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Term 1 Exam
Class XI (Session- 2022)
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 50

General Instructions:
This Question Paper consists of two parts viz. Part A: Employability Skills and Part B: Subject
Part A: Employability Skills (10 Marks)
Answer any 4 questions 1 mark each.
Answer any 3 questions 2 marks each.
Part B: Subject Skills (40 Marks):
Answer any 10 questions 1 mark each.
Answer any 4 questions 2 marks each.
Answer any 4 questions 3 marks each.
Answer any 2 questions 5 marks each.
This question paper contains 27 questions are to be answered.
All questions of a particular part/section must be attempted in the correct order.
The maximum time allowed is 2 hrs.


Answer any 4 questions 1 mark each:

1. What do I need to get information from the World Wide Web? (1

(a) Computer )
(b) Browser
(c) Internet Connection
(d) All of the above
2. One petabyte (PB) = ________ (1
Ans:1024 TB=1024 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes. )
3. Write 2 types of internet connections? (1
Ans:1. Dial-up · 2. ISDN · 3. DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) · 4. Cable Internet Connection · 5. )
Fiber · 6. Satellite
4. Self Confidence is to trusting one capabilities and potentialities to achieve the necessary (1
goals, objectives and challenges in life and being worthy of leading a happy life. )
Answer any 3 questions 2 marks each:

5 Why is feedback required in communication? (

. Ans: Feedback helps your team avoid major mistakes by creating a clear and 2
honest communication flow during any kind of teamwork. )
6 Write 2 types of Language processor ? explain (
. 1. Assembler:- It is a program that translates an assembly language program into machine 2
language. )
2. Compiler:-It is a program that translates a high-level language program into machine
language. For example C++ compiler.
7 How do you achieve self management? (
. 2


Answer any 10 questions 1 marks each :

8 What is Kineasthetic intelligence? (1

. )
9 Data sciences is a __________ of AI related to data system and processes. (1
. Ans: Domain )
1 In ________________ input to machines can be photographs, videos and pictures from (1
0 thermal or infrared sensors indicators and different sources. )
. Ans: Computer Vision.
1 Visual clues that are helpful in computer vision include __________ (1
1 a) color and motion )
. b) depth and texture
c) height and weight
d) color and motion, depth and texture
Answer: d
1 Which provides a framework for studying object recognition? (1
2 a) Learning )
. b) Unsupervised learning
c) Supervised learning
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
1 ________________ are loosely modeled after how neurons in the human brain behave. (1
3 Ans: Neural Networks )
1 Where do we collect data form? (1
4 Or )
. How do you make decisions?
Ans: Automatic data collection includes electronic recorders and digital storage

1 It is useful when solving problems for which the data set is very large.(True/ False) (1
5 Ans: True )
1 A rule-based system consists of a bunch of IF-THEN rules. (1
6 a) True )
. b) False
Answer: a
1 Define Rule-based AI? (1
7 Ans: A rule-based system is used to store and manipulate knowledge to interpret information in )
. a useful way. It is used in AI applications and research.

Answer any 4 questions 2 marks each:

1 What movies have you seen about artificial intelligence? (

8 Ans:Ex Machina, WALL-E, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, 2001: A Space Odyssey, I, Robot 2
. )
1 Write 4 applications of AI? Explain (
9 Ans: Natural language processing,Chatbots,Sentiment analysis,Sales prediction 2
. )
2 How do self driving cars use machine learning? (
0 Or 2
. How Deep Learning Works ? and its types of ML? )
Ans: Machine learning algorithms make it possible for self-driving cars to exist. They allow
a car to collect data on its surroundings from cameras and other sensors, interpret it, and decide
what actions to take. Machine learning even allows cars to learn how to perform these tasks as
good as (or even better than) humans
2 Which is better for image classification- Supervised or unsupervised classification? Justify. (
1 Ans: : In supervised classification, the images are manually fed and interpreted by the 2
. Machine Learning expert to create feature classes. )
In unsupervised classification, the Machine Learning software creates feature classes based
on image pixel values.
Answer any 4 questions 3 marks each:

2 Is Alexa an AI? Explain with example. (3)

. Ans: Amazon Alex known simply as Alexa ia a virtual assistant developed by Amazon. It is
develop by Amazon Lab 126. Alexa can also control several smart devices using itself as a
home automation system.
Mention three things you understood about the game ?
Ans; In  games, artificial intelligence (AI) is used to generate responsive, adaptive
or intelligent behaviors primarily in non-player characters (NPCs) similar to human-like

