I Would Like To Thank Our Headmistress

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Repetition in Reading

Repetition in reading is considered as a powerful tool for

creating a language rich environment. Let us focus on
few points related to repetition in reading.
Repetition supports brain development. The more often
the information is repeated the more likely it is to be
Children enjoy repeating favourite stories and poems.
Repetitive reading reinforces memory skills, sequencing
skills and increases vocabulary.
Repeating stories and rhymes allow children to memorize
familiar words and phrases.
Memorized or repetitive reading allows children to
become involved in the process of reading which lays the
ground work for phonetic awareness and the actual
reading of words represented in print.
Repetition in reading helps to build confidence. Thus,
Repetition helps in fluency which refers to several
features such as accuracy in reading, speed in reading
and smoothness in reading.
Repetition is the mother of learning, father of action
which makes it architect of accomplishment. Let me give
you’re an example here:
When your child learns to ride a bicycle, it was all about
practice and more practice until you increase your speed,
confidence and became skilled.
Balance: Repetition with variety of books
Reading variety of books helps to keep your mind healthy
and active.
It helps you to learn new things.
It helps in building vocabulary.
Helps to improve your memory.
Boosts confidence and self-esteem.
Improves focus and concentration.
Stimulates the mind
Strengthens analytical thinking skills.

It is important to read variety of books not only for

enjoyment and pleasure but also to broaden your mind
when your are exposed to new ideas, cultures and

Restrict Screen time

"Screen time" is a term used for activities done in front of

a screen, such as watching TV, working on a computer,
or playing video games. Screen time is sedentary activity,
meaning you are being physically inactive while sitting
down. Very little energy is used during screen time.
Excessive screen time is harmful for kids. Spending too
much time on screen has been linked to
Inadequate sleep
Poor grades
Mental health issues
Aggressive behaviour
Risk of obesity

Spending less time on screen has been linked to

Improved sleep
Better grades
improved social behaviour
reduced aggression
improves your physical health

Less screen means a healthier mind and body for kids.

Therefore, my dear parents set expectations with your

kids and set goals to be intentional about reducing
screen time.
For example, be engaged with your kids after school or
work, spend time each day talking face to face with kids
and give them your full attention.
Create phone free zones in the home.
While have a family meal avoid watching TV or using a
mobile phone.
One of the best ways to reduce the screen time is to
develop the reading habit in your child. Once your child
gets used to reading habit, it will help immensely in her
academics as well and it will go a long way for her overall

As we have discussed today’s topic in length, I hope by

now, some of the parents might have raised their issues
or queries in the chat box. So we will be taking these
questions one by one,

Vote of thanks
I would like to thank our Principal, Sr. Stella,
Headmistress, Sr. Nesam, for giving us this opportunity
to conduct this session and for inspiring & encouraging
us with their words.
I would also like to thank my co-teachers, Mrs. Ketika
Sawhney and Mrs. Mitu Gupta, for working hard to make
this webinar successful.
I would like to express my gratitude to all parents for
their presence & contribution to make this webinar a
great success.

We hope that this session was informative and the

parents would benefit from it.

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