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pe Pree Fr myorenions, fasten _isite Peace fia, gan yeas DOLMEDRING Deep inthe brush and tangles of the old forest, elevated amidst rotting birches, lies a forgotten and decrepit mound of earth and stone; topped with an ancient ring of dolmens. Filth litters the unholy ground; crude tools made of obsidian, undistinguishable runes carved into basalt, hastily skinned pelts and festering remains of a forest creature. The ancient giants that once called this waste their home are long gone and expired. Now, all that roams this desolate place are feverish druids, cultists ofa mythical horror. Itis cried through the nearby hamlets that if enough elk are slaughtered and their carcasses amassed; the Druid High Priest can summon Caorthannach the Fire Spitter, wyrm and mother of the demons, that dwells in the crags of the rocken heap known as Croagh Beddrod. Rumors around the Bamlet Reports state that Druids in pure white robes, are rounding up and ceremonially killing the local elk population. Folks say the area near the rock outcropping known as Groagh Beddrod has the foul stench of death; but legend speaks of a creature of mythological proportions living within the stone. Che Druids of Caerntirth Druid Acolyte 3hp; 6 STR, 10 DEX, 14 WIL, d6 dagger or staff +, Robed in white, skin is severely scarred from burns. + Blindly follow the High Priest. Druid High Priest Sj ng, jet. black beard, robed in ‘white linen "arith golden trintand stiching, smooth == pigmentless skin. + Innate Magic: Inflict Agony, Once a day. touch enemy to Inflict Agony (dio). : + Critical Hit (with Inflict Agony): d4 limb is shriveled (1 right arm, 2 left arm, 3 right leg, 4 left leg). > Wants To summon the mythical § Caorthannach. te ae Rest Pte “giants. Each contains s d8x10 GP. Vc. A small; subterranean pool. The wateris warm. es A golden chalice ‘sitgat the edge. i eat room. .-~y<> x 5 7 ae =yhis stone, covered in ancient runes, is nneslisthe Che Entrance 19 Croagh Beddrod small hill or large mound, Croagh Beddrod is topped with dolmens from another era. At the base of this hill are two small openings, covered in brambles and loose stones. Laying just outside these small openingsin the mound, corpses of d6 elk and ad3 hamletsfolk lay sprawled out. Blood seems to steam as awretched scent fills the air. 1.Alarge, empty foyer made of basalt colums. + Athick, blue-ish, fog fills the hallway. + Etchings and runes ofa massive wyrm in battle fill the walls. + d6 Druid Acolytes chanting in a trance. a. Astairway that ends in dirt. Most likely an abandoned expansion. b. Asmall horde of precious gems buried in rumble, Worth di2x100 GP. 2. Two slain elkclay on the floor. On the wallto the leftis a massive, obsidian mirror. + [fone looks in the reflective stone, an image of beautiful maiden with red hair and green eyes appears behind the one who gazed. + Ifthey turn around to meet her, she is not there, + IEplayers go to where the women was, if they look back to the mirror, they will now see it is actually a secret door to room 6. 3. Sprawls of parchments with runes and spells, scratched into them filla large, oakdesk. lood stains everywhere. + The Druid High Priests chanting, trying to summon Caorthannach. His incantations nearly. complete. Drs: + Ifnot stopped in daturns, Caorthannach the Fire Spitter will arrive in de turns, =" 4: ‘Aeryptwith wo stone coffins, mai e for, 3 ae fe 5. A massive skeleton of acreature that resembles a serpent with the antlers ofanelk fils the room. Inthe bones one can find a Magical Sword or Relic (use the Cairn rules to determine what this jem should be). Is it cursed? 4 YA golden statue of aman at the bottom. + Anything that touches the water turns gold. s»lfdrank, the water restores HP andall ‘Attributes to maximum. 6. Alarge and empty chamber, save the huge obsidian standing stone in the: os oft ee Hee 4 spell Summon Caorthannach (Bulky Item): " © This stone can be taken and the weilder/caster “of the spell can call forth the Fire Spitting wyrm. 9 MES UR Ey) LE} de en_ JJ y SS ; Af TO Ss). sae! MY Aer CGS I WEN A S Se as ay © hells “Cof ». Top down\view: Tair of Caorthannach ‘BHPy2Armor is, SSTR, 15 DEX, 18 WIL ‘d6rdé bite, ds fire spit (blast) Appears asa beautiful nude maiden with fair skin, red hair and green eyes. Bamessear oe eee are : 4 When engaged; takes the form of a great wyrm with elkatlers. ff Has three legendary action (a total of three uses) ‘Antler's Anguish (d8 to DEX),

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