Cultural Diversity Assignment Edug 524 Sophia Trejo

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Cultural Diversity Assignment

Sophia Trejo

Vanguard Universtiy: Department of Education

EDUG 524: Foundations in Teaching

Professor Hittenburger

26 September 2022
Trejo 2

The recent field trips that we’ve taken and the lesson activities we did with Dr. Chavez

recently have been super eye-opening to different cultures, resources, and strategies we can use

as educators in our future classrooms. The trip we took to the Family Resource Center in

Westminster and learning more about the Mendez v. Westminster hit home to me the most. Not

only did I feel a connection to the trial being of Mexican decent myself, but I grew up going to

schools in Westminster. On my way to the Resource Center, I passed by my high school, middle

school, and elementary school; I grew up learning about the trial and to think that I was so close

to where it all happened and now walking along where Sylvia Mendez walked was really

amazing to experience. If I ever get to teach at one of my old schools in Westminster, I would

love to take my future English class down the street to the Freedom Trial Routes and to the

Mendez Tribute Monument Park. I think it’s important that students can learn about the history

of the schools, what the Mendez family did for Mexican Americans to mix in with White

schools, etc. Hopefully it can spark a light in a student like it did for me when I first learned

about the trial in school.

Being able to go to San Juan Capistrano and to learn from the Acjachmen educators was

also a great experience to be able to be exposed to cultural humility. I learned so much about

their culture, their history, and how they continue to represent their culture/connect with their

community to this day. As educators, I think it’s important to be aware of the fact that everyone

comes with a different background, culture and its history. To be able to be culturally aware and

respectful of those cultures is something we have to keep in mind as teachers. With that, it’s

important that we also teach students how to be respectful of others in that sense; in the end we

aren’t teaching numbers on a roster but people who will go out into the world to be good


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