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• LINE. Path of moving point, or points in a series. • VALUE.

Created by
the application of lights, shades andshadows.

• TEXTURE. Touch of hardness and softness in the surfaceof thepainting

• HORIZONTAL LINE. Means peace and rest, and creates
theillusionofnarrowness and tallness
• SHADE. Dark area in the surface of the object that cannot be
reached by

• SHADOW. Dark area cast on a receiving surface due


toanopaque • CHIAROSCURO.
object that block the passage of light.

Technique for applying values in painting. Thewordis

from Italian that means

• SFUMATO. Smoky effect in painting that creates blurry

light and dark.

conveys a sense of mystery

• HUE. Distinguishes one color from the others, refers tothe

traditional color
• VALUE. Light and dark
name. Primary hues are red, yellowandblue.
properties of color. Adding whiteis calledtint;itmakes color lighter. Adding

black is called shade; it makes colordarker.There are same hues with

different shades, like red withmaroon •

which is darker than scarlet.
SATURATION. Concerned with intensity or the brightness anddullness of

color. Intensity ranges from black which is thedullestandyellow which is the

brightest. Dull colors tend to advance, while

bright colors tend to recede.
• Egyptian believed on the afterlife.
• Pyramids were built as tombs for the pharaohs. • There are
approximately 100 pyramids in Egypt.

• Hieroglyphics appear on tomb and temple walls, statues,
papyrus(paper) and even jewelry.
• Hieroglyphic writing is one of the most beautiful systems of writingever
• Hieroglyphic writing was inscribed with three different
textsGreek,Demotic, Hieratic on stone called “Rosetta”.
• The afterlife of the pharaoh is an important theme inancient Egyptianart.
• The pharaoh was believed to be the leader of the Egyptian.
• The massive size and the head of Pharaoh on the body of alionwasintended
to demonstrate the power of the pharaoh.
• The Parthenon
• Geometric Krater Vase
• Nike of Samothrace
• The Greek desire for perfection is reflected in the art andarchitecture.•
The Greeks sculptures represented the perfection of thehumanform.
• The Greeks vase paintings told stories about gods
andheroesofGreek myths.
• The Colosseum
• The Arch of Titus
• The Pantheon

• Roman architecture and sculpture often promoted a political agenda. • Art in

Ancient Rome took on a wider, and sometimes more utilitarianpurpose.• Romans
often borrowed and copied from Greek precedents.
• The invention of concrete is the contribution of Romans to art andconsideredas
further differentiate Roman’s art from that of the Greeks.
• The word Buddha is a title for the first awakened being in an era. • Buddha was a
spiritual teacher from the Indian subcontinent. • Buddha is considered an
extraordinary being but not god.

• Ukiyo-e images and texts frequently referred to themes fromclassical, literary,
andhistorical sources
• Ukiyo-e is an art closely connected with the pleasures of theatres, restaurants,
• Many ukiyo-e were posters, advertising theatre performances, or portraits of popularactors
and beautiful teahouse girls.

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