriate proceedings, including programs and services
for prevention, diversion, rehabilitation and reintegration to family and after care services to
ensure their normal growth and development.

Life Skills Education - is a method used for children and young people to promote personal
and social development, to build their capacity to make decisions in a day-to-day life, to
prevent health or social problems from occurring, and to protect themselves from possible
abuse, violence or injury.

Legislation - is law which has been passed and enacted by the congress. Laws in the
Philippines take effect after 15 days, following the completion of their publication either in the
Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines. Local legislations

are city or municipal resolutions, or ordinances adopted or enacted by the city of municipal

Local Council for the Protection of Children - is an inter-agency and multi-sectoral

institutional mechanism in all levels of LGUs that serve as child rights advocates and are in
charge of planning, monitoring and implementing local development plans for children which
are designed to ensure the protection and safety of the children in the locality.

Local Development Plan - is a document that contains the deliberate, rational and
continuous effort of the local government unit, with active participation of the community, to
accelerate its process of development and growth by optimizing use of local resources. It is
directed towards making public services, public spaces, and infrastructures available to the

Local Investment Program - is a planning tool used in implementing the comprehensive

local development plan. It is a multi-layer listing of programs and projects with cost estimates
and sources of funds.

Offense - refers to any act or omission punishable under special laws or the Revised Penal
Code, as amended.

Parenting - is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social,
financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Also referred to
as child rearing, parenting refers to the aspects of raising a child, and all the responsibilities
and activities involved in it.

Partnership - is the process of building coordination, cooperation or collaboration with other

agencies, institutions, communities, groups of people, or certain individuals with the aim of
working together and joining forces or combining resources towards a common goal.

Policy - A course or principle of action on juvenile justice and welfare in the form of national
and regional guidelines, protocols, manuals, standards, rules and regulations, and
recommendations to government agencies that aims to ensure the full implementation of RA
9344 as amended and address gaps in its enactment. These policies are developed,
adopted and approved by the Council, JJWC member and coordinating agencies and
Regional Juvenile Justice and Welfare Committee (RJJWCs).

Rehabilitation - the process of rectifying or modifying a child’s negative attitude and

behavior. It enables the child to change his negative behavior into something positive and
acceptable to the community.

Reintegration - the process that promotes or facilitates the acceptance of the child back to
the community. It is the healing of the victim’s and the community’s wounds that were inflicted
on them by the offense.

Social Worker - refers to a professional who is duly licensed/registered to practice social

work in the Philippines in accordance with RA 4373.


Everybody must know the essence of the welfare and protection of

Children. They must be protected from anything that could harm them including
abuse, addiction, neglect, poverty, lack of resources and others. No matter what
the circumstances are, individuals must realize that Children must be the top
priority. As a guardian, parent or a citizen, children must be given an opportunity
to speak for themselves, to show their capabilities despite of their imperfections
to make them feel their worth and how they will be protected within the society
their living.

As of today’s generation, it is not concealed to everybody that some of our

Children are difficulties of the society but there is still a chance to change their
behavior and character as who they are. One of the best methods to support
them in recovering their wrongful acts is through provision of diversion and
intervention program and services. That is why a situational analysis for the
Children in Conflict of the Law and Children at Risk in Barangay Taguitic is
generated and established in response to the mandate of RA 9344 otherwise
known as the Juvenile Justice Welfare Act of 2006 as amended by RA 10630
otherwise known as the Strengthening of Juvenile Justice in the Philippines for
the development of comprehensive juvenile intervention program for CICL and
CAR in Barangay Taguitic.

This Barangay situational analysis will serve as a guiding tool in terms of

preparation, execution, monitoring and assessment of the diversion and
intervention programs and services that will be established for the CICL and CAR
by the Barangay, LGUs, GOs, NGOs and other stakeholders. This will serve also
as starting point of data and/or valuable reference for research and/or study
relative to CICL and CAR.

The data reflected in this document is gathered from the reports of the
Barangay Nutrition Scholar, Barangay Population Officer, Barangay Health
Workers and MSWDO for the period Calendar Year 2019 up to 2021 using the
tools and outlines provided by the JJWC.

