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Running head: NO SMOKING 1

No Smoking

Student Name

Course Name

Professor Name

July 2, 2020

No Smoking

Yes, I agree with this referendum. Nowadays, several nations have laws banning

public smoking, but often concerns non-smokers. This is harmful to their health and can

cause lung cancer. However, the statute still tends to cover only one hand and public areas

(which will also be open to all) only meet the wishes of non-smokers, harmful nicotine

triggers, and committed smokers cannot go a long period without burning cigarettes that

therefore make public areas and several other facilities unacceptable. Because of the harmful

character of second-hand smoke, just as smoking does. I think that public smoking should be

prohibited because it does not only damage the health of smokers but also the health of

people around them. Smoking is a fairly selfish thing to do in public spaces and particularly

in areas with many people (White, 2008). 

Similarly, smoking is promoted or gave up through a prohibition. This would no

doubt, be a social practice if smoking were prohibited in public areas. Smokers should then

kick their mates in to put back. If it's cold or wet, that will be particularly inconvenient. One-

third of Scottish cigarettes claimed that the prohibition tended to reduce them. If smoking

became less common, less would continue to smoke. Governments in certain nations

compensate for any or half of the burden of smoking-related diseases. Therefore, states would

be able to prohibit smoke (Committee & Barron, 2005). Defending people's safety is more

relevant than protecting businesses. Pubs and clubs can respond to selling food, for instance,

by trying to obtain more. Just 9 percent of restaurants registered a drop in trade after a

moratorium was imposed in New South Wales (Australia).



Committee, G. B., & Barron, K. (2005). Smoking in public places: First report of session

2005-06, volume 3. The Stationery Office.

White, J. E. (2008). Contemporary moral problems. Cengage Learning.

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