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( 2021 SESSION)

Professional English



1. Candidates must read all questions carefully.
2. The examination script consists of the followings:

 Types of
Part  Instruction  Duration
A  20 MCQ  Answer ALL questions  20 Minutes
B  Choose 4 out of 5 questions  90 Minutes
Uploading Answers  10 Minutes
Professional English

(20 marks)
 20 Minutes



This part consists of TWENTY-FIVE (20) questions. Answer ALL questions in the
space provided.

Not Available

Professional English

PART B (Essay Option)

(80 marks)
 90 Minutes



This part consists of FIVE (5) questions. Answer FOUR (4) questions only in the
space provided.

(Question 1)

Based on the situation given below, prepare a formal telephone conversation by using
the information given. Keep in mind the rules for proper business communication.

You have made an online purchase of fifty pieces of clothing last month. It was
promised that the items will be delivered in a week’s time. However, the retailer sent
the items one week after the promised date. To your dismay, there are defects in the
stitching and the sizes do not follow the universal standard for clothing size. Upset
and dissatisfied with the products, you place a call to the retailer to clarify on the
issue. The outcome of the conversation is that you will be given a discount and an
immediate replacement of the clothing purchased.

20 Marks
(Question 2)

One’s personal characteristics can affect the way one communicates. Describe FIVE
(5) characteristics and provide examples of how each can have an impact on the way
a person communicates.

20 Marks
(Question 3)

(a)   Verbal, non-verbal, written and visualization are four ways of how people
communicate. Define communication and explain the FOUR (4) methods mentioned. 

(b)     Identify FIVE (5) examples of non-verbal communication with relevant examples

20 Marks
(Question 4)

Being a journalist requires one to have good communication skills to find relevant and
crucial information. Explain FIVE (5) interpersonal skills which are the most effective
for a journalist.

20 Marks
(Question 5)

Mr. Kelvin came to work late today with an angry expression. He went straight to his
cubicle and slammed his bag on his desk. He sighed all morning while doing his work.
He had a meeting after lunch, but he arrived later than he is supposed to and did not
offer any cooperation in the meeting. Later in the evening, he received a call from a
disgruntled client. He did not handle the call well as he ended the call with a scream.
He also did not keep his workstation tidy. Papers and notes were all over his desk. He
went back without saying anything to anyone.

Mr. Kelvin has broken multiple working and business etiquette during that day. List
FIVE (5) etiquettes that were broken and what he could have done to improve his
situation for each etiquette broken.

20 Marks

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