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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
REGION II – Cagayan Valley
School Year 2022-2023
Practical Research 1

Name: _________________________________________________Date: ___/___/___

Strand and Section: ______________________________________ Score: __________

I. Modified Identification
For the following research titles , identify from which field it belongs to by choosing your
answers from the box below. Write only the letter as your answer on the space provided below
each number.

A. Science Research
B. Fisheries Research
C. Information and Communication Technology Research
D. Arts Based Research
E. Business Research
F. Humanities Research
G. Agriculture Research
H. Sports Research
I. Mathematics Research
J. Social Science Research

__________1. Effect of Classroom Environment through Classroom Structuring

__________2. Effects of Green Leaves as Nitrogen Fertilizers on Growth of Selected
__________3. Parenting Needs, Goals and Strategies for Single Parents
__________4. Scouring: Habitat Destruction of Coral Reefs and Other Marine animals
__________5. The Role of Computers in Digital Health Indicators
__________6. Financial Attitude and Pactice of Teachers
__________7. Psychological Stress Management of Senior High School Teachers
__________8. Students’ Misconceptions in Calculus
__________9. Making Bricks Out of Paper Strips
__________10. The Influence of Sports Activities on Learners Efficiency in Academics

II.MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best answer from the choices provided.
1. It is a characteristic of a research that follows orderly and sequential procedures , based on
valid procedure and principle.
A. Systematic C. Original Work
B. Objective D. Analytical
2. It is a characteristic of research that is ubiased and logical.
A. Objective C. Analytical
B. Original Work D. Empirical
3. This is a field of qualitative research where people’s traumatic experience are studied.
A. Technical Communication C. Psychology
B. Education D. Social Work
4. It is a field of qualitative research pursued if the researcher wants to know how to sell out a
product to the customers.
A. Psychology C. Social Work
B. Advertising D. Technical communication
5. Driven by curiosity, a researcher wants to analyze the lifestyle of the Manobo tribe of
Bukidnon.This study falls under _______________.
A. Case study C. Ethnography
B. Historical Analyis D. Grounded Theory
6. Your teacher requires you to study the inflence of Noli Me Tangere to the lives of the
Filipinos during the Spanish regime. The research you are doing is ____________.
A. Case study C. Ethnography
B. Historical Analysis D. Grounded Theory
7. One of the components of a research question that provides enough specifics that one’s
audience can easily understand its purpose without needing additional explanation.
A. Complex C. Arguable
B. Clear D. Concise
8. You cannot formulate questions unless you have already identified your:
A. Reference C. Research design
B. Research Topic D. Significance of the Study
9. Choose a statement below to translate this unclear question to a specific one.
Unclear: How should social networking sites address the harm they cause?
A. What action should social networking sites like Myspace and Facebook take to
protect user’s personal information and privacy?
B. What are the steps to eliminate harm caused by social networking sites?
C. Why do social networking sites a contributory factor for teenager’s psychological
D. How to minimize the disadvantages of social networking site?
10. It is believed to be one of the weaknesses of qualitative research.
A. It can develop theories.
B. It has several avenues to understand phenomena.
C. It is a way a researcher perceives things as he is immersed in the study.
D. It answers certain phenomena-social, economic, political, and psychological.
11. All of the followng are strengths of qualitative research EXCEPT
A. Explores sensitive issues
B. Captures diversity of exoeriences and perceptions
C. Allows participants to freely exchange ideas.
D. Proves a certain theory or principle.
12. Which of the following is EXCLUDED from the importance of qualitative research in daily
A. Qualitative unveils individual’s perception, feelings and attitudes about a certain
B. Qualitative research allows the researcher to immerse in the community where the
participants live.
C. Qualitative research stimulates people’s interdependence or interpersonal
D. Qualitative research lets the researcher to validate the previously constructed theory
or principle.
For items 13-16, write
A. If first statement is TRUE; 2nd statment is TRUE
B. If first statement is TRUE; 2nd statement is FALSE
C. If first statement is FALSE; 2nd statement is TRUE
D. If first statement is FALSE; 2nd statement is FALSE.
13. Qualitative research aims to create new theory based on the gathered data while
quantitative research’s purpose is to test a hypothesis or theory.
14. Qualitative research used closed ended questions while Quantitative research uses open-
ended questions.
15. Qualitative research use large sample representatives,meanwhile quantitative research
uses numbers , scales, hypotheses and statistical tools.
16. In qualitative research data analysis is influenced by the personal experiences and views
while in quantitative research the researcher employs standard criteria in analyzing data.
17. It contains the explanation of what information or subject is being analyzed following the
limitation of the study.
A. Research design C. Research title
B. Scope of the study D. Thesis statement
18. Which of the following is an example of a delimitation of a study?
A. This study was undertaken from June 2012 to march 2013.
B. This study covers individual experiences and coping of Filipino fathers and mothers.
C. The focus of this study is on workplace ergonomics in the corporate setting.
D. This study includes only those English Freshman classes that use both Blended
Learning and standard ways of Language Teaching.
19. Which refers to the boundaries of the study?
A. Limitation C. Locale
B. Delimitation D. Scope

