How To Study in Medical Schoo1 1

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Disusun oleh :

Alfi Rahmah Fadila

NIM : G1A121029

Dosen Pengampu :





How to study in medical school

As a new medical student, I find out that it’s kinda hard to manage my time between
studying, playing and taking care of myself. This
school/how-to-study-in-medical-school. journal that dr. Hum gave me is helpful. Why?
Because the journal give a lot of techniques to help us (as a medical students) to not missing
out our study time.
There is a lot of problem every students usually will face, like rapid forgetting, passive
studying, time management, past behaviors that are going to damage our grades if we keep
avoiding it.
As what I read in the journal, there is a lot of solutions to solve our problem so we are not
going to fail at any test/exam. They highlight a lot of effective study techniques that we
should know :
1. Spaced Repetition
The key concept of spaced repition is spacing your studying and self-testing over time, as
opposed to massing, or "cramming," because this spacing helps to flatten your forgetting
curve so you retain information longer.
2. Interleaved Practice
Interleaved practice You practice a skill until you achieve proficiency and then (and only
then) do you move on to the next one.
3. To Do List
If you really struggle at managing time to study, you can make a to do list so you’re not
going to panic and forget to do the important things.
4. Testing Effect
Active learning is better than passive learning. You can applying the testing effect by
making a flashcards and taking a notes that put the information you need to learn in your
own words.

5. Memory Palace

Start with picking a place that you’re familiar with. This can be an actual place. Such as
your home, the gym, a store, or someplace you’ve seen on television, or a place you've
Next, you identify specific spots called “loci” in that place. It’s nice to pick really
distinct spots, and in this case, we pick out six spots since there are six things to

6. Fogg Behavior Model

 You can increase your motivation through engaging practices like gamified

learning and social accountability (eg, study groups).
 You can increase your ability by using tools like mobile apps which make your
study materials readily accessible wherever you are.
 Finally, you can trigger the behavior through reminder emails, text messages,
and push notifications.
7. Growth Mindset

Lifelong mindsets about achievement and ability can hold us back, but they are not set
in stone, and those who overcome them are more likely to succeed. Remember that it is
not natural for all topics to come easily to a person, and that you can move forward by
working hard and applying yourself to the topics you struggle with the most.

I guess this is the end of my short review. I always hope that i can apply all of this
techniques. So, i can study better day by day.
Thank you.

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