Magsino 2bsed WH2 Reflection French

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Joemer Estrada Magsino Jr 2BSED SOCIAL SCIENCE

Prof. Sheilla L. Maquinad WORLD HISTORY 2

Write a reflection paper about the video that watched while an ago. The title
of the video documentary was The French Revolution.

The French Revolution was an era of political, social, and economic upheaval that
resulted in the dissolution of the French monarchy and the formation of the French
Republic. It also led to the establishment of a new political and social order in France.
Several years of financial difficulties and political turmoil in France precipitated the
French Revolution. These circumstances led to the creation of an anti-monarchy coalition
between the lower classes and the nobles. This coalition, known as the Third Estate, was
comprised of the bourgeoisie and peasants. The Third Estate's grievances and demands
included the abolition of the feudal system and the development of a fairer society.
The French Revolution ended the rule of the monarchy and established a new system of
governance in France. The National Assembly made up of delegates from all of the
country's classes, was the new form of governance. The assembly developed a new
constitution that established a representative government and did away with the feudal
system. The newly adopted constitution also created universal suffrage, allowing all
people to vote and be appointed to the National Assembly.
The French Revolution also marked the start of a new type of society in the nation as a
whole. This new society was founded on the revolutionary ideas of liberty, equality, and
fraternity. The newly formed society was also more receptive to novel concepts and
approaches of thinking, which led to the emergence of new ideas and methods of thinking.
The French Revolution was an era of enormous upheaval and change in France,
culminating in the foundation of a new political and social order, the emergence of new
ideas, and the establishment of a new form of government. With the formation of
universal suffrage and the commencement of a new society built on the ideas of liberty,
equality, and fraternity, this new system of governance saw the establishment of universal

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