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Colegio Sentinella

Práctica Docente
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Practicante: Alexis Lopez Lopez
LESSON PLAN Ref: Ice Group: 4th grade Date: February 24,
Breaker, First Class. elementary 2023

Subject / Course: English

Topic: Ice breaker, First class.

Lesson Title: Hobbies

Level: 4th graders Class Duration: 40 minutes

Lesson Objectives: Students produce the language by sharing with the class their interests and past time

Summary of Tasks: Students introduce themselves and share one thing they like as an ice breaker.
Afterwards the topic is introduced. After practicing speaking by repeating after the teacher the hobbies,
students are asked to pick one of the hobbies and add them to their presentation. Which consist of:
Lesson Goals: Students were able to share with the rest of the class a brief presentation about themselves
and their personal hobby. Template last amended: 03/03/2010 Amended by: Chris /

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