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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Symbolic Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:

1. Describe the symbolic frame

2. Apply the symbolic frame to your personal case situation

Troy Dulles

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The organization I picked is called Markham Contracting which is a construction company in

Phoenix Arizona. This company specialized in excavation and land management. They are
responsible for making pads and foundations for buildings and they also deal with water
management. This is an important part of the construction phase and it is what initiates all other
construction to begin. They are one of the biggest excavating companies in the state with a great
reputation and countless successful projects. My role in the organization is the project manager
of the excavation process of the new TSMC plant out in Anthem Arizona. My role is to oversee
and supervise the building of the pad for the new semiconductor plant being built. I have to
organize the contractors and the excavators in order to get the pad to its completion before
construction can begin.
2) Describe how the symbols of the organization influenced the situation.

The situation I mentioned wasn’t exactly influenced by symbolism or the company’s

image in any real way. The only way it was effected was by upholding the reputation of
the company and its logo. Markham prides itself on quality work and that is what they
are able to produce time and time again. The employees within the organization use the
logo and the company’s image as a driving force for success and accomplishment. The
situation is one that this organization deals with all the time and it is just the completion
of a project.

In this situation, multiple people and groups within Markham’s organization will have to
work on this project in order for it to be successful. Each and every member of the team

has to participate in order to uphold the company and what it stands for. Its image is one
of quality and that is why all team members have to contribute in order to be successful
in this situation. The organization is being subcontracted for this project and situation
and that makes them represent the overall project and the company. TSMC picked
Markham due to their reputation and bid which aided in the selection of them for the
construction and project.

3) Recommend how you would use organizational symbols for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

Organizational symbols are a powerful tool in order to uphold the company and its
image. Markham uses its logo and machines to put forward quality and craftsmanship. If
I was to change anything I would change the company’s logo and symbol in order to
enhance the work environment and promote hard work through the symbolism it could
provide. The company I currently work for uses an image of our owner operating a
backhoe as the company’s logo and this helps us recognize what our work stands for and
who it represents. This symbolism is a powerful one and it has the ability to uplift a

What could happen by Markham changing their logo is an uplifted crew making this
situation easily accomplishable due to the motivation it provides. Something like a logo
has the ability to enhance work and make people more accountable. The more someone
is able to associate themselves to a company through a logo the more likely they are to
put forward the effort needed in order to complete the project and situation. Something
as easy as changing the logo and getting the employees new gear makes them feel more
responsible for the quality of work the put forth and the overall success of the

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

If it was me, I personally wouldn’t do anything to change the symbolism of Markham

Construction or its logo due to the success they had and continue to have. They are an
industry leader in excavation and construction and that is attributed to employees being
loyal and committed to the organization. Changing the organizations logo is beneficial
when people aren’t committed to the organization and it helps to relight the fire that’s
within everyone within the company. This situation is something Markham deals with
constantly. They know how to manage crews and make it to where the project is
successful with communication and understanding.

Changing the organizations symbol is only needed if the company is having issues
completing their work which is caused by an underperforming staff. Markham does not
have this issue and that is why I think their is no need to change the logo and what it
symbolizes. If they changed the logo now with the success and recognition they have, it
could do more damage than good to the company’s image and reputation. The situation
just has to be mitigated through hard work and communication.

Reference or References

Menu. Markham Contracting Co Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved March 20, 2023, from http://
About TSMC - Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited. (n.d.). Retrieved
March 26, 2023, from

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