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Project Name

Adoptable Dog Walk

Project Objective
The objective of this project is to get long term stay dogs out of their kennel and spread the word
about adopting an animal from a shelter resulting in a successful adoption.
 Confirm with public park location approved for advertising adoptable dogs
 Minimum two trained volunteers and one staff member scheduled
 Submit equipment request to drive company van to location
 Company van prepared with kennels, extra food, water, towels, leashes, and other supplies
 Confirm with staff trainer’s pets are behaviorally approved to be taken to public location to
interact with public
 Public Park officials approved location for advertising – Feb 1
 Volunteer and staff handling training for public location with trainers – Feb 5
 Schedule staff and volunteers for first walk – Feb 6
 Submit equipment request for company van – Feb 6
 Prepare van with supplies Feb 8
 Select appropriate dogs based off inventory with Staff trainers – Feb 8
 Drive to location – Feb 9
 Staff and volunteers must be trained to handle pet in public space appropriately
 Staff and volunteers must be able to discuss adoptable pet and adoption process
appropriately with public
 Staff and volunteers must be able to walk and stand all day while interacting with public
 Staff must be able to drive company van and approved insurance on file with HR
 Dogs must have friendly temperament to safely interact with public
 Public Park must approve advertising of adoptable pets
 Dogs with friendly temperament are currently available for adoption and able to go on walk
 The location will approve advertising
 We are able to receive company van approval
 There will be potential adopters in large public park
 Staff and volunteers will be able to navigate appropriate public handling with shelter pet
 The weather will be mild without rain
 Volunteer and staff will show up on time and ready to go
 There will not be an animal appropriate to take in public space (too shy, handling issues, etc.)
 The weather will not be appropriate day of walk
 The staff and volunteers be not be able to work event day of
 The company van may have mechanical issues or potential traffic when driving to location
 Pet will pass temperament test but not show well while in public space

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