20. This is the chapter where the significance of the study is particularly indicated.
A. Chapter 1 C. Chapter 3
B. Chapter 2 D. Chapter 4
21. In research, this will be your guide in identifying the specific contribution of your study.
A. Hypothesis C. Problem Statement
B. Research topic D. Significance of the Study
22. In writing the significant of the study, the researcher should follow this format:
A. general to specific contribution
B. specific to general contribution
C. direct to specific contribution
D. none of the above
23. Choose a clear thesis statement from the following:
Research Topic: Vegetarianism and its benefits
A. People practice vegetarianism for five major benefits it provide them.
B. The reaons why people practice vegetarianism are varied.
C. Vegetarianism is an essential practice
D. Vegetarianism is a healthy lifestyle.
24.This is the chapter where the statement of the problem is particularly indicated.
A. Chapter 1 C. Chapter 3
B. Chapter 2 D. Chapter 4
25.The following statements are purposes of the Statement of the Problem EXCEPT
A. to describe the substantive focus of the research study
B. to frame it as a larger theoretical policy
C. to draw conclusion
D. to pose initial questions
26. What basic method is used in this reference?
Carter C, Bishop J, & Kravits SL. Keys to effective learning. (3rd.Ed.) New
Jersey:Prentice Hall.
A. American Psychological Association (APA)
B. Chicago Style
C. Modern Language Association
D. Chicago-Harvard Style
27. What basic method is used in this reference style?
Carter c, Bishop J, Kravits SL. Keys to effective learning. (3rd.Ed.) New Jersey:
Prentice Hall, December 2022.
A. American Psychological Asociation (APA)
B. Chicago Style
C. Modern Language Association (MLA)
D. Chicago-Harvard Style
28. What pattern of citation is used in the paragraph below?
Libertus, et. Al (2017) study indicated a significant language learning motivation increase
Over time.Only the Watchers , however, showed significantly higher motivation than the
Readers in the end. Thus, “The use of commercial digital video games can help enhance
highschool students’ language learning motivation”
A. Direct quotation C. Summary
B. Long Quotation D. to avoid ethical standard
29. It is a style of citation in which the researcher rewrites the original text in his own words
which sometimes becomes loger than the original text.
A. paraphrase C. direct quotation
B. summary D. long direct quotation
30. It is a pattern of citation where all the authors, links and year of publications are being listed.
A. Website C. References
B. Books D. Reference materials
31. What transitional device are you going to use to connect these two findings of research:
Aparejo (2019) found that 88% of Senior High School (SHS) teachers of Gingoog City
Comprehensive National High School (GCCNHS) felt comfortable in using the school website in
their form submission ______________________ Calipusan ( 2018) study revealed 69% of
Heavenly National High School teachers refused to use the latest mode of form submission and
preferred the traditional way.
A. Likewise C. Similarly
B. However D. Additionally

32. What type of review of literature and study organizations this line belongs to?

Teenage pregnancy is a problem long before 1980 (Aljas, 1990) until in 1990 (Arawe, 1995)
and getting worse in 2000 (Puray, 2020).
A. By authors C. By method
B. By publication D. By chronological
33. What is missing in this excerpt of literature review if the author insists he is citing his source
using the long-direct quotation?

Aparejo (2020) concluded that most SHS students at risk with learning disabilities have
mild dyslexia , mild discalcula and mild dysgraphia. These students have suffered low and
lack general self-efficacy, low and lack of social-efficacy and all of them have lack of self-

C. Use quotation marks C. Use parenthetical marks

D. Use of period D. Use of author
34. In making a link of a study, the beginning statement in the box indicates what type of

This study contradicts or challenges the social cognitive theory (Pajares and Urdan, 2006)
indicating that self-efficacy beliefs provide the foundation for human motivation, well-
being, and personal accomplishment.

A. Agreement C. Disagreement
B. Neutral stand D. Both agreement and disagreement

35. Upon reading the excerpt of literature below, which of the following are you going to do to
change the review of related literature into by publication approach?
Van Voorhis (2001) and Simon (2001) found that regardless of students’
A. Authors be or prior school achievement,
in alphabetical order C. involving
Themes be parents in various
in specific ways had a positive
impact on achievement, attendance,
B. Years be in hierarchical order behaviour, and course
D. topics be in special order. credits completed.
Significantly, Parental guidance and support of their adolescent students is critical to
secondary students’ school and future success (Sanders and Epstein, 2000) as cited by
Aparejo (2012).

36. If you fail to cite the author in your related literature review, then you are likely to be charged
of ___________________.
A. Copyright Act C. Property Right
B. Plagiarism Act D. Ownership Act
37. If you are to expose the confidential data from your respondents to your co-teachers w
asking permission from the respondents are you violating the
A. Ethical Standard C. Plagiarism Act
B. Unethical Standard D. Copyright Act
38. One of the following research topics below needs to be narrowed down into a specific one.
A. Menace of Terrorism in Mindanao
B. HIV: Causes, Prevention, and Cure
C. Global Warming and Greenhouse Effect
D. Body Tattooing as an Art in the Philippines
39. An example to this source of research topic is a blog.
A. Replication C. Wide reading/Critical Films
B. Social Networking D. Lectures/Talks/Seminars
40. If you are to create a qualitative research title which is clearly stated, concise, and reflects
clearly the problem statement or inquiry, which of the following titles are most likely you
A. A PWD’s Battle: A Qualitative Study on the Reactions and Experiences of Persons
With Disabilities.
B. Establishing Hydroponics Farming in Pasig City
C. Understanding Teacher Leadership
D. Your Life Design

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