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INTRO: The issue of discrimination, racism, gender, skin color is no stranger to each person today. But it is still an
unanswered question, a dilemma for a new society, a civilized society. People in the LGBT community have been
asserting their position, the black people are getting stronger and stronger. As for people in Asian countries, they
are so stigmatized that they suffocate in Western countries. And it is the topic that I want to discuss with everyone,
I will not go too deep into the statistics, but will learn the process of Asian immigration and be stigmatised, learn
about the root of this problem.

BODY: We can easily find the hashtag #stopasianhate on twitter is the anti-discrimination movement of Asian
descent. And this stigma that happens every day causes a lot of discontent and bewilderment among a
community that is known as "model minority".
=> So why are Asians in general and Chinese in particular so stigmatized and hated? The story dates back to when
Asians chose to emigrate to the West. Starting in the 19th century, in the United States this wave took place in the
1850s, with the "California gold rush" prompted the Chinese to seek new opportunities in the West. As the craze
passed, they stayed in the U.S. and became a source of cheap labor. They accepted jobs with frothy salaries. For
this reason, Asians were accused of robbing indigenous people of their jobs, hindering the revolution that
demanded a raise in wages at the time.
=> The next cause is the "yellow peril" (Yellow Peril) which is a term aimed directly at Chinese immigrants.
Appeared in the 19th century, but the Western fear of Asia has taken root since the Middle Ages. Originating from
the Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan, with the ambition of world domination, later on, his descendants still spread
that fear.
That is why Asians have been hated and despised since ancient times, they are considered cheap labor, uncivilized
and cannot speak English well. Under Donald Trump, with the support of White supermacism, has implemented an
anti-immigration policy, vowed to build the US-Mexico border, declared China a top rival, leading to increased
discrimination and violence against people of Asian descent.
=> The peak of this wave was the recent COVID-19 pandemic, which is believed to have originated in China. Some
European journalists such as Courrier Picard used phrases such as "yellow alert", "yellow danger", "bizarre appetite
for raw food" in the headlines.
Violent acts occur more and more, becoming a psychological obsession of Asian people settling in Europe.
According to a report by the Lowy Institute in Australia, more than 18% of Chinese Australians have been
threatened and assaulted. Pandemic raging in Europe, viral campaigns with the keyword "I'm not a virus" were
created to raise awareness about violence against Asians.
So how to solve this problem, we should dig deep from the roots. First of all, it is necessary to understand what
racism is, not that white people despise the rest of the peoples, it is a people's belief in their distinctive traditions,
the ability to outperform other races. thereby forming prejudice and discrimination. In other words, any ethnic
group can form a racist ideology. Even I am Vietnamese, in my country there is still discrimination in schools, rich
and poor, Kinh and ethnic minorities. The only difference is that in Western European countries, the problem is too
painful, affecting the friendship between countries. It's just because of stereotypes that this stigma and
discrimination is born.

SUM UP: to sum up, this is still an eternal problem that cannot be resolved overnight, it lies in everyone's
awareness, first of all it is necessary to have a good educational environment in terms of awareness and education.
Cultivate a loving heart, deeply aware of the qualities and values of each country, each person, each ethnic group,
and each gender. We, the previous generations, must be the pioneers of change, treat the root cause, accept and
open our hearts to new things. If you intend to study abroad, you need to learn about the country you are going

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