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Brignall, Rachel


Miracles in Acts

Many Christians believe that all of God’s miracles end well and most of the

time that is true. However, the exact definition of a miracle is 1“an extraordinary

and astonishing happening that is attributed to the presence and action of an

ultimate or divine power”. This means that a miracle in the Bible would be any

happenings that occurred with God’s intervention. Now, this miracle of Ananias

and Sapphira is one such case. God intervenes to punish both Ananias and

Sapphira in an extraordinary way. The story of Ananias and Sapphires is an

extremely sad story in the book of Acts. Ananias and Sapphira sell their field and

were told to lay the profits from this transaction at the apostles’ feet. However,

Ananias holds some of this profit back for himself. Ananias gives Peter the

pretense that he gave the apostles all the money, however, this was not true.

Once Peter confirms his suspicions that Ananias was lying – not just to him but to

God – Peter makes his hypocrisy known. Immediately, Ananias falls and dies. This

may seem like a harsh punishment, right? You may be thinking right now that

lying is such a small sin compared to the consequences Ananias receives,

however, our God is a God of truth. He hates sin and therefore, through this

story, shows that no matter what God “demands the truth out of his followers”.

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The story gets even more interesting from here. Ananias’s wife, Sapphira, shows

up too and tells the Apostles that she donated her entire proceeds from the

selling of the field to the church. Again, Sapphira’s lie was found out and she

dropped dead at Peter’s feet. God “demands and expects total honesty from his

followers”. Are you completely honest with God when you go to Him in prayer?

Lying could simply mean leaving out the truth. Are you confessing all your sins to

him when you pray? God knows everything you have done, but he still expects

you to completely surrender your wrong doings to him in prayer.

Even though the consequences of this couple’s sin is used to teach

believer’s today of the importance of honesty, God used Ananias and Sapphira as

a lesson for the rest of the church. Before their deaths, this couple were believers

and therefore, members of the church. God teaches us in Hebrews 12:8 and first

Corinthians 5:12 the importance of discipline for those who are believers and do

not follow his commandments. Therefore, when Ananias and Sapphira blatantly

disobey God’s commandment of “Thou shalt not lie”, God openly must punish

them for their actions. This was a public example to their fellow believers that

God means what He says. This story also illustrates that believers can easily fall

into sin. Through the devil’s encouragement and 2“to test the Spirit of the Lord”

Acts 5:9
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these followers of Christ were led to sin. This story can also be used to allow

Christians today to know that the Devil will always find a way to attack. It is

important for us to arm ourselves daily with the armor of God. If we stay in God’s

word daily, if we follow God’s will for our lives daily, and if we put on our armor

daily, we can deflect Satan’s attacks. However, it is easy to forget to read your

Bible that one time and that one time could be that time Satan attacks. The same

could have been true for Ananias and Sapphira. Satan filled their heads with

covetousness and selfishness. The desire for the money was so great that they

lied to God and the Apostles. Therefore, God inflicts his wrath upon them, and

they suffer the consequences for their actions.

One miracle in Acts is the story of Ananias and Sapphira. They lied to the

apostles and God took their lives because of their actions. God values truthfulness

and hates deception. He clearly shows in this story that if his children keep

disregarding this fact, they will suffer the consequences. No matter what is going

on in your life, stay in God’s word daily. Because Ananias and Sapphira are perfect

example of what the Devil can lead you to do if you are not right with God. By

staying in God’s word daily, you will fight the Devil’s attacks. Ananias and Sapphira

let their guards down and the devil infiltrated their minds. Through their selfish

and covetous thoughts, they lied and cheated and had to suffer for their actions.

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