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The issue of limited access to education for children in rural areas of developing countries is

a huge concern. In my opinion, both providing more schools and teachers as well as
providing computers and Internet access can help to solve this issue.

Firstly, building more schools and hiring more teachers in rural communities is crucial as
they provide children with access to quality education. This approach is particularly
beneficial to young learners who require a supportive learning environment to develop
academically and socially. Moreover, the provision of more schools and teachers encourages
community involvement in education, leading to greater investment in creating a more
inclusive educational system. With more schools and teachers, children from rural
communities can receive an education that reflects their needs and culture, providing them
with the opportunity to contribute to their community.

However, providing computers and internet access is also necessary. It is essential to note
that computer literacy is becoming increasingly required in today's world, and rural children
should be equipped with these skills to increase their chances of finding employment when
they grow up. Additionally, internet access provides these young students with access to vast
educational resources, supporting their learning both in and out of school.Secondly,
providing computers and Internet access can be advantageous for children as it can give
access to a vast range of information and educational resources that may be unavailable to
them otherwise. In addition, it can improve digital literacy which is a critical skill that can
help students to gain new perspectives and job opportunities in the future.

In conclusion, both approaches have their merits, and a combination of the two would likely
yield the best results. Building more schools and hiring more teachers could address the
immediate issue of a lack of physical infrastructure, while providing computers and internet
access would enable students to access a broader range of educational resources and promote
individualized learning.

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