Chinese Terms

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Chapter 25, 26, 27

集合 - set
元素 - element
元素数量 - number of elements ( n )
1 ∈ A 读作 “1 属于 A” - 1 is an element of A
N 表示自然数集合 - N is a set of natural numbers (1, 2, 3, …)
W 表示完整数集合 - W is a set of whole numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, …)
Z 表示整数集合 - Z is a set of integers (没有分数,小数)
Q 表示有理数集合 - Q is a set of rational numbers (numbers that you can write as fractions)
R 表示实数集合 - R is a set of real numbers (all of set N, W, Z and Q)
因数 - factors (1, 2, 5 and 10 are the factors of 10)
倍数 - multiples (3, 6, 9, 12 are the multiples of 3)
质数 - prime numbers (2, 3, 5, 7, …)
合数 - composite numbers (opposite of prime numbers; 4, 6, 8, 9, …)
偶数 - even numbers (2, 4, 6, …)
奇数 - odd numbers (1, 3, 5, …)
负数 - negative numbers
正数 - positive numbers
空集 - empty set ( { } or ϕ )
等集 - equal set
有限集 - finite set
无限集 - infinite set
范恩图 - Venn diagram
子集 - subset ( ⊆ )
真子集 - proper subset ( ⊂ )
子集数量 - number of subsets ( 2 )
联集 - union ( ∪ )
交集 - intersect ( ∩ )
差集 - difference ( \ )
泛集 - universal set ( ξ )

Chapter 24
平行四边形 - parallelogram
菱形 - rhombus
风筝形 - kite
梯形 - trapezium
周长 - perimeter
面积 - area
等腰三角形 - isosceles triangle
等边三角形 - equilateral triangle
Chapter 31
相似三角形 - similar triangle
等高三角形 - same height triangle
已知 - given
公共角 - common angle
公共边 - common side
中点 - midpoint
两角对应相等 - 2 corr. ∠s are equal
三对应边成比例 - 3 corr. sides are proportional
两对应边成比例且夹角相等 - 2 corr. sides are proportional and included ∠s are equal
对项角 - vert. opp. ∠s
同位角相等 - corr. ∠s are equal
内错角相等 - alt. ∠s are equal

同旁内角互补 - int. ∠s are supplementary (180 )

直角 - right angle (90 )

平角 - straight angle (180 )

周角 - full circle/round angle (360 )
三角形的内角和 - ∠ sum of △
外角 = 内对角之和 - ext. ∠ = sum of int. opp. ∠s
平分线 - angle bisector

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