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The law of the Lord is perfect

Scriptures for Singing

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E Fm B E

1. The law of the Lord is per fect, Con vert ing the soul; The tes ti mo ny of the

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5 Fm B E

Lord is sure, Mak ing wise the sim ple.
7 7
E’ A’ B’ Gm



(C) More to be de sired are they than gold. Yea, than much fine

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Cm Fm B E A /E E


gold: Sweet er al so than hon ey And the hon ey comb.

2. The statues of the Lord are right,

Rejoicing the heart:
The commandment of the Lord is pure,
Enlightening the eyes.

3. The fear of the Lord is clean,

Enduring forever;
The judgments of the Lord are true
And righteous altogether.

4. Let the words of my mouth

And the meditation of my heart,
Be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord,
My strength, and my redeemer.

Moreover by them is Thy servant warned:

Is Thy servant warned:
And in keeping of them there is
Great reward.

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