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LEAVES (Oreganum Vulgari) AND GINGER (Gingiber Officinale) AS A



A review of the literature is a categorization and assessment of the works that

recognized academics and researchers have produced on a subject, arranged in
accordance with some sort of guiding principle, such as a research purpose,
thesis, or the problem or issue that has to be solved. It is an examination and
synthesis of the primary sources, written in a particular manner that moves from
general to specific, and it considers both theoretical and empirical issues. It is the
academic heart of the dissertation. The primary goal of a review of the literature is
to report on novel study or experiments so that the rest of the scholarly
community can access this knowledge.

Reviews of related literature, as defined by Best & Kahn (1989), are an overview of
the writings of authorities in the field as well as evidence that the researcher is
aware of both what is known and what is yet unknown and untested. Citing
studies that show substantial agreement and those that seem to present
conflicting conclusions helps to sharpen and define understanding of existing
knowledge in the problem area, provides a background for the research project,
and makes the research project more credible. Since effective research is based
on past knowledge, this step helps to eliminate the duplication of what has
already been done and provides useful hypotheses and helpful suggestions for
significant investigation. Included studies should only be those that are
obviously pertinent, well-executed, and well documented.


In order to fill the research deficit in the area of public health entomology in the
Philippines, this paper highlighted prior and ongoing research efforts for
medically significant mosquitoes that act as carriers of newly and reemerging
diseases there. This in-depth analysis of past and present research studies on
medical entomology and vector control also made an effort to offer appropriate
guidance and insights for the successful execution of the nation's vector control
initiatives. On the Department of Science and Technology and RITM databases in
the Philippines, all research studies published there from 1958 to the present that
are relevant to the paper's focus have been monitored. The findings of this
analysis suggest that over time, studies on public health entomology have
changed and progressed through several stages in the Philippines. For the
Philippines to fully contribute to integrated techniques of vector control and
eradicate mosquito-borne diseases, there is currently not enough research being
done on medically significant mosquitoes in the nation. It is advised that
researchers continue their work on vector research and further examine the
variety of entomological aspects of the management of vector-borne diseases.
(Salazar, and Gimutao (2017)

By giving material density and proximity information, the ultrasonic sensor

assistive gadget being developed for visually challenged Filipinos may boost
their level of independence. In order to do this, the project intends to define the
traits and constraints of the existing ultrasonic assistive devices, create a
prototype of an ultrasonic sensor assistive device, and measure its efficacy. The
results of this study will be helpful to the visually impaired community because it
intends to create a tool that could boost their level of independence and allow
them to safely travel both flat and mountainous terrain. Also, the communities
they are a part of would have more faith in the safety of the blind, and they would
no longer need to steer clear of them. Last but not least, this study will help
future researchers by giving them access to current statistics on ultrasonic
assistive devices and vision impairment throughout the nation. The knowledge of
how the blind construct mental images of their surroundings will be useful to
researchers in other fields, such as the behavioral sciences. (Riazi et. al., 2016;
Slade et al., 2017).

This paper describes an automated insect pest counting and environmental

condition monitoring system that makes use of embedded systems that serve as
sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks and integrated camera modules. The
sensor node can be used to measure greenhouse temperature, humidity, and light
levels while also taking pictures of sticky paper traps. In comparison to hand
counting, an image processing system was used to automatically identify and
count insect pests on an insect sticky trap with an average temporal detection
accuracy of 93%. Several sensor nodes were used to create the integrated
monitoring system in a greenhouse, and experiments were run to evaluate the
system's effectiveness.According to experimental findings, the monitoring
system's automatic counting is comparable to manual counting, and information
on the number of insect pests may be successfully and continuously recorded.
Environmental parameters were taken into consideration for further temporal and
spatial analysis of data on insect pest concentrations. Experimental data analysis
shows that the normalized hourly increase in the insect pest count seems to be
related to changes in temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity. The
proposed approach allows for the quick assessment of environmental data and
the avoidance of time-consuming manual counting. Also, the system provides a
useful tool for long-term insect pest behavior observations as well as for actual
integrated pest management applications (IPM).

Dengue and other illnesses brought on by mosquitoes have been one of the main
issues DepEd and DOH have been dealing with. There are many plants in the
Philippines that deter mosquitoes, such as lemongrass and oregano due to their
potent aroma. The goal of this study is to determine how effective the
aforementioned plants are in keeping mosquitoes away so that they can be used
as an alternative to manufactured chemical repellents without having any
negative side effects or feedback on the environment. (Benaid, J. 2019)


Almost everyone has had the unpleasant experience of being bitten by a

mosquito. Mosquito bites can cause skin irritation through an allergic reaction
to the mosquito's saliva - this is what causes the red bump and itching. But a
more serious consequence of some mosquito bites may be transmission of
serious diseases and viruses such as malaria, dengue virus, Zika and West
Nile virus, which can lead to disabling and potentially deadly effects (such as
encephalitis, meningitis and microcephaly). ( General Information About
Mosquitoes, 2022)

Plants, their extracts, and essential oils have been used for centuries to combat
aggressive mosquitoes that cause malaria, dengue fever, and sleeping sickness,
as well as insects that act as vectors for a variety of other diseases. Man has
used plant material's repellent and insecticidal properties for thousands of years,
most notably by hanging bruised plants in houses. Because of their high vapour
toxicity to insects, many plant volatiles are deterrents or repellents. As a result,
mosquitoes are becoming increasingly resistant to industrial repellents and
insecticides. (Lutgen, 2015)

Oregano is an herb that has been cultivated for centuries in the Mediterranean
area, although it now can be found on most continents. Actually, there is not
simply one ‘‘oregano,’’ but rather several species that may contribute to the
oregano used for culinary purposes. Medicinal uses for oregano date back to the
ancient Greek and Roman empires where applications of the leaves were used to
treat such maladies as skin sores and relieve aching muscles and as an
antiseptic. Oregano also has been used in traditional medicines for such ailments
as asthma, cramping, diarrhea, and indigestion. In Greece, an oregano infusion is
still used as a folk remedy against colds and upset stomach and to maintain
general health. Based on the current scientific literature, oregano extracts and
individual constituents consistently have demonstrated antimicrobial actions in
vitro toward food-borne pathogens, although the capacity to counter human
infections is not well studied. Based on the current scientific literature, oregano
extracts and individual constituents consistently have demonstrated
antimicrobial actions in vitro toward food-borne pathogens, although the capacity
to counter human infections is not well studied. (Singletary, 2008)

All tropical and subtropical countries are dealing with a serious human and animal
health problem caused by mosquito-borne diseases. Among the diseases spread are
yellow fever, dengue fever, malaria, and filariasis. Numerous strategies have been
developed over the years to combat the dangers posed by mosquito-borne diseases.
Many studies have shown the efficacy and alternatives of using essential oil
compounds and extracts, as well as their derivatives, to repel pesky mosquitos. Its
ability to degrade quickly in the environment has also been suggested for greater
specificity. According to studies, insect repellents are critical in preventing the
mosquito vector by preventing insects from flying to, landing on, or biting human and
animal skin. In general, synthetic chemicals are used as insect repellants, but they
have the drawback of being harmful to people, especially children and domestic
animals because they may cause itchiness, heat sensation, rashes, or allergy. As a
result, researchers began to consider developing an alternative mosquito repellent
incense that could be sold as a viable product. It aids in reducing the prevalence of
many mosquito-borne illnesses like malaria and dengue. (Erasga, D. (2019,January 18)
ORE-katol: Organum Vulgare as a Mosquito Repellant.

Simply, all of the Local and Foreign study/ies and Literature/s has a great
contribution in the present study.

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