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Ejercicios de artículos en inglés

1) Ahora toca poner en práctica lo aprendido: rellena el hueco con el artículo que
corresponde: a, an, the o ninguno (x):
1. – I would like _________  chocolate muffin, please
2. – We will spend _______ month in London
3. – We need a website made for ______ smartphones
4. – ________ girl is cleaning the shop
5. – ________ dolphins are very intelligent
6. – I love the place you live, it’s _____ nice house
7. – Could you please close _____ door?
8. – I think studying is ______ best thing you can do
9. – See you ____ next Sunday!
10. – We will spend more than ______ hour there 
2) Escoge la opción adecuada en cada caso
1. – I’m in (X/A) hurry
2. – Do you think (the/X) health is important?
3. – What (a/an) interesting article you are reading.
4. – John doesn’t want go to (the/ x) bed.
5. – This is (the/x) Sandra’s house

3) Rellena los vacíos con el artículo correcto o con ninguno:

A) I want to taste _________  cake
B) We will travel during _______ month in Argentina
C)  I play  ______ football on _____ saturdays
D) ________ girl is playing music in _____ street
E) ________ dolphins are very intelligent
F) We will spend more than ______ hour there
G) ______ Italian is _____language spoken in _____Italy
H) It’s raining, I need ______ umbrella
4) Escoge la respuesta correcta
A) Why are you in such (ninguno/ a) hurry?
B) (The/ninguno) health is more important than money?
C) What (a/an) interesting exposition in (the/ninguno) Louvre !
D) Take these pills three times (the/a) day.
E)  I have never known such   (a/an)   hot winter!
F) My brother is studying in (a/an) university
G) Da Vinci was (a/an) artist
H) My mother is (a/an) teacher.

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