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American Literature

Q1. How Realism is different from Romanticism in its plot, subjects, settings and characters?

Q2. (a) Is element of helplessness more in Realism or in Naturalism and why?

(b) Describe different elements of Naturalism?

Q3. Discuss how Realism was initiated? Explain how Realism was effected by photography &
any other factors.

Q4. Discuss Realism in Mark Twain’s novel, ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’.

Q5. How does a writer brings an element of regionalism in his writing? Name any two
writers of Realism or Regionalism.

Q1. Why do you think Beowulf was an epic poem?

Q2. What do you know of Anglo-Saxons? Describe at length.
Q3. Why was ‘Fame’ and ‘Revenge’ important themes of Beowulf? Or discuss any four.
Q4. Write the character of Beowulf?
Q5. What do you know of Old English and how it developed?

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