Barangay Taguitic is a growing economy for it is a tourist-oriented area

being one of the coastal barangays in the Municipality. Many stakeholders
wanted to capitalize and generate their business in our Barangay which serves
as additional income generation. While the economy soars high, many
constituents were provided by respective jobs that could corresponds and
address their needs as an individual. However, it is possible that social ills,
mental health, different culture, behaviors & characteristics conflicts may arise
that may cause danger to Children. Existence of CAR and CICL seems to be set
aside and some of them were considered as burdens. There are times that
Punong Barangay’s perspective on development is focused primarily on
perceptible and revenue generating ventures yet he always looks forward to
oversee the CAR and CICL in the barangay to provide them a protection and

The supervision of CAR and CICL cannot be exclusively conceded by one or
two agencies or stakeholders only. It takes full cooperation and participation of
everybody. On top of this task, it should be the Punong Barangay who should
take the lead and the national agencies and other stakeholders will provide the
support and assistance needed.

Based on the observation and happenings in Barangay Taguitic, the factor

that causes Children to become of CAR and CICL are unemployed parents, lack
of emotional parenting, lack of moral and spiritual guidance and violence at
home. No proper guidance of parents and guardian for Children to involve in
Community activities, children are influenced in the advancement of new
technology, children are influenced in bad peers in the community and they are
not provided by the services that they deserved. some children also lose their
parents and guardians that’s why they engaged in illegal activities or wrongful
acts which is considered as violation of the law. Those children must be
monitored and given the opportunity to change their way of living. It is very usual
that lacking of parental care and guidance may tend to provide disadvantages to
Children. They seem to find support to another which they may discovered
through a friend, neighbor and a stranger which is not good for their situation.
They might be abused by an opportunist, may encourage in performing illegal
activities and crimes. Most of the crimes committed by the CICL in Barangay
Taguitic are crimes against property, with Theft on top of the list, minors driving
and using of anti-modified mufflers. Due to the advancement of technology also,
some children tend to stay outside their home to find signals for their online
gaming even in the middle of the night.

Strengthening of the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC),

partnership and collaboration with the MSWDO, PNP and concerned agencies,
and the community are recommended to ensure effective and efficient delivery of
social services particularly those that respond to the prevention of CAR and



 Basic Information about the Local Government Unit:

Barangay Taguitic is part of the Municipality of KAPATAGAN - a 4 th class

Municipality. It is located at the Northern part of Mindanao, bounded on the South
by Barangay Acad, on the East by Barangay Margos and Lapinig and on the
West by Barangay Anonang. It has a total land area of 3,183 hectares (3,183,000
sq. meters) and it is composed of seven (7) Puroks.

Barangay Taguitic is characterized as a Coastal Barangay and suited for

agricultural, residential and commercial. The main sources of livelihood of the
people are: fishing & farming and some are working at private establishments,
construction firms & government agencies. The dialect or language spoken is

2. Demographic Background:

Based on the latest 2021 Census of Population, the Taguitic has a total
population of 4,286 where 2,015 are male (48.4%) and 2,271 are female (51.6%).
The table below shows that children comprise about 30.1% of the total

Table 1
Barangay Population

Age Group Male Female Total

Under 18 760 1,074 1,834
18 and above 1,255 1,197 2,452
TOTAL 2,015 2,271 4,286

The table below shows that there is no reported presence of indigenous people in
Barangay Taguitic.
Table 2
Barangay Population of Indigenous People

Name of Indigenous People’s or tribal Estimated Total Estimated number of

groups Population children


3. Functionality of the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children


As per the DILG Classification, the BCPC of the Barangay Taguitic has a level
of functionality of Ideal with a rating of 82.00%.

The BCPC has developed a Barangay Work and Financial Plan for Children
with specific budget. It has approved ordinances for children and is able to
submit accomplishment reports regularly.

4. Budget of the Barangay Taguitic for BCPC

The Table below shows the budget allocation of Barangay Taguitic for the BCPC
activities based on the provisions of the law. From 2019 to 2020, the budget
allocation for the BCPC is increasing. However, in 2020 to 2021 although the budget
is the same but there is a decrease in terms of percentage spent over the budget

Table 3
Barangay Budget for BCPC

Percentage Amount Actually Percentage Spent

Budget Allocation for
Year of the IRA Spent over
BCPC (Php)
(%) for Children (Php) Budget allocation (%)
2019 319,400.00 7.8% 14,000 100%

2020 265,600.00 5.8% 4,000.00 62.13%

2021 267,000.00 5.35% 4,000 100%

5. Barangay Ordinance for the Protection of Children

The table shows that Barangay Taguitic approved one (1) ordinance otherwise

known as Ordinance No. 07 series of 2021 or the “Anti-Minor on Wheels”.

