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Impacting One Life at a Time

Peter and Donna Pitman (Delp), serving with Commission to Every Nation
Winter 2022

What’s been happening:

Hey, everyone! Time continues to fly by for us! We pray that you all were able to find some rest during the Christmas
season. We understand how Christmas can be a difficult time for some and pray that you were able to feel God’s
presence. I (Donna) apologize that we’re a bit behind on getting this newsletter out and since we
have a lot to cover, we’ll catch you up on the end of last year. Near the end of this newsletter, you’ll
read why we have been delayed on getting this out. Soon, we’ll send out an
additional newsletter with updates from the beginning of this year. Meanwhile,
let’s jump right in:

In September, we had the joy of having Dane with us again. We saw patients
from all 13 of our villages, including an emergency involving a 12-year-old boy, who
fell off a horse while working and broke his arm. Thanks to many generous donors,
we were able to get him to the hospital and pay for his surgery. He had follow-up
appointments in October and November and then another surgery in December to
remove the plates and screws so his arm can continue to grow properly. And every
cent was paid for from your donations. So, again, thank you! We also had a really
sick little boy who was struggling to breathe. We gave him a neb treatment, meds,
and sent him home with a battery powered nebulizer, and thankfully was doing
much better a few weeks later.

Our crew went to Colombia in October and had some

friends from the states join us for clinics. We had a
wonderful time! Jinnela, Jeu, and their team did an
amazing job hosting us, planning our time together, and
truly serve with all of their hearts. There aren’t any
words adequate enough to describe just how awesome
they all are and how we all quickly became family. It
was the first time for 3 of our crew to leave Guatemala and first time flying.
So, it was a new experience all around. We are so incredibly grateful for
this experience and for each one who contributed to help make this
possible. Here are some reflections from some of the team about the trip:

“Going to Colombia, I expected an adventure! I had no idea what to

expect. My Spanish is almost nonexistent. You hear a lot about how
unsafe it can be. However, from the moment we arrived, everything
was great! Jinnela welcomed us with a beautiful sign as we walked off the
bus that said, “welcome to your second home.” It was exactly how I felt
the entire trip-welcomed. There were so many people who helped us
have a successful trip where we were all safe 100% of the time and able
to help many of the locals. Jinnela, her family, the doctor, the pastor,
many members of the church, local nurses, even the local police and
civil defense all contributed to make the clinics smooth and easy.
Without all of their help, we never have been able to reach so many local
people. Everything about the trip was rewarding because we were immediately part of the family
giving back to those who needed it.” –Sarah, pharmacist

“I had the great pleasure of going to Colombia with Impacting One Life at a Time. It was
so amazing to get to meet new people and experience new cultures, all while feeling
God’s love. We did 3 different medical clinics while we were there and helped over 500
patients! We helped many people who were suffering from respiratory problems from a
viral illness and needed nebulizer treatments. We also saw multiple people with aches
and pains, including one gentleman who was dragged by a bull that escaped its pen.
Luckily the man wasn’t hurt too bad, mostly just scrapes and sore/spasming muscles
from being pulled along the ground. The Colombian health system seems to be much
better than in Guatemala. People with chronic conditions get the care they need, but can sometimes take forever to
receive it. During the clinics, we made several referrals for new onset diabetics and patients with
hypertension, allowing these people to get into the health clinic quicker so they can get the care they
need. The health clinic also sent nurses to give people vaccines (both covid and other childhood
vaccines) if needed, which was a huge service for many who otherwise wouldn’t be able to get
them. I always enjoy coming to Guatemala to help Donna and Peter. Going to Colombia was no
different! I absolutely loved going and helping all the people, especially the kids since I am a
pediatric nurse. Meeting Jinnela and her husband, Jeu, and their team of amazing people was such
a blessing. Lifelong friends were made, and I can’t wait to go back to help again, even though it was
so hot I melted!” –Deb, pediatric nurse

“It was a great trip to Colombia; we had a great team and met wonderful people in Corozal who joined
our team! Jinnela and her family and church family, great translators, and people we met at clinic where
we could provided medicine, education, encouragement and hope.” –Grace, diabetic educator

“Going from Guatemala to Colombia was a beautiful experience! From the moment we
got there, we received the biggest welcome from the team in Colombia, where they
took us to the hotel, and had a wonderful time seeing how their team works so well
together. It didn’t matter where or what the situation was, they were there to help others
and do their best! Even though some weren’t feeling the best, they still had huge smiles on their faces
and encouraged each patient. I loved Colombia and their towns, making me feel at home. I loved their
culture, traditions, and the food at each place. I’m so thankful to God for giving me this great
opportunity to go to such a wonderful country! God bless Colombia!” –Carlos, nursing student

We finally got our boat motor and have been able to use our boat! Huge thank you for the donation
for this boat and motor! It is serving as a huge blessing to us and our villages. We have been using it
to pick up and drop off patients from villages who don’t have any means of transportation to get to
and from our clinic and we will continue to use it for clinics and to better serve our patients. Along the
same lines, we also purchased another bigger vehicle that is way more reliable and has more space
for our growing team to make the trips to and from the river.

