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Eo poreentage of steel required ae 46 oie ans 0.00% 20 Minimum percentage of steel = 0.19% . O12 We = Typ % 1000 x 465 = BFR mn Spacing of 10 mm § bars ‘ _ 79% 1000 tf - ‘ 2 Oe = 14 mm ir Provide 10mm ¢bars @ 140mm che, am 28.9. RAFT FOUNDATION 1 ey " coun If the loads transmitted by the columns are such that they + need large footings requiring a plan area more than half the aren covered by the building it is preferable to. peter ceri an Araft foundation consists of an R.C. slab acted upon by upward soil pressure and supported by beams, Sometimes the slab is supported by secondary and main beams. LL ssommwise Design.28.17 Design a raft foundation supporting the columns ofa building. Fig 28.82 shows the position of the columns. The load { on each column is 400 kN, Use M 20 concrete and. F, 415 steel. Safe eee ee bearing capacity of the soil is 120 kN/m?, i am am he 3m Solution, : 28.82. Total load on the columns = 12% 400 = 4800kN Fig. 21 Approximate weight of foundation (10% of column loads) 4808 f Total load transmitted to the soil 5280 kN Safe bearing capacity of the soil = 1202N/m* am 5280 :. Area of the raft foundation =—5,- = #4 metre? + Total length of the raft slab =12%3=36 metre a 4 Width required for the raft slab = 3g = 1.22 metre [i Provide a width of 1.25 m for the raft slab + i Net upward pressure intensity on the raft slab 4 =_4800__1096,67kNIm? | 36x1.25 7 Fig. 28.83 shows the proposed arrangement for the raft foundation, “4am “he — am te am —> Design of the raft slab Projection of the raft slab from the face of the raft beam Fig. 28.83. 21252035 8045 ‘ 2 Consider a 1 metre wide strip of the raft slab cantilevering from the face of the beam. 1 ‘Maximum bending moment 10.80kNm -Factored moment M, = 1.50 10.80 Equating M, ,, to Bf, 0.188 /,, bd? = 0.138 x 20 x 1000 d? = 16.20 x 10* i d=7Tmm Overall depth = 77 + 50= 127 mm : Provide an overall depth of 150 mm : 7 ESTE RERFOREED CONCRETE STRUETRES, ciemeda mms | ma os] Fig. 28.84. Actual effective depth d= 150~ 50 = 100 mm My _ 16.210" ba® ~ 1000x100" Percentage of steel required. 0.50% 0.50 1000 x 100 = 500 mm? 7 100 Spacing of 10 mm $ bars 791000 = po 7188 mm Provide 10 mm ¢ bars @ 150 mm c/e Design of the continuous raft beam Upward load transmitted to the beam per metre run = w = 106.67 x 1.25 = 183.93 km 2 gt Maximum bending moment =F =199,80%5 = 120 kNm Factored moment M, = 1.5 x 120 = 1807Nm Equating M,,, to M, 0.138 f,, ba? = 0.198 > 20 x 350 a? = 180 % 10 od = 432 mm A 10,16 Providing 16 mm gbars, overall depth = 482+ (0 a +2) = 482 + 63 = 495 mm ‘A greater depth must be provided to limit the shear stresses Provide an overall depth of 650 mm ‘Actual effective depth d = 650 ~ 63 = 587 mm M, _ 180x10° bd? ~ 350x587? 1.493 Percentage of steel required = 0.457% 0.457 i =). Ay = 9g” 380 587 = 939 mm? Provide 5 bars of 16mm (1005 mm!) Design for shear Maxiaur shear force = 0.6 wl = 0.6 x 133.33 x 3= 240 RN Factored shear = V, = 1.5 % 240 = 860 AN. § ge ois 200x107 350x587 : 1005 stage of steel provided = —2005_ percentage of steel provided = S55 x 100 = 0.49% goroagrestech te = 0.47 N/mm? sistance of concrete = t, bd = Rar resistance of te bd = 0.47 x 50 x 587 = 965 atthe = V, = 960000 ~ 96561 = 203439 N et al shear stress ty Nomi 15 N/mm? 0.87 x 415x479 x 587 263439 provide 4 logged 10 nm dstirrups @ 250 mm ee. Presipave spacing may be adopted for a distance of 1 rt or the mide 1 metre enath eb aced Sim diancterstirupsat 280 mm ef ear amieeaniile gqasingof 4 legged 10 mm @ stirrups = Seen pesign. 