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FOR WORKS IN HIGH- Symptoms and signs

ALTITUDE AREAS.  The most common signs and symptoms of
Many exploration projects and mining operations altitude sickness include:
in South America are located at elevations of over  Headache
3000 masl; although the oxygen content of the  Fast pulse rate
atmosphere at these high altitudes is 21%, the  Pale color of the skin and mucous membranes
atmospheric pressure decreases which imposes a  Increased breathing rate
diffusion limitation of oxygen from the air to the  Dizziness and periodic stupor
lungs and blood; as a result, there is a depletion  Insomnia
of the oxygen levels available to support the
different metabolic functions; this affects the
normal functioning of the heart, brain, muscle
tissue and other organs, leading to altitude or
mountain sickness; the severity of the symptoms
may vary according to altitude and other factors.
The symptoms are often triggered by a fast rate of
ascent at altitudes exceeding 3000 masl, especially if
people sleep at these high altitudes. Usually, symptoms
disappear two or three days after the person has
become acclimated to that specific altitude; however,
sometimes the symptoms can persist and it can be
necessary to descend towards sea level.
Anyone can get altitude sickness including those
who are physically fit, young and healthy; factors
Preventive measures
such as weight or age do not correlate with a
All employees and visitors working in or visiting
higher susceptibility to develop this disorder.
high altitude areas must undergo a high altitude
Although the symptoms can manifest themselves
test or medical examination. Chronic or
immediately, moderate to severe symptoms can
preexisting medical conditions can get worse at
manifest themselves one or two days after being
high altitudes. Anyone suffering from any heart or
exposed to high altitude conditions; in either case,
pulmonary disorder and/or hypertension should
descending towards sea level is the best way to
be required to obtain a medical authorization
ensure a total recovery.
before they travel to high altitude areas.
Gradual ascent is advisable. If possible, try to
spend one full night at an intermediate altitude to
become acclimated.
Preventive measures to alleviate the
symptoms associated with altitude sickness:
 Make sure to get a good night’s sleep the night
before the ascent ,
 Eat light meals (no fatty meals),
 Avoid strenuous activities,
 Avoid alcohol, sleeping pills and stimulants,
 Avoid smoking,
The severity of this disorder may vary from mild to  Eat a high carbohydrate diet (more than 70% of
severe and symptoms can include nausea or your calories from carbohydrates),
 Drink more water tan usual
vomiting and extreme weakness.
Severe instances of this disorder are not very
Altitude sickness can affect mental functions and
usual but they can lead to the condition known as
also the capacity to reason logically; thus, try to
pulmonary or cerebral edema characterized by
avoid complicated tasks or taking decisions until
fluid build-up in both the lungs and the brain that
your acclimation has been completed.
can be fatal if not treated quickly. Symptoms
While being at a high altitude you should wear
include persistent dry cough, stupor and
thermal clothing, hat/balaclava, lenses with
hallucinations. Rest has been shown to alleviate
maximum UV protection, sunscreen and thermal
the symptoms of altitude sickness but descending
towards sea level is the single major factor that
helps with moderate to severe altitude sickness.

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