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J Ind Compet Trade (2015) 15:1–4

DOI 10.1007/s10842-014-0187-z

The Digital Disruption and its Societal Impacts

Martin Kenney & Petri Rouvinen & John Zysman

Received: 21 November 2014 / Revised: 30 November 2014 /

Accepted: 3 December 2014 / Published online: 10 February 2015
# The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Deepening digitalization and globalization has induced an ongoing societal trans-
formation that may ultimately prove to be as significant as the original industrial revolution.
Even as the ICT industry is being restructured, global competition is being transformed.
Previously dominant firms—including telecommunications carriers, equipment providers,
and powerful legacy software firms—are under assault from the move to cloud computing,
in the network center, and mobile computing, on the network periphery. This transformation of
the computing and communication infrastructure has been occurring simultaneously with the
spread of ever more complicated and sophisticated global value chains. The articles in this
special issue explore a number of the key facets of this transformation in a comparative lens.
The authors find that the social, legal, and economic arrangements will impact how these
changes affect nation-states. For policy-makers there will be serious dilemmas, as they will
have to simultaneously nurture and support many aspects of these changes, while also
mitigating or channeling some of the outcomes so as to protect privacy, income equality,
and fair taxation.

Keywords ICT . Structural change . Convergence . Commoditization . Political economy

JEL Classification L14 . O33 . P11

1 Introduction

This special issue studies the Bnuts and bolts^ of the globally ongoing societal transformation
induced by recent advances in digital technologies and deepening globalization. The lingering

M. Kenney
Community and Regional Development Unit, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA

P. Rouvinen (*)
ETLA, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, Lönnrotinkatu 4 B, 00120 Helsinki, Finland

J. Zysman
Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE), University of California Berkeley, 2234
Piedmont Ave, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
2 J Ind Compet Trade (2015) 15:1–4

economic crisis has somewhat hidden the fact that we are heading to some new—yet to be
appropriately named—economic era. And while the crisis has largely taken our collective
attention elsewhere, overall it is probably accelerating the ongoing transition.
The long discussed digital convergence has finally occurred in a major way and early
competitive positions in the post-convergence digital agglomeration have been established.
The information and communication technology (ICT) industry has been, and will be,
significantly restructured. The benefits of this merger are many. And yet, for previous industry
leaders, and sometimes for national economies hosting them, the change has been most
unpleasant. Japan and Europe have been mighty in certain ICT sectors in the 1990s and in
the early 2000s; for the current ICT revolution, the key new aspects—discussed in detail in this
special issue—are emerging from Silicon Valley and the US.

2 Contributions in this Special Issue

Kushida et al. (2014) discuss how cloud computing is inducing a fundamental paradigm shift,
as computing is transformed from a scarce to an abundant resource. The advent of cloud
platform services and global cloud service providers have challenged several previously
dominant business models in the ICT sector by commoditizing previously high value added
activities, while also enabling a vast array of new potential activities. Abundant, ubiquitous,
and cheap ICT resources have the potential to alter competitive dynamics in most industries
also outside the core sectors; in fact any information intensive process—from social services to
surveillance—is experiencing a major change. The authors urge focus on political and
regulatory ramifications of cloud computing. Discussions on antirust, privacy, and security
have been opened but remain at their early stages. Cloud computing makes it inherently
difficult to define relevant jurisdiction, liabilities of various parties involved, and the appro-
priate scope of industrial promotion policies—while all of these have been touched upon in a
variety of national and regional contexts, the underlying issues are far from being resolved.
Pon et al. (2014) study powerful mobile technology platforms that Apple, Google,
Microsoft, and others have built around smartphone operating systems. Even though the
starting point of the analysis is the smartphone industry—echoing the previous article by
Kushida et al. (2014)—the authors find that battleground of competition is shifting away from
the devices and their operating systems to Internet-based cloud platforms. Users ultimately
desire email, social media access, online calendars, streaming media, file storage, video
conferencing, real-time collaboration, and other services from all of their devices—
smartphones, tablets, and PCs—, all of which are capable of allowing access. What the
smartphone catalyzed is a change in the location of the lock-in for the providers and the
bottleneck from the users’ point of view. The new lock-in is no longer the device but rather the
cloud-based services they access. The cloud center(s) is becoming the meta-platform that
subsumes all of the devices. The authors borrow from the Lord of the Rings in suggesting that
the cloud may become Bthe one ring to bind and unite them all^ that takes the long-discussed
convergence of various ICT sub-sectors to completion.
Huberty (2014) focuses on what resides in the cloud, big data—large volumes of rapidly
accumulating data of various kinds that registers information about individuals’ behavior
online. He suggests that big data is in its infancy and in order for it to live up to its commercial
promise, certain shortcomings have to be first acknowledged and then addressed. He defines
and challenges four previously unstated assumptions underlying big data: (1) all the individ-
uals one cares about are included in the data, (2) one is able to identify the individuals of
interest, (3) online behavior is consistent with offline behavior, and (4) individuals’
J Ind Compet Trade (2015) 15:1–4 3