Table 4
Barangay Ordinances for Children

Policy Reference Number Year Title/Description


Other ordinances and resolutions for the protection of children were adopted by
the Barangay Council last 2018 from the previous administration.

The said ordinances are the following:

 An ordinance imposing curfew hours.
 An ordinance regulating the operation of internet cafes or computer shops and
providing penalties for the violation thereof.

6. Total number of CICL in the Barangay

From 2019-2021, the Barangay Taguitic has recorded zero (0) case of CICL. The table indicates CICL, it refers to children
who the violated Barangay ordinance enacted by local government or having committed an offense under Philippine Laws.

Table 5
Total number of CICL and CAR in the BARANGAY

2019 2020 2021 Total

Categories of CICL M F Tota M F Tota M F Total M F Tota
l l l
Total Number of CICL undergoing Diversion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Number of CICL in Jail/Detention Center 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Number of CICL in Bahay Pag-asa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Number of CICL under Intensive Juvenile Intervention 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
and Support for Center (IJISC)
Total Number of CICL in RRCY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Number of CICL undergoing After-Care Program 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Number of CICL that have re-offended 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Number of CICL that have been fully integrated 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other CICL (please specify 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Number of CICL in the LGU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7. Number and types of crimes against children

The table hereunder shows that there are zero (0) crime of robbery was committed against a child in 2019-2021 in
Taguitic, Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte.

Table 6
Number and Types of Crimes against Children

2019 2020 2021 Total

Crimes Against Children

Number of Child Number of Child Number of Child Number of Child
Victims Victims Victims Victims
Femal Femal Femal Femal
Male Total Male Total Male Total Male Total
e e e e
Rape 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Incestuous Rape 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 2
Attempted/Frustrated Rape 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Acts of Lasciviousness 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Physical Injuries 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kidnapping/Serious Illegal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Drugs/Substance abuse 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Others, please Specify: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 2

8. Number and types of crimes committed by Children

The table below shows that there are no crimes committed by Children from the year 2019-2021.

Table 7
Number and Types of Crimes Committed by Children

2019 2020 2021 Total

Number of Child Number of Child Number of Child Number of Child
Crimes committed by Children Offenders Offenders Offenders Offenders
Mal Femal Tota Male Femal Total Male Femal Total Male Femal Tota
e e l e e e l
Rape 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Incestuous Rape 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Attempted/Frustrated Rape 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Acts of Lasciviousness 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Physical Injuries 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 2
Kidnapping/Serious Illegal Detention 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Drugs/Substance abuse 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Others, please Specify: Robbery 3 0 3 4 0 4 5 0 5 10 0 10
TOTAL 3 0 3 6 0 6 3 0 3 12 0 12

9. Number of Children at Risk

Based on the record from the Barangay and from the report of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office
Kapatagan, a total of 91 Children at Risk (CAR) were recorded in Barangay Taguitic, Kapatagan, Kapatagan from 2019-2021. The
table hereunder shows that children at risk are those out of school youth children with 50 cases, followed by children in emergency
situations with 20 and children with disabilities with 19.

Table 8
Number of Children at Risk (CAR)
2019 2020 2021 Total
Categories of CAR Male Fem Total Male Femal Tota Mal Fema Tota Male Female Total
ale e l e le l
Number of children abused by any 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 2
Number of children exploited 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
including sexually or economically
Number of abandoned and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
neglected children
Number of children who come from 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a dysfunctional or broken family or
without a parent/guardian
Number of children out of school 10 9 19 10 9 19 6 6 12 26 24 50
Number of street children 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Number of children who are 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
members of gangs
Number of living in a community 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
with a high level of criminality or
drug abuse; and
Number of children in situations of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

armed conflict
Children in emergency situations 1 3 4 2 3 5 4 3 7 7 13 20
Children with disabilities 1 3 4 2 3 5 7 3 10 10 9 19
TOTAL 12 15 27 16 15 31 17 12 29 43 46 91


1. Family Side  Parents physically abuse their children
 Misunderstandings within the family
 Children’s basic needs are not met at home
 Dysfunctional family
reasons or root causes might be the following:
2. Community Side  There is no protocol management of CICL and CAR
 There are limited opportunities in the community for play and recreation
 Children are influenced by bad peers in the community
 Services for children are insufficient
 Service providers are not properly trained
3. Barangay Side  Laws on Children are not implemented in the Barangay
 The 1% mandatory allocation for children is not being used properly
 PPA's of Barangay Development Plan for Children were not recognized and
 Weak implementation of ordinances in terms of Children protection


On the Demand Side (Family Side)

Based on the data gathered, the total number of CAR in Barangay Taguitic constantly increasing due to lack of emotional
parenting & financial support, lack of moral & spiritual guidance and supervision from parents, guardians and elders.

