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Stewart 1

Gabriel Stewart

19 October 2022

Bill Erwin

OGL 340: The Aikido Way

Module 1: Writing Assignment 1 - Reflections on Mindfulness

I have never been someone who has been able to sit down and simply reflect. I feel I am a

very energetic person and always want to be doing something or surrounded by people, as you

can tell I am very extroverted. Yet, this comes with me really failing to sit down and reflect on

the day. I recently took a class that has taught me the importance of meditation and the ability

how to reflect on something. I feel from that class, I have been able to take time out of my day to

be with myself and not much else and simply enjoy what I am experiencing. However, I work on

a tv set which is a very rapid workspace and feel it is necessary to take a second to reflect on my

life and enjoy the little moments. I think something that pushes me away from this way of

thinking is how busy I can get in a short amount of time. I feel that because of this I have

definitely strayed away from reflecting more often, especially with the start of school as well.

However, I do believe everyone should practice mindfulness because it is a healthy way to force

yourself to be with yourself. Something that really stuck with me was Anderson said,

“Sometimes you have to check that you are actually in the shower,” and proceeds to explain that

we may be so worked up on other things, we cannot appreciate what is happening now.

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