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Difficulties Encountered By TVL-ICT Computer Programming

Students in Grade 11 Patience

This paper aims to determine the difficulties encountered by the students in their work
Grade 11 Patiece concerning family support, supervisory support, work habit, and competence.
The research was conducted during the academic year 2021-202022 in Gingoog City
Conprehensive National High School. Descriptive research is employed since its purpose is to
determine the difficulties encountered by the students in their work Grade 11 Patience. The
study employed the learning theory of Thorndike on the Law of Exercise and Law of Effects.
There are 35 respondents further, questionnaire checklist is the instrument used while data
were treated using percentage, rank, weighted mean, and two-way ANOVA. The study revealed
that the difficulties encountered by work Grade 11 Patience students with work Grade 11
Patience supervisors have no relationship with their sex, while work habit and competence
were significant. In terms of monthly family income, there was no significant difference in the
different aspects. The study concluded that the majority of the respondents were male and
belonged to 9,000-below family income. Work Grade 11 Patience students received financial
and emotional support from the family; work Grade 11 Patience supervisors guided the
students in accomplishing tasks. However, visitation on the venue is limited and tasks given
were not all strand related. The value of volunteerism is not very evident from the respondents
as well as the knowledge on basic troubleshooting of hardware and software, monthly family
income and sex were not a determining factor of difficulties.
Keywords: students, Grade 11 Patience, ICT,

Education has been given great value and acknowledgment all over the world. It is
regarded as a pillar of all national growth and development and at the same time a panacea to
uncountable problems every country is facing. This becomes an instrument in improving the
welfare and alleviating the well-known problems of poverty. Education is seen to have great
benefits to a country towards enhancing the skills of its citizen and eventually improving the
quality of human capital and social mobility. Mahaguay (2018) claimed that the greatest
challenge of every educational thinker is to look for an educational principle which will bring
development to the country and its citizen. The Philippine Govertment on the otherhand is
always trying new system of education that will make Filipino students globally competent.
Since 2011, the Department of Education embraced the big changes in Philippine education,
replacing 10-year basic education to K-12 Curriculum. The new curriculum required
kindergarten as prerequisite to elementary and an additional two years for high school. This
ensured a lengthy stay in school; however, this paradigm shift opens an opportunity for
students who do not plan to go to college to be well equipped and be employed in a blue-collar
job. In connection to this, the new curriculum served as a perfect vehicle in real experiences in
the real world of works. According to DepEd Order 30, s. 2017, Section 1
“One of the goals of the K to 12 Basic Education Program is to develop in learners the
competencies, work ethic, and values relevant to pursuing further education and/or joining the
world of work. To achieve greater congruence between basic education and the nation’s
development targets, Grade 11 Patience, a required subject has been incorporated into the
curriculum. This subject will provide learners with opportunities:” 1. to become familiar with
the workplace; 2. for employment simulation; and 3. to apply their competencies in areas of
specialization/applied subjects in authentic work environments. Meaning, work immersion can
be the best avenue in honing and developing skills of the students. This practice exposes
students to different fields and authentic operations of companies, institutions, and businesses.
Likewise, this will serve as their stepping stone in gaining new knowledge on their specialization
and later be of great assistance in their chosen curriculum exits. On the other hand, student's
work immersion is not seamless, complications may arise in many forms such as work attitude,
family support, competence, and the like. These problems may greatly contribute to their
performances both positive and negative. In this line of thinking, the researcher would like to
determine difficulties students may encounter during work immersion to look at ways and
address the problems concerning Grade 11 Patience of TVL-ICT Computer Programming.