Parents under the influenced of alcohol/drugs leads to violence at home. Also, parents are easily provoked, lack anger
management or had a violent upbringing.

Because parents are unemployed, children are forced take the role of their parents as breadwinners of the family. Hence,
they were deprived of the opportunity to play, go to school, and enjoy their childhood life.

In the eyes of a child, the vices of the adults at home, though wrong, becomes right; normalization of vices at home.

On the Supply Side (Community Side)

The BCPC and other service providers focused on COVID-19 response wherein some programs, projects and activities
intended for the protection and welfare of children were not implemented. Moreover, their incapability to effectively convey basic
services to the children was primarily due to the enactment of protective measures during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as, but
not limited to, the imposition of curfew hours and restriction of movement of both minors and adults.

Likewise, lack of sense of belongingness inside the home leads children seek belongingness in the company of others,
especially their peers whose habits/culture they have to conform to.

The advancement of new technology must be presented to parents and children for their awareness in the advantages and
disadvantages of using it.

On the Enabling Environment (Barangay Side)

Lack of barangay personnel to monitor the implementation of ordinances for CICL and CAR. The voluminous tasks in the
barangay are also one of the main reasons why some ordinances are overlooked.

Lack of educational and other recreational facilities for children.

No monitoring in the barangay level as to the utilization of the 1% mandatory allocation for the protection and welfare of
children. Because of the pandemic, the changing guidelines on the face-to-face interaction with children, some programs,
projects and activities intended for the protection and welfare of children were not conducted.


Problem Statement: There is an alarming number of CAR cases in Barangay

Taguitic that is from 3 in 2019, 4 in 2020 and 5 in 2021 with a total of 12 cases.
On the Demand Side (Family Side)

Parents physically abuse There is no protocol management

Laws on Children are not
their children of CICL and CAR.
implemented in the

Misunderstandings within the There are limited opportunities in

Family the community for play and The 1% mandatory
recreation. allocation for children is not
being used properly

Children are influenced by bad PPA's of Barangay

Children’s basic needs are not met peers in the community.
at home Development Plan for Children
were not recognized and
Dysfunctional family Weak implementation of
insufficient ordinances in terms of
Children protection


Goal: Reduce the total number of CAR cases by 0% in Barangay Taguitic that is from 12
to 0 cases in 2025.

Outcome Statement 2:
Outcome Statement 1: Outcome Statement 3: The barangay
The community offers preventive and
The Family is loving, caring and protective services as well as has funded CBJIP, integrated on the
provide for their needs. opportunities for play and recreation. Barangay Development Plan that is
implemented and monitored.

Output 1: Parents use positive Output 1: Laws on children

discipline to raise their children. Output 1: Protocol management of
CICL and CAR are well are fully implemented.

Output 2: Family understands and Output 2: There are spaces Output 2: % of IRA allocation
care for each other. activities for children to play and for children are planned and
recreate. use.

Output 3: Children’s basic needs Output 3: Good influence of peers

are fully met at home. and friends in the community. Output 3: Barangay
Development Plan for
Output 4:are
Children Ordinance
developed thatand
Output 4: Functional family Output 4: Education and health protecting
implemented.children is fully used
services are available for children. and implemented.

Output 5: Service providers are
trained on proper handling of

Statement of the Problem: There is an alarming number of CAR cases in

Barangay Taguitic that is from 3 in 2019, 4 in 2020 and 5 in 2021 with a
total of 12 cases.


