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Rebecca McKinnon


● Public health student seeking to further my experience with a strong desire to grow more knowledgeable within
the community healthcare field.

● Georgia College & State University.
● Anticipated B.S. in Public Health by spring 2023.
● Dean's List. ( Term average of 3.5 GPA or higher )
● Overall GPA: 3.41

JANUARY 2023 - MAY 2023
● Stepping Stone
○ Child Advocacy and Sexual Assault Center
○ Intern duties include earning advocacy training, observing forensic interviews, and shadowing counseling

Community Involvement
● Center for Health and Social Issues
○ Involves using teamwork to plan, successfully develop, and host events.
○ Involves spreading awareness on topics such as breast cancer, diabetes, and mental health.
○ Completed 47 hours of community service through this organization.
● Public Health Student Organization
○ Involves spreading awareness around the Georgia College campus about various health-related issues.
○ Encourages students to learn the importance of health through community outreach and promoting
● Prevent Child Abuse America
○ Partnered with PCAA through sorority involvement.
● Girl Scouts
○ Partnered with Girl Scouts through sorority involvement.
JULY 2022
● Blue Skies
○ Involved working with families battling pediatric cancer.
○ Formed personal connections with the families who attended.
○ Helped with the execution of events and attended them.

● Obtained CPR and First Aid certification in the summer of 2022.
● Obtained CITI training in the fall of 2022.
● Obtained Professional Development Certificate (Mandated Reporter) in spring 2023.
● Obtained Victim Assistance Training Certificate in spring 2023.
Relevant Projects
● Health Promotion and Program Planning
○ Program Rationale
○ Needs Assessment
○ Grant Proposal
○ Cost-Benefit Analysis
● Environmental Forum
○ Water Pollution at the Oconee Greenway.
○ Used teamwork to determine a problem statement and brainstorm solutions.
○ Created and presented a scientific poster at Georgia College and State University.

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