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1 authorize (v) authorization (n)

IB The Marketing Department was authorized to release information about their

latest product and the schedule before its launch.
% These files are marked confidential. To access them, you need to get authorization
from the senior manager of your division.

2 supplies (n) supply (v)

IB We usually store brooms, mops, and other office supplies in the storage room.
IB The oil supply has increased this year, so the price has tumbled significantly.
IN The lake which supplies the city with water has been contaminated.

3 access tn} (v/ (in)accessible (adj)

IN Each employee is issued a login name and password for the Internet; however,
visitors do not have access without authorization.
IB Remote places such as Antarctica and North Pole are still largely inaccessible for
most of the people in the winter.

4 capacity (n)

% The maximum capacity of the elevator is fifteen people.

5 compatible tadj/ compatibility (n)

IB Before you install the new system, it’s important to check if it’s compatible with
your current operating system.
IB For further questions concerning the compatibility of the system, please call our
Technical Support.

b replacement (n) replace (v)

@ Because of Zach's resignation, we need to find a replacement as soon as pOS5ible

to cover his work.
% According to the manual, you need to replace the water filter every three
months to achieve the best results.

7 accommodate (v) accommodations (n)

IB According to the news report, the newly built stadium can accommodate up to
thirty thousand people.
IB Who is going to arrange the accommodations for our trip to San Diego?

8 conference (n)

IB The deadline for registering for the annual conference in Denver is August 15.

9 attend (v) attendance (n) attendee (n)

IB The meeting last week was well attended. Approximately 50 people showed up.
IB The attendance for our 8 a.m. class tends to be low, so we need to come up with
a way to encourage our students to attend.
IB Please circulate this form and have attendees sign up for one hour of volunteer

1 0 premises (n)

% Smoking is not allowed on the company’s premises. If you violate this rule, you’ll
be issued a warning.

1 1 device (n)

% The innovative tracking device just got a patent and the inventor is currently
working with a company to mass-produce it.

12 assemble (v) assembly (n)

% Read the user’s manual before you attempt to assemble the components by

% The company has tried hard to increase productivity at their assembly plant.

IB The principal has called an assembly for all students to announce the important
changes in the upcoming academic year.

13 distribute (v) distributor (n) distribution (n)

IB We’re going to distribute the handouts about our recycling program.

IB During the trade show, all of the distributors and manufacturers usually show up
with their latest products.
IS The manager has proposed some plans to reduce costs related to distribution.

1 4 recurring (adj/

IB Employee tardiness is a recurring issue in our company. To improve the situation,

we should ask every employee to clock in every day.

15 affordable (adj/ afford (v)

IB Housing around the office is not really affordable so most workers choose to live
farther from the city and commute to work.
IB We can’t afford to lose this business deal. There’s too much at stake.

*r•a«»c›inra•Ab°›e1r•sitiâ •
O Motch the words with their synonyms or definitions.

1 accommodate ’a ! go to, turn up at

2 conference % well-matched

3 premises gather; put together

4 attend d’ approve, consent to

5 assemble substitute, change

authorize property, building

7 compatible meeting, convention

8 replace ‘h hold, have room for

O Use the Íollowing words to complete ”Meeting Room Policy.”
distributor accommodate
conference recurring
capacity compatible
replace supplies
install allowed projector authorization

Meeting Roo Policy

!• This conference room can (1) up to 15 people. If your team or

department would like to reserve the room, please send Ms. Chen your request by
email. Reservations are made on a first come, first served basis.

'.• Markers and other (2) are available in the cabinet located in the
corner of the room. Be sure to put everything back at the end of the meeting.

\• You are free to use the computer, the (3) , and the printer in
the room. If you have any problems with the equipment, please contact Mr.
Martinez. Please do not (4) any software without (5)
since the program you install might not be (ó) with our current


*Note: There have been (7) problems with the printer in our

(8) room, especially with paper jams. The model we have is

dated, so it simply doesn’t have the (9) to handIe the increasing

amount of printing and copying. We have decided to (10) the

machine with the latest model from the (11) . If you have a large

amount of printing, please use the other machine next to the employee break room.

• All equipment should be turned off, chairs must be returned to the previous
locations, and the room should be cleaned up at the end of the meeting.

• Smoking is not (12) in this room.

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