Review of Related Literature

Visioning the success of Senior High School students after their chosen curriculum exit is
something worth to think of. This vision is a great challenge for the Department of Education and
teachers due to the continuous and prompt changes the world is facing, thus, preparing them in the
actual world is to uncover them in the real world of works through Grade 11 Patience According to
Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School (2022), Grade 11 Patience programs concretize the
ideas, lessons, and opinions learned in school, consequently, these involvements can turn into real work
experiences and apprehensions that last a lifetime. Moreover, the study of Guimba (2018) revealed that
when respondents have a high level of self-efficacy their confidence was developed thus, they become
aware of their duties and responsibilities that are expected on them. Additionally, the high level of work
immersion satisfaction implies that the respondents enjoy the learning experiences in the work venue
that made them worthy resulting in the opportunity of seeing their career path ahead. Further, Lozada
(2017) stated that Grade 11 Patience must be viewed as a vital point of providing students a place to
improve through simulation thus giving them knowledge and experiences to grow as professionals. She
highlighted the value of experience as the greatest teacher hence inspiration can be drawn as students
gain proficiency in their specific fields. Rex Bookstore (2018) mentioned that as one of the leading
learning solutions providers in the Philippines, they have always aimed to be at the forefront of
supporting and leading initiatives. People believe that work immersion is important to the holistic
growth of each learner. This is through creating learning materials that are aligned with the K to 12
curriculum and by providing educators an avenue to continually learn and excel in their fields. All these
are done for their shored vision, to help build the nation through engaging and enhancing partners in
education. Upon realizing the importance of the Senior High School Grade 11 Patience Initiative not just
to the academe industry but to the future of the country as well, Rex Book Store recently have been
collaborating with different schools and industries to create better and more meaningful experiences for
students undergoing the program. The aforementioned studies and literature revealed the importance
of Grade 11 Patience and its essential benefits, thus, in the same way, difficulties encountered by the
students in work immersion must be given attention and be given solution to ensure that students will
have worthwhile real work experiences that will help them acquire a job after graduation.

This research is descriptive since its purpose is to determine the difficulties encountered by the
students in their Grade 11 Patience focusing on various variables. Thus, a questionnaire checklist was
developed focusing on two parts. The first part covered the profile of the respondents which is
composed of sex and monthly family income. Meanwhile, the second part focused on the difficulties
encountered by the TVL-ICT Computer Programming 12-Alcantara students in their Grade 11 Patience
with the following variables: family support, supervisory support, work habit, and competence. After the
development of the questionnaire, it was validated by five (5) experts to ensure its validity. Then, it was
distributed and retrieved for tallying and data analysis. Moreover, to analyze and interpret the gathered
information, the following statistical treatments were utilized. In order to determine the profile of the
respondents, percentage and rank distribution were used while weighted mean and rank distribution
were employed in determining the extent of difficulties encountered by the TVL-ICT Computer
Programming 12-Alcantara students in terms of sex, and monthly family income. Lastly, F-test (two way
ANOVA) was utilized to determine the significant difference in the difficulties encountered by the

Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School

National Highway, Gingoog City
May 26, 2022





Assisting Principal
Dear Ma'am/Sir

Praised be Jesus and Mary!

The undersigned team leader of a group of Grade 11 Patience students is seeking for your permission
to conduct a study for a research entitled "Difficulties Encountered By TVL-ICT Computer Programming
Students in Grade 11 Patience".

This study aims to discovered and note the difficulties encountered by grade 11 Patience who even
have difficulty still persevering and even many problems are not a barrier to quitting learning. Please be
assured that the administration of the study takes ethical standards in research very seriously.

Thank you very much for your approval.

Very truly yours,

Kenth Ivan Mabao

Team Leader

Endorsed by:


Practical Research 1 Teacher

Recommending Approval: Approved:



Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School

National Highway. Gingoog City


We are Grade 11 ICT students of Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School who are

currently doing a research on Difficulties Encountered By TVL-ICT Computer Programming Students in

Grade 11 Patience. The study is a major requirement for Practical Research 1 course. Regarding
this, we would like to solicit your permission to interview you to know more about your
experiences on overcoming challenges regardless of difficulries encountered.
If you choose to participate in this study, we will arrange a time to meet with you that is
convenient for you. During this time, we would like to ask you questions about your
experiences overcoming obstacles in life. This interview will take up to 25-35 minutes. We like
to use a cell phone recorder for the interview with your permission in order to focus on the
conversation. The tape will be accessible only to the group. The recordings will be transcribed,
and any identifying information will be removed. Your identity will be kept confidential and will
not be revealed in the final manuscript after the tape has been erased.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 09706864302. We appreciate
your consideration to participate in this study in advance.

Respectfully yours,


Team Leader

Noted by:


Practical Research 1 Teacher

Please read this consent document carefully before you decide to participate in this study. Before
signing this form, the researcher will answer all your questions.

Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School

Name of Investigators: Kenth Ivan Mabao (Student Researcher). Queenie B. Desabille (Student
Researcher), Janice S. Suarez (Student Researcher), Rejun B. Sto Domingo (Student Researcher), Rodelou
B. Casador (Student Researcher), Lovely Ann Salazar (Student Researcher)

Title of Project: Difficulties Encountered By TVL-ICT Computer Programming Students in Grade 11 Patience

Informed Consent to Participate in a Research Study

You have been invited to participate in a research study. The information on this form will inform you
about the study, but the researcher will explain it to you first. You are free to ask this person any
questions you may have. When you are ready to make a decision, tell the researcher whether or not you
want to participate. You are not required to participate if you do not wish to. If you agree to take part,
the researcher will have you sign this statement and give you a copy to keep.