28.18. A building rests on six columns 450 mm x 450 mm arranged as shown in Fig. 28.85. Bach central dunn carries @ load of S00 BN and the end eolumins earry 500 kN each. Design a raft foundation for the colur The Seen sll also allow for a wind load moment of 1200 kNm about the base of the raft. Use M 20 concrete and Fe. 415 eh. 10 pation. Total Toad on the columns = 2 x 800 +4 x 500= 3600 AV Spovosimate weight of foundation @ 10° column loads = 360 kN i — Total =3960 kN iar ‘Total moment about the base = 1200 Nm Eccentricity of the load Extreme pressure intensity at the base 2Srastil an/m? 7 : a= 594 N/m? and 34.9 kN/m* Fig. 28.85. reaure due to weight of foundation =o = 4.9 AN/m? . 2x7 sivme@ .. Net pressure, neg = 59.4 — 4.3 = 55.1 KN/ ping, = 34.9 — 4.3 = 30.6 RN/m? Since the columns are 450 mm x 450 mm, let the width of the main ‘beams be 500 mm. Cantilevering projection = 1.00 - 0.25 = 0.75 m- Upward pressure at 0.75 m from the edge = 55,1 58:12806 0,75 = 52.5 N/m? Consider a one metre wide strip of the cantilever slab. 55.1452. Upward load on the cantilever ees eae RN = 40.4 kN 5254+2%551 , 075 metre from the edge of beam 525 +551 39 m from the edge of beam cantilever slab per metre width ‘= 40.4 x 0.39 kNm = 15.7kNm ¥ 6 x 15.7 = 23.55 Nm ‘This acts at :. Maximum bending moment for th Factored moment = Equating M, ,, to M, ME Maw tO My 0 199 /, be = 0.198 X 20 * 1000 d= 28.55 * 10° ao @ 3 mm Provide on overall depth of 180 mm aoa re Hain bear ‘oan wie + c beat Boh Sa Ber te af Soh 4 om amb EL Ee: emnee abe @ ae ats ‘Auslips 4 tegped 220 mmole 9-209 200 mie ‘00 metres Section EF tenets ey 5-200 sof LUTTE = 1000 >} — 2800 —re-— 2500 —e- 1000-4} ‘Section CO Fig, 28.87. Providing 10 mm ¢ bars at a clear cover of 60 mm, Effective depth d= 180 ~ (60 +5)=115 mm M, _ 23.65%10° bd? ~ 1000x115" ~ 5 FURDATIONS. a el Percentage of steel required Spacing of 10 mm @ bars. Provide 10 mm ébars @ 120 mm e/e az Distribution steel 100 Spacing of S mm bars = 50*1000 _ 21 Provide 8 mm < bars @ 200 mm c/e X 1000 x 180 = 216 mm? 231 mm Continuous Slab Itis proposed to provide secondary beams at © m centres, The slab should be designed for an 3 upward pressure corresponding to a section at a distance equal to half the spacing of the secondary beams from the centre of the main beams, In our case, the pressure is calculated at a distance of 1 +8 ‘The pressure at this section = 55.1 — ‘Maximum bending moment per metre width = 50.8 1.88 m from the edge of the foundation. 55.1 6 % 1.88 = 48.7 AN/m2 2 a (3) =1127kNm 7 2 1.5 x 11.27 = 16.905 kNm. 20.6 18? SaaS Sarma Fig. 28.88. Fig. 28.89. ‘M, _ 16,905x10° My _ 16,905%10" _ bd® ~ 000x115? = 1278 Percentage of steel required Spacing of 10 mm bars 50 a5 0.385% 50 0.385, 7 Foo” % 1000 * 115 = 443 mm 791000 = Sag 7 178mm AD “SOF ERODED ORERETE STRUCTURES Erowtit 0 Bim #bars@ 170 mm ef. Thelen bea. ‘These are designed as T - beams. a ‘The loading on the end secondary Ream vente eats secondary boam i Teas than that on the end secondary beam. ae From 51.6x 12 = 94.6 a/m G 3 — to 84.1% 12 =69.5 2N/m * 5 im eon eK ‘Total load 62, x5 = 992.8 2N Fig. 28.90. 2 mocea (S2822*248), 5m trom =2.67 m from A 62.5x94.6 3 ‘Taking moments about A, we have 392.8 x 2.67 209.7 kV z /, = 392.8 209.7 = 183.1 kN Shear force at any section X distant x m from A 183.1 kN $= 62.5 43.21 xt 183.1 AN BAM. at section X = M = 625 432 2 3 [Expression for M is obtained easily by intograting the expression for S] Maximum Bending Moment. This occurs at a section where the shear force is zero. Equating the general expression for shear force to zero, we have, 62.5 x4+3.21 2°— 183. 