representation of themselves are consistent over time. Strictly speaking, none of these four
assumptions is true. Huberty defines three orders of viable big data business models. The first
two of these are already well-known: the third-order business model is in essence online
advertising; the second-order business model is online retailing. Huberty argues that the real
changes will come from the first-order business models that are deeply embedded in, and
reliant upon, data generated from and around real-world phenomena. Here, he cites products
such as Nest thermostats that utilize direct home appliance data to make valuable decisions or
the Google Translate function that provides a big data service directly. He believes that these
types of applications are where the true value of big data can be realized.
Kushida (2014) concentrates on the politics of ICT commoditization, i.e., he argues that
national-level political and socio-economical dynamics influenced the rapid disruptions expe-
rienced by global ICT industries. His analysis suggests that local regulatory and technology
choices played critical roles in shaping globally disruptive business models driving commod-
itization. Thus, global industry disruptions are shaped by a set of local political bargains
particularly in the early stages of technological trajectories. In the context of mobile telecom-
munications, operators won the early political fights in Japan and equipment manufacturers in
Europe, but eventually US-based computing-centric leaders emerged and ultimately commod-
itized all other players, both domestically and internationally. Even though—in the context of
ICT—technological opportunities have been largely symmetric and we are often compelled to
study variations in business strategies in an effort to explain competitive outcomes, Kushida’s
observations suggest that the underlying trajectories of global competition were shaped by
national political dynamics.
Ali-Yrkkö and Rouvinen (2014) study ICT-enabled global value chains (GVCs).
Overall, they suggest that value added is less tied to tangible aspects of GVCs than
conventional wisdom suggests; typically most value added is attributable to services and
intellectual property, which, in part, is attributable to deepening digitalization. The
authors challenge much of the previous GVC literature, which concentrated on high-
end electronics. For example, they study several cases in which the same product is
assembled by the same company in two locations, in Finland and abroad—most often in
China. As they compare Finnish value added with local versus offshored final assembly,
they find that the outcomes vary with the characteristics of the product: Finnish value
added is only two percentage points lower for a high-end smartphone (local vs offshored
assembly), while it is ten percentage points lower for a low-end feature phone, and nearly
30 percentage points lower, on average, for all machinery and metal products. They
suggest that the complexity and heterogeneity of GVCs is under appreciated in prior
literature. Furthermore, the commonly held belief that offshoring is ubiquitous may
exaggerate its importance, as they find that value chains for basic products and services
are not nearly as global as those of advanced products.

3 Conclusions

While the articles in this issue touch upon cloud computing, mobile communications, big data,
and ICT-induced industrial developments from various angles, one should note that all of them
explicitly recognize the emergence of an underlying digital fabric for economic activity (which
in turn is almost inseparable from certain aspects of globalization). Internet—and cloud
computing as one of its architectural cornerstones—is becoming the Bmother platform^, which
enables or is transforming nearly every aspect of economic activity, as can be seen by the
current interest in the emerging internet of things.
4 J Ind Compet Trade (2015) 15:1–4

Despite the basic technological building blocks being largely the same worldwide, national
and regional incarnations in ICT provision and use will vary. Policies and politics will
influence these outcomes in a myriad of complex ways.
ICT and GVC developments are threatening many developed countries with being caught
in a Bcommodity trap^, within which their products and services are no longer able to
command their previous premium prices due to competition from lower cost providers. As
the developing countries have rapidly improved their capabilities and, in the case of some,
such as China, become important markets in their own right, the previous leaders are
desperately searching ways of escaping the commodity trap. The solution is easy enough to
state: in order for a country to remain prosperous, it needs to create distinctive high value
added products and services as well as secure lucrative positions in global value chains
providing them—but how? The articles in this special issue suggest that value increasingly
resides in the systemic level, which translates to the creation and control of relevant platforms
and brands associated with them.
With recent major changes with respect to both digitalization and globalization,
policymakers find themselves in a double bind. First, they have hard time separating facts
from noise, i.e., just comprehending the ongoing developments. Second, these transformations
need to be simultaneously nurtured, supported, and protected against. Tools that can be used
include infrastructure provision, strategic approaches to standards, and advanced public
procurement. Cloud-based new business models—such as AirBnB and Uber—challenge
existing institutional arrangements from within, even as the increasingly ubiquitous GVCs
make it harder to establish national labor unions. Proactive policy debates require new ways of
talking about societal objectives, economic value creation, and, possibly, even what actually
constitutes work.

Acknowledgments This research is a part of the ongoing collaboration of BRIE, the Berkeley Roundtable on
the International Economy at the University of California at Berkeley, and ETLA, the Research Institute of the
Finnish Economy.

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which
permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are


Ali-Yrkkö J, Rouvinen P (2014) Slicing up global value chains: a micro view. J Ind Compet Trade. forthcoming
Huberty M (2014) Awaiting the second big data revolution: from digital noise to value creation. J Ind Compet
Trade. forthcoming
Kushida KE (2014) The politics of commoditization in global ICT industries: a political economy explanation of
the rise of Apple, Google, and industry disruptors. J Ind Compet Trade. forthcoming
Kushida KE, Murray J, Zysman J (2014) Cloud computing: from scarcity to abundance. J Ind Compet Trade.
Pon B, Seppälä T, Kenney M (2014) One ring to unite them all: convergence, the smartphone, and the cloud. J
Ind Compet Trade. forthcoming

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