On the Demand Side (Family Side)

 Children that suffer violence at home and parents  Provision of livelihood programs and conduct of

who’s not able to provide the basic needs of children, intensive trainings for parents to increase awareness on
emotional parenting, spiritual guidance and may lead parental responsibilities.
children to be at risk in committing crimes or

On the Supply Side (Community Side)

 The community, in general, children are not provided  Intensify advocacy for the rights and welfare of children
with services they deserve, most of them are not well in the community and employ innovations to sustain the
guided to engage in community activities. implementation of the programs, projects and activities
 Strong family ties are still the basic foundation in for the protection and welfare of the children despite
molding children to become a law-abiding and pandemic
productive citizen.  Full support to parents, guardians and caregivers
through conduct of trainings in giving emphasis on their
roles and responsibilities in rearing their children

On the Enabling Environment (Barangay Side)

 Lack of facilities in the Barangay and weak  Conduct of capacity enhancement trainings to BCPC
implementation of Barangay protocols in the members
protection of children leads to low level of  Fully implementation and utilization of the 1% mandatory
functionality. allocation for the protection and welfare of children
 CBJIP is the most neglected plan but the most  Regular monitoring on the utilization of the 1%
important plan in the barangay mandatory allocation
 Identification of space for play and recreation of children

Goal: By the end of 2025, there will be no more CAR. The rights of all children are fulfilled
Output results Activities/Inputs Indicator/Definition Total target Annual Targets Indicative Potential source
(2022-2024) Budget of budget
2023 2024 2025
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Outcome 1. The family is loving, caring and provide for the children’s needs.
Output 1 – Parents - Conduct of CAR  # of CAR parents 30 10 10 10 3,000 1% NTA for
use positive parents attended the Children BCPC
discipline to raise counselling counseling sessions
their children. - Mother’s class in # of CAR mother who 30 10 10 10 3,000 1% NTA for
the health centers participated in the Children BCPC
on positive class
Output 2 – - Parents of CAR # of CAR parents 30 10 10 10 10,000  1% NTA for
Children’s basic enroll in TESDA enrolled in TESDA Children BCPC
needs are fully met - Provision of IGP # of parents who 30 10 10 10 10,000
at home. loans to parents availed of loans and 1% NTA for
- Conduct of had small business Children BCPC
Livelihood # of livelihood 30 10 10 10
programs trainings
Output 3 – Family - Conduct of # of parents attended 30 10 10 10 6,000  1% NTA for
understands and religious group religious group Children BCPC
care for each other. activities activities
- Family therapy # of therapies 5 5 5 10,000 1% NTA for
with the family of attended with the Children BCPC
CAR family of CAR

Output 4 – - Comics on # of comics 30 10 10 10 10,000 1% NTA for

Functional family Functional family developed Children BCPC

Outcome 2. The community offers preventive and protective services as well as opportunities for play and recreation.

Output 1 – Protocol - Conduct of CICL  # of CICL & CAR 30 10 10 10 20,000 5% GAD

management of & CAR diversion diversion program
CICL and CAR are program attended
well implemented. 10 10 10 10,000 5% GAD
 # of CICL & CAR 30
management attended


Output 2 – - Volleyball & # of Volleyball and 6 2 2 2 60,000 10% SK Fund

Activities for basketball league basketball league
children to play and - Dance contest # of Dance contest 6 2 2 2 50,000 10% SK Fund
Output 3 – Good - Organization of # of members 300 100 100 100 2,000 1% NTA for
influence of peers children associated in the Children BCPC
and friends in the association in the association
community Barangay
- Barangay # of summer 1% NTA for
15 5 5 5 20,000
children’s camp/outing N Children BCPC

Output 4 – - Conduct of dental # of children received 11, 000 500 500 500 0 DOH
Education and care service in dental care service in
health services are elementary elementary schools
available for schools
children. - Conduct of # of children received
1,000 250 500 500 0 National/DOH
immunization of immunization against N
Children against COVID-19

Output 5 – Service - Training of # of trainings on 15 5 5 5 20,000 5% GAD

providers are Barangay-based handling CICL and
properly trained on service providers CAR attended
proper handling of on handling CICL

CAR & CICL. and CAR # of trainings on 15 20,000 5% GAD
- Training of Child Rights attended N 5 5 5
on Child Rights

Outcome 3. The Barangay has funded CBJIP integrated on the Barangay Development Plan that is implemented and monitored.
Output 1 – Laws on - Conduct of # of ordinance 6 2 2 2 0 Appropriated in
children are fully ordinance protecting CAR & session
implemented protecting CAR & CICL
CICL 1 1 0 0 5,000
- Conduct of # of advocacy to 10% MOOE
advocacy with the adopt diversion
Barangay Council program ord1inances
to adopt diversion
Output 2 – % of - Conduct of annual # of children attended 1 1 0 0 10% SK Fund
IRA allocated for children’s festival the annual children’s
children are planned - Conduct of festival
and use initiated projects # of plan-initiated 3 1 1 1 20%
such as project in the Development
community barangay Fund
library, children’s ord1inances
Output 3 – - Conduct of the # of monitoring 3 1 1 1 2,000  1% NTA for
Barangay implementation of implemented of Children BCPC
development plan CBJIP CBJIP
for children is - Conduct of 1 0 0 1 10,000 1% NTA for
developed and terminal # of terminal Children BCPC
implemented. evaluation of the evaluation