183.1 x kN BM. atx= 2.58 ~188.1%2.58 kNm = -246.02 ANm Factored moment = 1.5 x 246,02 = 369.03 Nm 1 5000 Overall depth of beam = about © of span=22° mm say 800 mm Breadth of rib = 350 mm. 4 Let the effective cover to reinforcement be 80 mm ‘ated Effective depth = d = 800 —80= 720 mm on Breadth of Flange +} 8 = 1650 mm ——+ This shall be taken as the lesser of the following Fig. 28.91, 6 163 1.83 m=1600mm @ Jib, 26d, = 20 + 35046 %180= 2268 mm Hence width of flange B= 2263 mm, Assuming the neutral axis to lie within the flange and equating the ultimate moment of resistance to the 98 1s 6 190 190 factored moment, TBP TBS te (0.36 x 20 x 1830 x, (720 ~ 0.42 x,) = 369.03 x 10 x, (720 ~ 0.42 x,) = 28007.741 xt 1714.29 x, + 66685.10=0 x) = 39,82 mm (Less than 180 mm) ‘Total compre: ‘otal tension ao Te ai re oA, WOW BP ge us nb eee a FOUNDATIONS — Provide 5 bars of 20 mm (1570 mm?) Shear Analysis Factored shear at the end B= 1.5 x 209.7 = 314.55 kN Factored shear at the end A= 1.5 x 188.1 = 274.65 kN Nominal shear stress at the end B= 34.5510? 150720 25 N/mm* 7 274.6510" Nominal shear stress at the end A= 224:65<10" mmt he on Atoegap 7 E09 N/mm Ae 1570 Percentage of steel provided = 4 x100= 070. il bd 50720 For 0.62% steel t, = 0.82 N/mm? Shear resistance of concrete S, = 0.62 X R50 X 720 = 191040 N= 131.04 kiN Position of this section in the zone of negative shear 349.25 kN 0 x= 1.43 m from the end A. Position of this section in the zone of positive shear 1.5 (@2.5x+ 3.21 x¢~ 183.1) = + 131.04 19.47 x- $4.25 =0 x= 8.65 m from the end A Main Beams Each main beam is subjected to the following loads : (@ Upward concentrated loads transmitted by secondary beams. ca (@ Upward uniformly distributed load transferred by the : slab cantilevering from the main beams. seed (Downward column loads. ake Maximum load transmitted by an end secondary beam. shOiagam = 209.7 kN Maximum load transmitted by an intermediate secondary Fig. 28.93 beam o =| 3 |x209.7 kN =190.6 kV *6 Uniformly distributed load on the main beam 2 }fo5.1 451.6) RN /m =53.35 kN/m ‘The load system acting on the main beam is shown in Fig. 28.92, Let the resultant point load at each end be Q. Resolving the forces on the main beam, vertically, we have, 2+ 609.4 = 190,6 x 4 + 53.85 x 10 Q = 343.25 kN S.F. Calculations 8, = ~ 343.25 kN 34325 +5335 x3 =-2543 EN Siva S,, =- 2544+ 190.6 = - 63.7 kN 945 #-68745335 5 = 1252 A Sig = +25.2+ 190.6 + 215.8 AN 4215,8+59.85%2 = +304.7 RN. BM. Calculations “FF REMFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES en 5, 63.85 (10) _ 590.1 ANm M, 343.2512 41906554 2 5325 ote Nm M, = -34325 x5 41906012425 x5 =-965 kNm Point of zero shear between Band C Let at a distance of x metres the 8.F. be zero 58.35 .x+ 190.6 = 349.25 2.86 m ) Nm SSE (2.86) + soo.6(2 86 - » BM. at x= 2.86 m = 586.7 kNm Factored moment = M, = ~ 1.5 x 536.7 =~ 805.05 kNm Provide an overall depth of 1000 mm and a width of 500 mn Provide an effective cover to top stocl = 80 mm Effective depth d= 1000 - 80 = 920 mm M, _ 805.05%10° bd? ~ “500%920" i Sas 902 a = 0.602% x 500 x 920 = 2769.2 mm = 1,902 Percentage of steel required Provide 9 bars of 20 mm diameter as Sm) Shear Reinforcement Nominal shear stress due to factored shear forge of 1.5 x 343.25 kN’ 1,5 343.25 10% = = 2 Sposa 2 N/mm Nominal shear stress due to factored shear force of 1.5 x 254.3 RN 1,5%254.3x10° = = 2 ae 83 N/mm’ ‘Nominal shear stress due to factored shear force of 1.5 x 304.7 kN 1.5% 304.710" = LAxB0E TAO, 5 2 500x920 7 7 0:99 N/mm! Beam between A and B, and F and @ V, = 1.5 x $43.25 = 514.875 kN 2826 Percentage of steel = 95-999 * 100 = 0.614% Corresponding to 0.614% steel, 1, = 0.51 N/mm, Shear resistance of concrete = t, bd = 0.51 x 500 x 920 = 234600 N Net shear V, = 514875 ~ 234600 = 280275 N Spacing of 4 legged 8 mm 6 stirrups = 9:87%415%4x50*920 _ 957 mm 280275 Provide 4 legged 8 mm ¢ stirrups @ 230 mm c/e Beam between C and D, and Dand E V, = 1.5 X 804,7 = 457.05 Shear resistance of conerete = 284600 NV = Net shear V, = 457050 - 234600 = 222450 N F FOUNDATIONS 3 $$ 874154 x50%920 222450 Provide 4 legged 8 mm ¢stirrups @ 250 mm c/e Spacing of 4 legged 8 mm 4 stirrups = =298 mm okt anlumne earrving loads 08 indicated in

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