Bulletin Boards

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Bulletin Boards

Skills #1

For this skill, I used two of my most recent bulletin boards I created for my residents as a

Resident Assistant (RA). There is a curriculum we use in Residence Life for all programs and bulletin

boards we create. The learning goals are self-discovery & wellness, community responsibility, global

citizenship, and academic & career engagement. Each semester we also come up with themes for our

floors. For this Spring, 2023, my co-RA and I chose “around the world.” All of our bulletin boards

correspond to the theme.

The Valentine’s Day board was really fun to make. I wanted to create a board that is

informational, on theme, and gives an insight on how other countries and continents celebrate Valentine’s

Day to satisfy the learning goal of global citizenship. I placed a picture of a globe to pinpoint all of the

information to the corresponding countries. The countries I chose were Japan, the United States of

America, Spain, Italy, Australia, France, Bangladesh, Brazil, Switzerland, and South Africa. Since there

are people living in Antarctica, I decided to include it on the board. I intentionally chose Spain and

Bangladesh because there are two residents on my floor that are from those countries. The hope was for

residents to look at the board to learn more about cultures and traditions in other countries.

For our April bulletin board, we agreed to create a board that is interactive and can be counted as

a passive program. This board is about traveling. Residents were asked where they would like to visit.

This was an open ended question, so any answer is acceptable. Some of the answers were the beach,

Hawaii, Tokyo, Switzerland, and Greece. Some of the residents put their name next to their answers,

while others did not. Those who put their names, it helped us to learn more about them and their


Doing these bulletin boards gives me some practice for what I would like to include in my

classroom as well as coming up with activities to do with my students. Just like how it helped me to get to

know my residents better, this will also apply to my students. Getting to know students is so important to

create a positive, safe environment and good rapport. Eventually, it helps to create a similar relationship

with their families, creating a sold bridge between school and home.

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