1. Player-experience modelings and dynamic game difficulty balancing, (such

as gesture recognition).
2. Procedural-content generation: elements of the game environment like
environmental conditions, levels, and even music in an automated way. AI
methods can generate new content or interactive stories.
3. Data mining on user behavior

2 Difference between Data Acquisition and Data Exploration in AI Model? (3)

3 Or Explain Neural Networks? With Diagram.
. Ans: Data exploration is an approach similar to initial data analysis, whereby a data
analyst uses visual exploration to understand what is in a dataset and the characteristics
of the data, rather than through traditional data management systems. These
characteristics can include size or amount of data, completeness of the data, correctness
of the data, possible relationships amongst data elements or files/tables in the data.
Data exploration is typically conducted using a combination of automated and manual
activities. Automated activities can include data profiling or data visualization or tabular
reports to give the analyst an initial view into the data and an understanding of key
Data exploration, or data discovery, is the bread and butter of business intelligence software.
These exploration tools help ensure users are bringing quality real-time data into their
analytics. The software then blends these various data sources. This ease of access to business
data allows a wide range of users to perform analyses and gain insights that were previously
difficult to acquire, even for data scientists. It is key to the success of these tools and analytics.

2 Define the following: (3)

. Data Science , Computer Vision, Data Acquisition
: Data Science is a domain of AI related to data systems and processes, in which the system
collects numerous data, maintains data sets and derives meaning/sense out of them.
Computer Vision, abbreviated as CV, is a domain of AI that depicts the capability of a
machine to get and analysis visual information and afterwards predict some decision about
it. The entire process involves images acquiring, screening , analyzing , identifying and
extracting information.
Data Acquisition that the data needs to be accurate and reliable as it ensures the efficiency
of your system. Like: collecting the photograph, acquire data in a visual form and base of your
security system.
2 Write in Brief History Artificial Intelligence ? ( any-6 year) (
5 2014: Amazon created Amazon Alexa, a home assistant that developed into smart speakers 3)
. that function as personal assistants
2015-2017: Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo, a computer program that plays the board game Go,
defeated various (human) champions
2016: A humanoid robot named Sophia is created by Hanson Robotics. She is known as the
first “robot citizen.” What distinguishes Sophia from previous humanoids is her likeness to an
actual human being, with her ability to see (image recognition), make facial expressions, and
communicate through AI.
2017: The Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research lab trained two “dialog agents” (chatbots)
to communicate with each other in order to learn how to negotiate
2018: Google developed BERT, the first “bidirectional, unsupervised language representation
that can be used on a variety of natural language tasks using transfer learning.Samsung
introduced Bixby, a virtual assistant. Bixby’s functions include Voice, where the user can speak
to and ask questions, recommendations, and suggestions; Vision,
Answer any 2 questions 5 marks each:

26. What is Artificial Neural Network? example with diagram (2+3)


Explain the different domains of Artificial Intelligence.

Ans: Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) can be described as layers of software units called
neurons (also called node), connected with different neurons in a layered manner. These
networks transform data from one neuron to another neuron until they can classify it as an
output. Neural network is again a technique to build a computer program that learns from

27. (2+3)
What are the various applications of Computer Vision Tasks ? explain

Case Study -:-
AI and robotics have raised some questions regarding liability. Take for example the scenario (1+2+2
of an ‘autonomous’ or AI-driven robot moving through a factory. Another robot surprisingly )
crosses its way and our robot draws aside to prevent collision. However, by this manoeuvre the
robot injures a person.
i. Who can be held liable for damages caused by autonomous systems? The manufacturer using
the robots, one or both or the robot manufacturers or one of the companies that programmed
the software of the robots?
ii. Explain the need for AI Ethics?
iii. List two AI Ethics for the above scenario
Ans27 Computer vision is the field of computer science that focuses on replicating parts of the complexity of the
human vision system and enabling computers to identify and process objects in images and videos in the same way
that humans do. Until recently, computer vision only worked in limited capacity.

Applications Of Computer Vision

● CV In Self-Driving Cars
● CV In Facial Recognition
● CV In Augmented Reality & Mixed Reality
● CV In Healthcare
Many popular computer vision applications involve trying to recognize things in photographs; for example:
● Object Classification: What broad category of object is in this photograph?
● Object Identification: Which type of a given object is in this photograph?
● Object Verification: Is the object in the photograph?
● Object Detection: Where are the objects in the photograph?
● Object Landmark Detection: What are the key points for the object in the photograph?
● Object Segmentation: What pixels belong to the object in the image?
● Object Recognition: What objects are in this photograph and where are they?

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