In December, we celebrated Christmas with the kids in the village of Barra Lampara. Our staff was fully in charge of
organizing the play and activities. They did a fantastic job and the kids (and parents) absolutely loved it! The crew did a
skit performance of the Christmas story, sang songs with the kids, and had different stations to rotate through. They had
piñatas with candy (piñatas are huge here for birthdays and we were celebrating Jesus’ birth), a craft station where they
made little manger scenes, a mini movie station to watch the Christmas story, and a station for the moms to decorate little
trees made out of pine cones. Afterwards, we handed out sandwiches and drinks to everyone. We had around 150 kids
and parents present.

Carlos has officially started his second year of nursing school and Andrew
(Wilmer and Sophi’s oldest) started Kindergarten. Thank you so much for
those who sponsored both of them in their studies this year! Both are excited
about this new year of school! Continue to pray for them as they adjust.
Exciting news!! We would like to introduce to you Jeu and Jinnela, the new directors of Impacting One Life at a
Time Colombia! When Peter and I traveled to Colombia in 2021, we met up with them and heard
their vision of starting a ministry. We felt God telling us to support their vision, as it aligned with our
vision as well. During this time, we also talked about bringing our team on a mission trip to do
medical clinics. In July, they held their first VBS event and had a blast! Since then, they have been
working with the kids in the area with all kinds of different activities, learning about Jesus and
having fun! During our trip in October, we continued to talk about the vision and decided to make it
official: Impacting One Life at a Time now has a branch in Colombia! We will be adding a mini
newsletter from our Colombian directors with each of ours to keep you all informed as to what is
happening in Colombia as well. For more detailed info about this and an end of the year wrap-up,
please check out our video on our YouTube channel, where Peter and I go into more detail about
everything: (We also post videos throughout the year of
activities and clinics on this same site. So, check it out and save the link to keep up with the latest videos!)

At the end of August, I started with some medical issues that progressed and continued for 2 months until I could finally
have a surgery the day after we returned from Colombia, which confirmed that I was having an incomplete miscarriage.
Gianna Hope (meaning God is gracious and feeling of trust) is now in Heaven. 1
week after we had official confirmation of the miscarriage, my gallbladder acted up
like something fierce and needed to be removed. Back to back surgeries and
severe blood loss from the miscarriage really took a lot of out me. Continue to
pray for us as we continue to process and grieve the loss of our little girl. Thank
you to each person who donated towards my surgeries, sent encouraging
messages, prayed for us, and helped care for us in one way or another. We are
so grateful to have you all as our community.

Spotlight: Staff Perspective: For this newsletter, we’ll hear from

Carlos, who has been working with us for over a year and just started his 2 nd year of nursing school:
“Well, I want to tell you a little about how much I love to help. We started working in this area a while ago
and each time brings adventures, knowledge, and never forgetting our experiences. We know these
communities need us. It fills me with so much joy to see the emotion in them when they find out that we
are holding a clinic in their area that day. They always receive us into their lives with a big smile and a
thank you that says more than a thousand words of gratitude. God has always been with us and I know
that He will bring us to more moments, learning, and places where we will give our best and show God’s
love through emotional support, with medicine, and with the many ways in which they motivate us to

Impacting One Life at a Time

Colombia Update
Jeu and Jinnela, directors serving in Corozal, Colombia

November and December were two perfect months to celebrate the birth of our Savior
Jesus. We prepared a performance to share the story of Jesus to the little ones. Our
volunteers did their best acting, dancing and singing. Some local schools and companies
from Corozal and Sincelejo invited us to perform the show for their kids.
We also had seven days with seven stories of Christmas. Every
day, we read a part of the story of the birth of Jesus and we did
some arts and crafts with the kids. Thanks to your donations,
we were able to make costumes, buy snacks, pay for
transportation, and buy some food for people in need and toys
for the kids.

We feel very excited about what God is doing in our region.

We want to continue touching people’s hearts through the
Holy Spirit. Thank you for your support!

How to Help: Peter and Donna are partnered with Commission to Every Nation, which is a highly accredited organization.
Peter and I, along with our staff, run medical clinics and continue working with children and youth in Guatemala and now
have a branch of our ministry running in Colombia. If you feel led to donate and assist with our living expenses, paying our
staff, activities for children and youth, travel expenses for clinics in far, hard to reach villages, and medications and
supplies for the patients that we care for, please donate through this site: or send a check to the
address at the bottom of this page. Make your check payable to CTEN and include a note, stating it’s for Peter and Donna
Pitman. All donations are tax deductible. If you would like to come for a medical trip, help with the children, or assist in
some other way, please feel free to contact us through Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp (011 502 5470 4197), or email:

Prayer requests: continued financial support and wisdom as our ministry grows, for spiritual protection, health, and safety, and
for rest in the midst of trials, for Carlos and Andrew as they begin this school year, for our team in Colombia.

Commission to Every Nation *PO Box 291307* Kerrville, TX 78029-1307*

1-800-872-5404 Donate online at

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