Barangay Taguitic, Kapatagan, Kapatagan
Outcomes/Outputs Activities/Interventions Indicators Targets Responsible Budget Source of
person Funds
Outcome 1. The family is loving, caring and provide for the children’s needs.
Output 1 – Parents use positive - Conduct of CAR  # of CAR parents 30 Barangay Council 3,000 1% NTA for
discipline to raise their children. parents counselling attended the Children
Mother’s class in the counseling sessions BCPC
health centers on # of CAR mother who
positive discipline participated in the 30 3,000
1% NTA for

Output 2 – Children’s basic needs - Parents of CAR # of CAR parents 30 Barangay Council 10,000  1% NTA for
are fully met at home. enroll in TESDA enrolled in TESDA Children
- Provision of IGP # of parents who BCPC
30 10,000
loans to parents availed of loans and
- Conduct of had small business
1% NTA for
Livelihood programs # of livelihood

Output 3 – Family understands and - Conduct of religious # of parents attended 30 Brgy. Council & 6,000  1% NTA for
care for each other. group activities religious group Interfaith Based Children
- Family therapy with activities Group BCPC
the family of CAR # of therapies
attended with the 15 10,000
1% NTA for
family of CAR

Output 4 – Functional family - Comics on # of comics 30 Barangay Council 10,000 1% NTA for
Functional family developed Children

Outcome 2. The community offers preventive and protective services as well as opportunities for play and recreation.
Output 1 – Protocol management of - Conduct of CICL &  # of CICL & CAR 30 Barangay Council 20,000 5% GAD
CICL and CAR are well CAR diversion diversion program & SK Council

implemented. program attended
10,000 5% GAD
 # of CICL & CAR
- CICL & CAR 30
leadership Barangay Council
leadership management
management attended

Output 2 – Activities for children to - Volleyball & # of Volleyball and 6 Barangay Council 60,000 10% SK Fund
play and recreate basketball league basketball league
Dance contest # of Dance contest
6 50,000 10% SK Fund

Output 3 – Good influence of peers - Organization of # of members 300 Barangay Council 2,000 1% NTA for
and friends in the community children association associated in the Children
in the Barangay association BCPC
- Barangay children’s
summer camp/outing # of summer
camp/outing 15 20,000
1% NTA for

Output 4 – Education and health - Conduct of dental # of children received 11, 000 Barangay Council 0 DOH
services are available for children. care service in dental care service in
elementary schools elementary schools
- Conduct of
immunization of # of children received
Children against immunization against 1,000 0 National/DOH

Output 5 – Service providers are - Training of # of trainings on 15 Barangay Council 20,000 5% GAD
properly trained on proper handling Barangay-based handling CICL and
of CAR & CICL. service providers on CAR attended
handling CICL and
CAR # of trainings on Child
- Training of Barangay Rights attended 15 20,000 5% GAD
Officials/Tanods on N
Child Rights
Outcome 3. The Barangay has funded CBJIP integrated on the Barangay Development Plan that is implemented and monitored.
Output 1 – Laws on children are - Conduct of # of ordinance 6 Sangguniang 0 Appropriated
fully implemented ordinance protecting protecting CAR & Barangay in session
- Conduct of advocacy
with the Barangay 1 5,000
# of advocacy to
Council to adopt 10% MOOE
adopt diversion

diversion program program
Output 2 – % of IRA allocated for - Conduct of annual # of children attended 1 Barangay Council 150,000 10% SK Fund
children are planned and use children’s festival the annual children’s
- Conduct of initiated festival
projects such as # of plan-initiated
community library, project in the 3 20%
children’s barangay Development
playground Fund

Output 3 – Barangay development - Conduct of the # of monitoring 3 Barangay Council 2,000 1% NTA for
plan for children is developed and implementation of implemented of Children
implemented. CBJIP CBJIP BCPC
- Conduct of terminal
evaluation of the 1 10,000
# of terminal 1% NTA for
evaluation Children


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