Why am I being asked to take part in this research study?

You have been asked to participate in this research study because you are a member of difficulties
encounter in TVL-ICT who's experiencing struggles in life at the time the research is being conducted at
the study location.

Why is this research study being done?

The purpose of this study is to better understand the way of Persons With Dificulties study on
overcoming their struggles in life regardless of their physical condition.

What will be asked to do?

If you decide to participate in this study, you will be required to participate in two interviews. The first is
a semi-structured face-to-face interview. You will be asked to specify a time and a private location in
your workplace for the interview. When the interview transcripts and data analysis are finished, they
will be emailed to you for review, with two weeks to do so. After two weeks, another face-to-face
member-checking interview will be conducted in your workplace at a time and location of your
choosing. You can check the transcripts for accuracy and provide feedback on the data analysis. With
your permission, all interviews will be audio-recorded using two distinct recording devices. The audio
recordings and research will be free of any identifiable information.
Where will this take place and how much of my time will it take?

You will be interviewed first at a time and place that is convenient for you The first semi-structured face-
to-face interview will last approximately 20-25 minutes. You will be emailed the interview transcripts
and data analysis after they have been finished, and you will have two weeks to examine them. After
two weeks, you will be contacted for another face-to-face member-checking interview at a time and
location of your choosing. It will take approximately 25 minutes to complete.

Will there be any risk or discomfort to me?

Participating in this study poses no known personal, physical, or emotional dangers to your well-being or
college career. However, when recounting poor or demotivating teaching experiences, you may still
express unpleasant feelings such as humiliation or dissatisfaction.

If you are having unpleasant feelings and are not comfortable with them, you can stop the interview and
we will provide you with psychological counseling. I'm also willing to end the interview to protect your
safety. You will also have the option of approving or requesting the removal of any portions of the
transcripts and conclusions that you believe are harmful to your health and/or career.

Will I be benefit by being in this study?

You will receive no direct rewards from participating in the study. Your participation, on the other hand,
will help to expand the field of PWDs' way of living. In terms of professional growth, you may also
benefit from in-depth reflection on your overcoming challenges experiences.

Who will see the information about me?

Your participation in this study will be kept private. Only the study's researcher will have access to your
personal information. No information that can identify you or any individual as part of this study will be
used in any reports or publications.

The interviews will be digitally captured on the researcher's phone with an audio recorder. After each
interview, the audio files on both devices will be transferred to the researcher's password-protected
personal home computer The interviews will be digitally captured on the researcher's phone with an
audio recorder. After each interview, the audio files on be kept in a locked drawer at home.

The recordings will not include any identifying information, such as your name or the name of the study
location. You will be assigned gender-neutral pseudonyms, which will serve as the file names for all
related audio recordings and word documents stored on the researcher's password protected personal
home computer.

Only the researcher and a confidential transcription service provider will have access to the interview
data. Because your name will be de-identified in all audio recordings, the transcription service provider
will be unable to identify you.

If I do not want to take part in this study, what choices do I have?

If you decide not to participate in the interview, you are encouraged to notify the research team of your
decision. The information obtained through your participation will not be included in the study's data
analysis or final report.

What will happen if I suffer any harm from this research?

You may withdraw from the study at any time if you feel uncomfortable or harmed. However, no special
arrangements for compensation or payment for treatment will be made solely because of your
participation in this study.

Can I stop my participation in this study?

Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You are not required to participate if you do not
wish to, and you are free to refuse to answer any question. Even if you start the research, You are free
to leave at any time. There will be no effect on your relationship with the researcher or any other
negative consequences if you do not participate or decide to quit. If you decide not to participate in the
interview, you are encouraged to notify the research team of your decision. The information obtained
through your If you decide not to participate in the interview, you are encouraged to notify the research
team of your decision. The information obtained through your participation will not be included in the
study's data analysis or final report.

Who can I contact if I have questions or problems?

If you have any questions about this study, please feel free to contact or email Kenth Ivan Mabao at

kenthivan Encountered By TVL-ICT Computer
Programming Students in Grade 11 Patience or his mobile phone at (09706864302). You can also contact him on his Facebook
account @Kenth Ivan Mabao.

Will I be paid for my participation?

You will not be compensated for your time.

Will it cost me anything to participate?

Participating in this study will not cost you anything.

Is there anything else I need to know?

I agree to take part in this study

Signature of person agreeing to take part Date

Printed name of person above

Signature of person who explained the study Date

To the participant above and obtained consent

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